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14 hours later…
Q: How to change incoming call Vibration level when incoming call made?

PrinceSomehow tricky question. I am working with one app through which user can set incoming call custom ringtone and different vibration level for different contacts. I have stuck with vibration level setting. We can set vibration level using, Vibrator v = (Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATO...

3 hours later…
Q: Game puzzle dont show the previously watched screen after interruption

OualiPlease my app Game puzzle dont show the previously watched screen after interruption 1- when press some key (HOLD KEY/CENTER KEY/CALL) : when return to app The application dont show the previously watched screen after interruption. I need your help `public class GameLayer extends CCLayer { pri...

1 hour later…
Q: Bertrand Russell Puzzle

abcSolve the following Caliban problem, translating each clue 'loyally' into Prolog, i.e. as loyally as possible. As a simple exercise in abstraction suppose that four meaningless symbols a, b, c, and d correspond in one order or another to the equally meaningless symbols w, x, y, and z, and su...

2 hours later…
Q: SlidingBlocks Puzzle modeled in Python

KostasTSo I have an assignment for my AI class. It's about using the A* search algorithm to solve the SlidingBlocks puzzle in Python. See http://www.mathplayground.com/slidingblock.html There are no constraints about the size of the grid, the size of the blocks or the number of empty blocks. Puzzle can...

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