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A: Passing two parameters to consume a web service from android

Jigar PandyaThe core code would be something like following in your javafile... SoapObject request = new SoapObject(WSDL_TARGET_NAMESPACE,OPERATION_NAME); PropertyInfo pi=new PropertyInfo(); pi.setName("a"); pi.setValue(a); pi.setType(Integer.class); request.addProperty(pi); pi=new PropertyInfo(); pi.setNam...

i have followed your suggestion and i got some new issues, can you please make me clear?
what is the issue?
Actually i am passing the input values as date ie(01/01/2012 and 07/07/2012),but i am getting the issues as java.lang.NumberFormat exception
code pls.. put your code here.
yeah sure just a minute...
I have updated my sources for refernce....please visit my question again
why public String Call(int FromDate,int ToDate) you are setting them as int??????????
@JigarPandya can you tell me whats this logcat is saying......left my old sources,now i have edited my sources as much as i can and i got these things on my logcat.....please visit the above link and please make me clear
@JigarPandya you there?
yeah....actually i have mentioned the from date and to date in the form integer and now i have changed and too,so i got these things on my logcat please visit the given link.
Can you tell me whats the above logcat is saying?
well your android simulator is not able to connect to URL you provide
see this
No,i think it is something else error with textview i think so,i am sure the web service is working properly
i see
the exception shows is something else and what you are talking
In the sense,...may be with textview...

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