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A: Enable/Disable UIButton based length text of UITextField

Nirav Kotechafirst you need to check that textfield == self.passwordTextField or any other textfield contain or not then you apply your condition. -(BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string { if (string==nil || [string isEqu...

you have checked < 6, < 2 and > 6, > 2 condition. what about == 6 ? change according to your requirements
if I use == 6 all the characters after 6 disable the button ... I need 6 characters to enable the button even if I'm 7 or 8
I keep having problems when I delete the characters ... it seems I do not respect <6 ... the button is disabled only if it reaches 3 characters ... I do not understand why
@ReinierMelian Hi and thanks for your support .. could you give a little example of your suggestion to understand better?
@kAiN edited the answer
@NiravKotecha Thanks .. I try
I try but not work ... maybe I wrong
@kAiN you want like password have greater than 6 length, name have greater than 2 length and email have greater than 2 length. - if these 3 condition fulfill then button is enabled otherwise not... right ?
@NiravKotecha exact .. I have expanded my question in the comments under my question
@kAiN edited the answer. check with that
@NiravKotecha No .. it does not seem to work .. in the passoword field when I arrive at 6 characters the button is enabled but if I delete a character in the passoword field (then back to 5 characters) the button is not disabled
write else condition at the end and write [self.stepCompleted setEnabled:NO]; into that
thanks for your support
I try a new else but not work
my tableView controller is created only code without storyboard... do you want I send the code?? maybe you can try and see if it works for you

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