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@FábioLinhares Answered your question, it should be working but I didn't test it myself. Give it a shot and let me know... ^^
@FatalBulletHit, I'm getting this error:
String not found!
: The term '
' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path
is correct and try again.
At C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\CONVERTIDOS\2.ps1:108 char:1
+ `n`n`n`n`n
+ ~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (
:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
But the splitting inside the _temp folder is working... We're at a small for step for this to be a giant leap for mankind!!!
@FatalBulletHit, It would be better not needing to wait for the splitting every time a string is searched...
I fixed the error (forgot quotation marks, `n stands for new line)
but the string wasn't found... :P
I'll quickly add a option to keep the temp files
@FatalBulletHit, ok :)
it's up
i'll also update the converter itself
it'll check if the files already exists and if so it'll give you the option to work with them
after that it'll give you the option to keep the files afterwards
I think that will do the trick :)
try it out, i hope it works flawlessly without errors now :)
I got this error:
At C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\CONVERTIDOS\2.ps1:55 char:112
+ ... n Type 'y' for 'yes'. Type 'n' for 'no'. Type 'c' for 'cancel'.`n`n`n
+ ~
Missing property name after reference operator.
At C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\CONVERTIDOS\2.ps1:86 char:112
+ ... n Type 'y' for 'yes'. Type 'n' for 'no'. Type 'c' for 'cancel'.`n`n`n
+ ~
Missing property name after reference operator.
it misses a single space, ffs... will fix it asap
I did it myself :P
The space after cancel, right ?
It is working now
I mean, it's not...
The error gonne, but now when it asks me to choose an option it says:
Error: Invalid input!
Type y for yes . Type n for no . Type c for cancel .
you need to type something in xD
I typed "y", it gave me the error..
in batch there was CHOICE but in PowerShell you'll have to workaround with comparing user input (as SET /P)
hm... that's weird... ._.
It is asking "Delete?: "
I type, "y", "n", or "c" and it gives the error.
i had this once, but i fixed it... ._.
cannot recreate the issue
working fine for me
I just copied and tied your last edit... didn't work...
Here is the output:
Delete splitted files afterwards?

Delete?: y

Error: Invalid input!
Type y for yes . Type n for no . Type c for cancel .

It will continue to ask me until infinity :D
yeah, but it shouldn't :D
what the fuck...
literally don't know what's happening
I looking to the code to see if I can spot anything lol :D
You star the block of code with a while...
yes, but the condition is changing within the while loop, so the while loop can be escaped (by pressing y or n or c)
give this a try (save it as test.ps1 or so...)
if this is giving you any errors or doesn't work as it should then the problem is definitley on your end... :D
i edited it real quick because i had a mistake in it, just in case you already copied it or opened the link
Overwrite?: y
Do something!
and after that it closes
or you have to hit enter and it closes then?
I have to click enter.
well... scratch that... copy paste ain't for the win all the time...
well.. copy past is for the win, but notepad++ handles ($overwrite as an entire word, so when i replaced $overwrite with $delete in the selection it didn't replace the one with the ( in front... welp
check out the updated script... again... :D @FábioLinhares
Checking it out :D
It is giving me a continuous error...
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\CONVERTIDOS\2.ps1:133 char:17
+ $out_file.Write($bytes, 0, $bytes_read)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
The monster is resisting, should we cut his head off ?
don't think that would help... :D
well, idk, that's some of the parts that are above my knowledge
Are you still talking about the monster ? :P
the $out_file bit... shouldn't cause an error
The error seems solvable, though...
Seems like a shitty thing...
Is it writing or opening before it has the thing to write or open ?
i dont think so
wait a sec
i fixed one minor error... don't know if that was connected to it...
It is working!
Temp files are being created...
"Who" was the bastard ?
New error:
String not found!
: The term '
' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the
name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\CONVERTIDOS\2.ps1:191 char:1
+ `n`n`n`n`n
+ ~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (
:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
I put the "n"s in ""... no error anymore.
But I hardly believe that it didn't find the string "12"!
...in almost 2GB of decimal data.
Do you believe ? Blue pill for "I believe". Red pill for "I don't" believe.
hm... yeah...
i'll look into it
Search for it and kill it!
I'm also searching...
I changed the if ($exists -ne $null) {
if ($string_exists -ne $null) {
Is this right ?
It found the string :P
The script deleted the files, even though I selected the option "n".
although "$var = false" "if ($var)" will be true
if ($var -eq "true") then it will be false (as it should be)
and the error you found (once again caused by notepad++ replace feature) is why it said no match
i updated my post (still untested, but im processing the 1gb test file right now so i can then test the string finder after that)
Last output:
Splitted files will not be deleted afterwards!

This may take some time!

String found!

Press Enter to continue...:
Files were not deleted.
i pre tested it now, too
works for me as well
i updated it once more, as the n doesn't work with Read-Host and displayed "n" instead of a new line... but that doesn't change the result at all, it just bothered me... :D
oh lol... the `n
good to know, using ` works here, too ^^
LOL there is a "123456789" string in this file !!!
But not this one "1234567891011123456789" :D
yeah i typed random numbers and had a 12345... :D
well there cannot be 0 ;)
maybe 123456789111213141516171819
Yeah. Not found :P
hahaha :D
glad it works tho
So is this thing working, like, forever ? :P
(I'm running some tests)
i would hope so
I tested the workings of the script. Everything seems working.
Let me just test if the string really does exist or not.
For that I will open the file with Liquid Studio... if you didn't knew of a program able to open such large files, there you go :)
LOL I forgot that this was the axact reason I needed this script!
The program goes down when I try to search for the string...
The only way to really test would be manually screen the whole file!
I think I'll just believe in you xD Dammit, I really didn't want to !!! :D
I was trying to test in a small string in a file, but it didn't work:
Splitted files will be deleted afterwards!
Remove-Item : Cannot find path 'C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\CONVERTIDOS\_split' because it does not exist.
At C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\CONVERTIDOS\2.ps1:173 char:5
+ Remove-Item ".\_split" -Force -Recurse
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (C:\Users\fabio\...VERTIDOS\_split:String) [Remove-Item], ItemNotFoundEx
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveItemCommand
Does the file has to be at least bigger than 100mb ?
@FábioLinhares do a 1gb file or so, not a 10gb... if it works with 1gb it works with 10gb as well
it doesn't have to, but if you want to delete the not create directory an error occurs... :D
I'm thinking If I understood what you said...
Still thinking...
I did not understood!!!
I tried the scrip in a file with this much information: 12345678916954175159175126172759597252925929524495925977529925759592592575257255‌​252752711797323928989275197979722979717158712812893897446543765467432534564365
updated it, error shouldn't occur anymore
I think I understood now ... you were thelling me to choose the n option, right ?
The error only occored in that small file if I choosed y
you can use it on small strings, but it doesn't create an extra folder rather than searching the input file itself... so if you want to delete the folder afterwards an error occurs as the folder doesn't exist in the first place
Ok, but if you updated the error -> the better xD
yeah, it will not ask you wheter to delete the folder or not if the file is too small
It is asking...
Delete splitted files afterwards?:
If I say yes:
Splitted files will be deleted afterwards!
Remove-Item : Cannot find path 'C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\CONVERTIDOS\_split' because it does not exist.
At C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\CONVERTIDOS\2.ps1:173 char:5
+ Remove-Item ".\_split" -Force -Recurse
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (C:\Users\fabio\...VERTIDOS\_split:String) [Remove-Item], ItemNotFoundEx
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveItemCommand
Maybe a condition block of code that checks for the proper file size required to create or not a _temp / _split file does the trick. If no necessity to create the file then no options appear...
*folder !!!!
We are almost there. I can see the end of the road already... there are chicks there! They are asking for a ride!!!
Man, i'm going to eat something...
I'm back!
4 hours later…
The "Delete splitted files afterwards?" choice is only executed if ((Get-Item $input_file).Length -gt $split_size)
So as long as the input file is not larger than the split size (100 MB) this question will not appear...

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