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A: nodejs with express make internal route call

Faizuddin MohammedYou can use supertest and make calls to your own API. const app = require('./server.js'); const request = require('supertest'); request(app) .get('/api/v1') .expect(200) .end(function(err, res) { if (err) throw err; else console.log(res); }); Ref:

A thing whole night thinking about was using 'request'. Like making an http request to my internal api. But can't I just export it as function from my /api/v1. The question is why it never get invoked in my case.
Show where you tried the request.
In server.js part -> //get or post message to webapi /api/v1 path ws.on('message', function incoming(data) { //this route seems never been called app.get('api/v1', function (res) { res.send('hello'); }); console.log('Socket message: ' + data); });
You should not generally call the route from within express. Correct way would be to make Data.find(function (err, data){}) a separate function and use that instead.
It's also a good practice to have all the data accessing methods in a separate file.
thank you I like this approach. Just tried GET from postman and it works. When hitting the socket message. the server.js complains it is not a function. Am I importing it correctly. Error message server.js:97 findData(function () { ^ TypeError: findData is not a function
Did you properly export it? You have to make sure the exports.findData is a function in the routes.js
The location structure is like: routes(folder) -> api.js where I have this function and other routes.
Hi Faizudding thank you for you time
Okay, You are requiring the routes right?'
I'm feeling brain dead with this issue
In server.js?
in server.js where I have socket listener
const routes = require('./routes.js');
You just have to do:
my routes are in api.js
const findData = routes.findData;
let me try with that approach
Yeah.. then, const router = require('./api.js');
You understood the concept right?
yeah that was the exactly concept I was reading yesterday
but couldn't understand
Okay now you do?
Thank you alot for your help brother
I will continue from here
Take care!
you still here brother ?
Did it work?
2 hours later…
no still gives like function not defnied
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
const mogoose = require('mongoose');
const Data = require('../models/dbModel');

var data_controller = require('../controllers/routecontroller');

//module.exports = function (app)
// router.get('/yellow', data_controller.data_list);

router.get('/v3/', function (req, res, next) {
exports.findData(function (results) {

exports.findData = function (callback) {
Data.find(function (err, data) {
if (err) return next(err);
module.exports = router ;
this is api.js
and from my server.js
var findData = require('./routes/api').findData;
var testfoo = require('./routes/api');
var test1 = require('./controllers/routecontroller');

ws.on('message', function incoming(data) {
//findData.findData(function () {
// console.log('Socket message: ' + data);

console.log(typeof testfoo.foodo);
console.log(typeof findData);
console.log(typeof test1.data_list);
Okay why don't we make a seperate file just for the findData function?
It's generally a good practice to have a seperate DAL file. DAL standing for Data Access Layer.

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