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10:27 AM
@BhargavRao I would get rid of the synonym for [apache-axis] so that you can tag those 60 questions with
that is basically what the current down voted answer says
no wait
I guess they down voted that answer because what it offers can' t be done. It still is the most sensible idea
It asks to make [apache-axis] the main tag
That is not correct, no
nvm, you were right
10:30 AM
If you remove the synonym between axis and apache-axis you solved one blocking issue
Would it not be better to remove / break the alias? — oɔɯǝɹ Jul 4 '15 at 11:23
then those that care can clean-up axis to retag to apache-axis again where needed
let me run a SEDE query, hold on
I'll be doing this tomorrow, so take your time.
10:42 AM
@BhargavRao 15 questions that had the apache-axis tag. I just stumbled on so we might consider renaming that one as well?
Uh.. the mystery deepens ...
yeah, that is due to people not being able to use a valid tag. We can't solve the mess over night, we can only offer the community the ability to resolve the mess themselves
at worst you would be looking at retagging 75 questions after you broke the synonym chain
the 60 from my earlier search and those 15 question that had the tag before it became a synonym
Probably time for an answer?
sure, you want me to add that?
Yep. That'd be perfect
11:34 AM
A: What direction to go with the [axis] tag?

reneAfter some consultation in chat I propose the following: break the synonym between axis and apache-axis retag 60 questions to apache-axis revisit 15 questions that once had the tag apache-axis let the community clean-up/retag 250 questions that seems to be about apache axis. let the community c...

Graag gedaan
10 hours later…

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