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A: CheckBox Issues: item selection & SQLite Database - ANDROID

fasheikhHere is one with Planet names as an example, just change the Strings to the contact names: public class PlanetsActivity extends Activity { static ArrayList<String> FavList = new ArrayList<String>(); private ListView mainListView ; private Planet[] planets ; private ArrayAdapte...

Hi, thanks for your answer. I'll try to understand your codes and test it out on my app. =)
hi, no worries, please let me know if you can't get it to work :)
Sure, I'll let you know, thanks :)
hi again, in your codes your String array where you list out planets, did you hardcode your String array? because, in my app, my string array String[] buddiesListwhere I list out the names, is for Toast message but I commented it out. The names in the String array are not from the Android built-in contacts list. and I'm not sure if i need to code my String array or not.
So what format are your contacts in?
what do you mean by format?
are your contacts in a list?
well, yes. The android phone's contacts are in the list. whenever an user adds a contact name in the phone, it goes into my ListView.
hiya, you need to add the list into a String
String[] arrContacts = contactsList.toArray(new String[0]);
then pass that to your list adapter
oohh i see. do i need to type that code where you type your planets String array(which you listed out the planets)?
err hold on
i'll check :)
where the planets are hardcoded
add it in there :)
ahh ok, thanks again
no worries :)
please accept my answer if it works :)
any luck?
i'm trying to figure out the errors in my codes. i'll let you know if it works or not..
ok thanks :)
which errors are there?
i may be able to shed some light!
in @Override
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position,
long id), I've the toggleChecked(), getChecked() and isChecked() error. It says that The method toggleChecked() is undefined for the type ContactsList it same goes for isChecked() and getChecked(). I should post my updated codes in my question
Have you got a custom class?
/** Holds planet data. */
private static class Planet {
private String name = "" ;
private boolean checked = false ;
public Planet( String name ) { = name ;
public String getName() {
return name;
public boolean isChecked() {
return checked;
public void setChecked(boolean checked) {
this.checked = checked;
public String toString() {
return name ;
public void toggleChecked() {
checked = !checked ;
Add that and modify to contacts
I've already added that
then change the type of String[] arrContacts = contactsList.toArray(new String[0]);
and I've the custom class
to Contact[] arrContacts = contactsList.toArray(new Contact[0]);
private static class ContactsCustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<ContactsList>
private LayoutInflater inflater;

public ContactsCustomAdapter(Context context, List<ContactsList> friendsList)
super(context, R.layout.contacts_list,,, friendsList);
inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
ContactsList friends = (ContactsList) this.getItem(position);

CheckBox nameCheck;
TextView contactName;
uh..i've errors in that codes too.. =(. i got to go soon, I shall let you know of my progress next week
add the above code
it should be fine then :)
yes please do update me
thanks alot =)
no worries
i've posted my updated codes, i've got to go, i'll update you =)

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