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anyone here ? who could help me out with SAP Connectors
3 hours later…
Morning everyone!
Sup, how u doing?
finished 1 objective with this angular shit
Lol, one of how many?
30 hours to go
its ok
getting some basic knowledge know
Haha jeah, still it kinda sucks tho
All I have to do today is figure out what an IT Auditor does
Going through it quite fast now I see
got a css problem :p
I dont understand this framework lulz
Css problem... dit you start it up in IE for the first time?
2 hours later…
Hi all
Hey Alex
Hey guys
Sup, how u doing?
Doing okay. How's everyone?
I'm doing great now. Just got my new helmet!
You must be doing some dangerous coding to need a helmet
Haha jeah
Nah but for real, the traffic in Eindhoven is very dangerous
Especially for someone who only went to school in some small countryside towns
You have a bike?
Wait as in Bicycle or Motorbike?
Drive w/ extreme caution. Bikes are dangerous to begin with
Either, actually. But motorbike
Ah, yeah I know. Had a crash back in Februari
Messed up my shoulder pretty badly
If you can, get a small car to drive. Much safer
Yeah, but not as much fun
Of course!
And my bike is not a high CC one, so it is not super fast
Do they make a helmet for he whole body? ;)
Just imagine how impractical that would be :D
Ok nvm :D Edittttt
Lets just say that I hate TypeScript/Angular lulz.
Kinda wondering what you said before the edit tho...
Oh nothing special. Something about the death penalty for making this broken framework
how does he pass the data from the view to Typescript without using parameters. Only god knows.
I think it's easier to get out of the Maze runner than reading this project. Horrible.
15300 files >
The thing about this chat that I love is: once I get something like Typescript/Angular I know I'm gonna get depressed beforehand, so I can plan that in for during the project :)
just ask the intern :p
But, is the intern gonna be helpfull tho...
This thing..
<i (click)="editFreight()" class="edit-button material-icons">mode_edit</i>
Can't even Go To EditFreight() cuz TypeScript sucked.
Ctr-F + editFreight + enter => Wait 3-5minutes => Result found POGCHAMP
hmm.. no params were given. but suddenly he has an entire model.
What logics?
Oh man, I love it when u wanne buy something, but the webshop that sells it has had a problem for the past 2 weeks so you can't buy it
I am so done with this project
I just returned from holidays sunday
and I feel like I need another few weeks right away now lol
That is basically me after 2 weeks of working on CDM
(for those who don't know, CDM was my internship project last year)
WAIT, @Falcon how was Italy btw
was great
too short.
if I'd knew about this shit I would have brought a few books about Angular.
I really don't know how to fix this..
Ran out of ideas
Blame the intern?
Or in case you don't have one, blame the tester!
Blame the russian freelancer.
Hmm, I guess that would also work..
1 hour later…
@Alex U there?
(<NodeListOf<HTMLInputElement>>document.querySelectorAll("#delivery-date button"))[0].click();
I need something like this for unchecking checkboxes. but I can't get it working
is this even JS?
why can we not simply document.getElementById(attentionId).checked = false;
this sucks so bad lulz.
this.attentionId = false;
why is this not working on the clear function?
Angular makes things a lot harder. It has its own way of referencing the DOM
I hate it already
why would you use Angular? I mean where are the benefits exactly?
3 hours later…
Vue gets the job done w/ less pain. Plus, you can throw Vue into an existing app. Try that w/ Angular and you'll lose your mind

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