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A: Stuck with Promise Pending

Faizuddin Mohammedvar db = require('./db') var user_info = db.getUser("tom"); console.log(user_info); user_info.then(user => { const username = user.username; console.log(username); }); Promises execute. But, you get access to the result on after a .then.

Brilliant thanks, if there is a field in user called username, is there a way of getting that string out of the user_info and assigning it to something else, something like var username = user_info.then(user => { return user.username; }); ?
Yeah. You can totally do that. But like this: user_info.then(user => { var username = user.username; console.log(username); });
No I mean if you wanted to use username outside of the user_info.then() function, so before user_info.then() do var username; then after the user_info.then() use username in something else?
Not possible with Promises. JS is async, so, you'll need to know when the db.getUser operation completed. And only then can you use the results. So, .then acts like the place where you can be sure that the user variable is available.
You might also want to look into await async but I would strongly suggest to get thorough with promises before you go there.
I'm trying to create a webapp that queries a database then formats information from the database to display on a webpage and do analysis on the data, is this possible with promises or would the await async version be more suitable?
async await is just syntax sugar over promises. So, possible with both. But, go ahead with Promises so can use async await later.
So you would do something like:
Thanks for all the help! I'm just confused about how I can create a webpage based on the information in the database if I can't get the information out of the Promise. If I was generating a webpage and imported the database code as db, I was imagining using something like <p>db.getUsername()</p>.

But if i can't return anything from the Promise only print and assign variables within the .then(), then I can't see how I can generate the webpage?
user_info.then(user => {
// do your formatting and everything here
You generate it inside the then callback.
I also was superbly concerned about this in the beginning. Thought this was just wrong. But now it just feels natural.
Is the callback in this example the sort of lambda user => {...}?
Are you using any framework - like Express?
Ok great, I'm not working on the front end yet, front end is in React/Redux
Oh. Cool. Then you just need to send the response as a JSON and handle rendering on the React side.
Brilliant thanks for all the help!!

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