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A: How to change UIAlertAction font or show UIAlertActionStyle.cancel style ActionButton on second position?

GatiYou need to set preferred action method, //Create alertController let alert = UIAlertController(title: "title", message: "message", preferredStyle: .alert) //Create and add the Confirm action let confirmAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Confirm", style: .cancel, handler: { (action) -> Void in ...

Thanks for quick response. Copied and paste your code but showing Cancel button at the first position.
Can you please try again, I just updated my code
Yes, that worked for me.
Cool... Cheers!
Sorry, can't upvote as not have enough reputation.
No worries, do it in future.. :)
I tried that with .cancel but it didn't work but it worked with .default if you can change that it will help someone else who will face this same issue.
I just updated my answer again.. Which is exactly match with your requirement. Kindly check please
Actually I was not aware that you want Confirm button at right side. I thought you only need bold text on right. So I made cancel. But now I had updated my answer.
I think we should remove our extra comments. It could be annoying for someone in future. :D @KMSOFT
let alertView = UIAlertController(
title: "Home",
message: "Are you sure for delete Reminder",
preferredStyle: .alert)
let confirmAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Confirm", style: .default) { (_) in
// Do confirm
let cancelAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel) { (_) in
// Do cancel
alertView.preferredAction = confirmAction
self.present(alertView, animated: true, completion: nil)
this one worked for me
ok yes if I can I will remove but this is not visible directly
Hey, I already change this code.. updated few minutes back :)
@KMSOFT You can remove. You can see cancel button just next to your comment line. I removed my 1-2 comments
Happy Coding!! (Y)

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