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A: X/Y/Z to Latitude/Longitude for Google Maps

Amandeep Jiddewarlat = asin(z / R) //Latitude lon = atan2(y, x) //Longitube Where R is the approx radius of earth. Here's link to really simple & clear explaination of it.

What measurement would the radius of the earth be in? I used '6372797.560856' which is meters but it returns NAN for the value. X: -8.85107925999806E+16 Y:4.23694439668789E+16 Z: -4.45135253464797E+160.9
@BrandonSmith unit of X,Y,Z & R should be same.(i.e Km or m Doesn't matter).
@BrandonSmith try R=6372797E-6 meters.
Z = -5.05854617976782E+16 / 6372797E-6 = asin(-7.9377174257517E+15) = PHP NAN (Not a Number)
@BrandonSmith Ex: 10 to the power 100 = 10^100 = 1E100. are you getting what I am trying to say? Convert those X, Y, Z, R to numbers get rid of 'E'
No :( Sorry, math is my worst area.
@BrandonSmith post values of X, Y, Z you have in your question
X: -8.85107925999806E+16 Y:4.23694439668789E+16 Z: -4.45135253464797E+160.9
X=-8.85107925999806 * 10^16
Y=4.23694439668789E * 10^16
Z= -4.45135253464797 * 10^160.9
Does it have something to do with the E+16? Scientific notation?
it's the same
Ok I applied that to the Z/Y/Z, so now the Z / R produces '-7.9377174257517E+16', should I apply the same idea to that?
then convert it to get values...
Ok, so
Z = -8.5995285056053E+18 / R = -1.3494119623778E+18 * 10 ^ 18 = -3.2385887097067E+19. Then convert -3.2385887097067E+19 to radians?
what is result of z / R
& y, x
Z / R = -1.3494119623778E+18
and the math
I got it! Thanks for your help, I looked over that link you gave me for a 6th time and copied and pasted and rewrote it to what I have. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

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