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Q: Adjust content on by default Opened Navigation Drawer

User42590I have two drawer on left and on right. Now right drawer is in lock-closed state, but left drawer can be open and close. On opening drawer I am pushing the middle content using drawer offset. Now I also want right drawer (which is opened by default) should move/adjust the content also but I am un...

Actually I doing that due to my requirement and the requirement is that the left drawer should push/adjust the content form left and right side both.
I'm not clear on what you want to happen, here. Are you saying when both drawers are open, the content should shrink, or be squeezed?
yes content should shrink/adjust from both sides on drawers opening and then adjust to its previous state on drawers closing
In the vertical direction, as well? I mean, like the whole content gets scaled down?
No from left and from right side
Sorry, I'm still not quite clear. Will both drawers ever be open at the same time? Or do you mean you're just trying to get this to work on both sides, one at a time?
So, you just need the slide effect, from both sides? No scaling, or anything.
I have drawers on left side and right side and in the middle I have content . Now my right drawer is opened by default by setting it lock-closed now first I want my middle content should also get resized/scale-down/shrink from right side when right drawer is by default open

Second I want my middle content should get resized/scale-down/shrink when left drawer is open and get to its previous state when left drawer get closed
OK, but you really just mean the horizontal slide, yeah? You don't want the content to get smaller, do you?
like this
So, both drawers can be open simultaneously?
Gotcha. Gimme a minute. I have something already very similar to this in one of my projects.
Are you there?
It's gonna take me a little bit to modify this to exactly what you need.
Then I gotta test it.
OK, I'm gettin' there. Accounting for both drawers open simultaneously is a little harder than I expected. I'll get it, though.
OK! I think I got it. Test this out, so I know if we were actually both talking about the same thing.

mDrawerLayout.addDrawerListener(new DrawerLayout.DrawerListener() {
private float leftInset, rightInset;

public void onDrawerSlide(View drawerView, float slideOffset) {
final int gravity = getDrawerAbsoluteGravity(drawerView);
final boolean isLeftDrawer = (gravity & Gravity.LEFT) == Gravity.LEFT;

if (isLeftDrawer) {
leftInset = slideOffset * leftMenu.getWidth();
else {
rightInset = slideOffset * rightMenu.getWidth();
I can simplify that a bit, still,, since you're using an inner class. You won't need the getDrawerAbsoluteGravity() method. We can just do if (drawerView == leftMenu).
Also, I scaled the main_screen there, as you can see, but if that's not what you meant, I can change it to just make it thinner, without distorting the contents.
Ok I got the idea thanks you can post it as answer to my question so I can vote it .
One thing more now I am getting another thing if I click on content area the navigation drawer gets closed how can I prevent it any idea?
Yeah, lemme look at DrawerLayout's source code real quick. I don't quite recall how that's done, off the top of my head.
thankyou very much please upload your answer :)
Oh, did you find an example? Cool.
Here's a couple more on-site, if you'd wanna have a look:,
I'll get an answer together here shortly. I've got to take a call first. Glad it's working for ya. Cheers!

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