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Gm all
5 hours later…
Janos, are you there?
ahh, here I am
I really want to know what your terminal says after you start up. The console log message should appear there.
Are you making it to: console.log('Example app listening at http://%s:%s', host, port);
log in like: Kukodas-MacBook-Air:~ kukodajanos$ ssh [email protected]
console.log command is in the script
what to start up?
Yeah, i'm with you.. its going to be gear xxxx but I don't remember what...
ok, I do now a gear stop ... and then a gear start
Stopping gear...
Stopping NodeJS cartridge
Sat May 16 2015 05:37:28 GMT-0400 (EDT): Stopping application 'nodejs' ...
Sat May 16 2015 05:37:31 GMT-0400 (EDT): Stopped Node application 'nodejs'
[nodejs-j4nos.rhcloud.com 5556b4c4fcf9336abf0000de]\> gear start
Starting gear...
Starting NodeJS cartridge
Sat May 16 2015 05:38:07 GMT-0400 (EDT): Starting application 'nodejs' ...
[nodejs-j4nos.rhcloud.com 5556b4c4fcf9336abf0000de]\>
I would have thought upon gear start, the server would respond to the console.log msg
node server.js ??
apparently not
there is no extra info in the terminal
All I remember is openshift had some very quirky commands required, but it was still an awesome service. I'm still looking
I do know their discussion forum is very helpful... e.g. help.openshift.com/hc/en-us/articles/…
And hey, janos, where are you located?
I'm in Las Vegas, USA.
Hungary :)
wow Lay Vegas :)
Wow, Hungary!
Have you ever been in Budapest?
I was once in New York.
Never been there. I did spend a lot of time in West Germany before the wall came down. (I was there in the US Army...)
Let me try to login to my openshift account...
Logged into the website, tried to SSH, got "Permission Denied" stay tuned.
Looks like I've got to re-boot the OS. Its not letting me load up Ruby to this machine. I think we're probably done. Ouch, its 3AM here... I will followup on the stackoverflow question. I don't think its a port issue, yet, more likely an Openshift gear/cartridge start up thing. Good luck with it. I do remember using their forum for quality answers...
I found other interesting fixes
thanks your help

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