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Potentially 'easy' implementation for BurniDator: github.com/SOBotics/Nursery/issues/8#issuecomment-407284783 - It'll be fairly easy to get up and running, but will be pretty basic. Any thoughts?
9 hours later…
@BhargavRao well ideally we get a CM in here sooner rather than later...
I hate our corporate blocklist
github works fine and then randomly it won't load
@Rob I like the idea of Higgs doing that
though the google spreadsheet we are working on has a ton more information than that manual entry shows
I'm not sure how much of the data Bhargav would want/need from the sheet
1 hour later…
@TylerH there are new CMs now, so perhaps Shog would become a bit free.
@Rob I liked it, one additional thing is that, the spreadsheet holds data about those tagged [burninate-request], [retag-request] and [synonym-request]. That's one thing which we need to differentiate. Would it be possible to add post tags in the empty area on the right side next to the "Posted 96 days ago | Reported 7 days ago"?
@TylerH Apart from tags (which I mention above), what other information does the sheet additionally contain? (Looks like the number of questions is already covered in a different tab there?)
Ah, the views, votes and whether closed or not. Perhaps, Rob can put that on that other tab.
1 hour later…
@BhargavRao oh, nice
3 hours later…
I'll try to get the holes in burnination meta post ready this week...
Another tag - only 115 questions - can likely be entirely retagged/synonymized to

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