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Heya - Hows everything with you?
Good thanks, yourself?
Great, my friend.
What are you up to these days?
Still hanging out on the PHP group I see :)
Yeah, always will I presume
Nothing much, just living in Vietnam, working for a company called Order Desk
How about you?
You make it to the US?
How's Vietnam?
America was awesome.
Was living there for 1 year.
Back in soton for the time being.
Why go back?
VN is good, not amazing but decent enough :P
Living in Da Nang, beach city. Nice mix
Is it remote work?
@Fabor Food sucks and too hot - haha
Remote yeah. US company to a UK bank for a VND spend -_-
You were in LA?
NO - Atlanta
Wouldn't mind going back to SF
We've got an office there and - a semi job offer.
Just need to persuade Sarah XD
What do you use to transfer your cash?
You're dragging her around :P
did she work out there?
3 hours later…
Wasn't able to work - hence why we needed to come back.
She was bored out of her brains ;)
Sorry, just went to a house viewing in Romsey.
Yeah - We used transferwise too. I hear money gram is pretty good.
Yeah 1 year without work can be boring
Plus making friends is hard at our age
Married yet? -_-
We're also having baby :D

last day (15 days later) »