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Yooow folks!
Anyone here?
Why on earth would some do
Public IList<DateTime> Dates {get;set;}
I need to extend that model now... let me guess: It's not possible without changing the entire list is it?
Because reasons?
I need to add Weeknumbers to that
love those
I am screwed
good luck mate
how does it needs to luck?
Any idea anyone?
yup you're screwed
jk, dont know
I could try to recreate the DateTime Model
public IList<string> Dates and then set getters/setters and convert all data or so
How was leclerc this sunday?
Bad luck
Vehicle stopped first lap.
thought he didnt manage to cross the starting line
fixed my issue
woah I'm so gd
4 hours later…
Morning All
Does anyone know if its possible to add a new method to a HTML element?
you can add a new field, property maybe you can add another method as well
what have you tried so far?
if i get the element in the IE dom explorer using $('#testId'), then i can expand functions and it shows me stuff like append, draggable etc. I want to add my own because the OPTION elements dont have a tooltip function. I was trying to add it through $('#testId').prototype but i dont think thats right
$('#testId').prototype.testFunction = function(args) {
this.testFunction= function(args) { alert("testFunction") };
can you use popper.js?
sorry, i cant add any more helpers.
Ah, I see.
I would like o but the project is massive and we cant just add stuff, has to go through processes to be added.
$('#testId').prototype.testFunction = function(args) {
that is what i was trying
ah, give us a minute I'll try to create something like that.
I dont think its possible to add more functions to the prototype
I always did added some properties to the objects like FileReader
var reader = new FileReader();

reader.form = form;
how can i add a functiont o the DOM element for option. so i get the html option element and it has a list of functions, i need to add a function to that list.
This is what I have done
    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.testFunction = function() {
        alert("This is a test function of a FileReader");
    reader.form = form;
    reader.onload = function(e) {
Sorry, i understand now thank you
and it shows the alert every time the FileReader is loaded
so i am going to do this $('#testId').toolTip = function(){alert("testAlert")}
I would go with var item = $('#testId')
and then item.toolTip = function(){alert("testAlert")}
i shall try it that way thank you
But I don't know why are you creating tooltip function on the option element?
they dont exist for option, they do for select but not the items in the drop down
The thing is, at the beginning of the page there is this call: $( document ).tooltip(); which overrides the style of the tooltips for everything except the options in a select dropdown. I cannot find a way around it without additional helpers
so fuck this, its not going to work, STUPID thing.
trying this:

var reader = $('#testId');
reader.toolTip = function() {
alert("This is a test function of a FileReader");

Gives this error:
Unable to set property 'toolTip' of undefined or null reference
That's because the element that you are getting is null or undefined
if you check the reader variable it's null, jquery can't find the element with that id.
instead of $('#testId'); use document.getElementById('#testId');
I understand your frustration, web development isn't easy especially with IE!
Hi all
turns out you cant override the 'hover' function in option elements
Hi Alex
@matty357 maybe there is another way to do it?
well the tooltip cant be changed for an option element, so i thought i could copy the tooltip function and make it happen on hover/mouseover/mouseenter but it looks like its a wider problem with option elements in IE and Chrome
you cant do hover/mouseover/mouseenter on option elements
and they are generated through a stupid asp:DropDownList
have you tried including the <p> elements and add tooltip to those elements?
is that ASP.NET you are working with or Classic ASP with VB6?
yeah its .net
Can you specify a data template for the dropdown list?

<asp:DropDownList id="cboSelectList" Runat="server" onchange="updateNotes()"></asp:DropDownList>



DropDownList cboSelectList;

ListItem item = new ListItem();
ArrayList arrdata1 = GetData();

foreach (data tmp in arrdata1)
ListItem listItem = new ListItem();
listItem.Value = tmpValue.ToString();
listItem.Text = tmpText.ToString();
listItem.Attributes.Add("title", tmpNotes.ToString());
i think its a known thing that <option> doesnt fire most events
i could re-write it all to use a better element but i dont think i should have to ha
I think you just answered your question there :-)
haha, i think you are right. It was worth exploring all options though, at least no i have a case to put forward as to why we should change it
thanks for trying to help though, much appreciated
Rubber ducking... helps to write it out to figure out the solution
definitely the best tool devs can use ha
is there an alternative drop down list?
Bootstrap does a nice dropdown using a list. link
I'm going try to convince them to upgrade technologies on this page. Thanks for your help XAM|MAX
no worries, it will be difficult for you but look at jquery perhaps and custom css and you can do the same thing. However Bootstrap already does that for you, and there is no need to reinvent the wheel :-)
Go to Bootstrap. You'll thank yourself for doing that. Tons of built-in functionality, plus tons of articles/solutions that are built on top of it
Dont get me wrong, i have used bootstrap in many projects and think its amazing, its just this 1 project that has some legacy stuff we cant change.
Of course. Use it when possible :)
Is it possible to delete a user in asp.net core identity after the email confirmation token expires?
If so Where can I write the code for such behavior?
You'd have to have a process/service that runs on the server and checks the conditions on the identity tables.
It can run hourly or every few minutes.
@Alex I thought of this but I felt there could be a better solution.
You can create an admin interface to show the records that meet those conditions; then let admins delete them manually.

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