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A: Shadow on the top of Indicator height within the tab

Dhruv PatelIt is similar as you want, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""> <item> <layer-list> <item android:left="-8dp" android:right="-8dp" android:top="-8dp"> <shape> <st...

where do i have to include this. in layout of tab or where???
make drawable and put this code inside....and set drawable as a background of your selected tab
i am confused where to do .i have updated my solution ,check
but where you have used test drawable??
are you able to add drawable instead of "app:mtIndicatorColor"?? is there any property??
then remove "app:mtIndicatorColor" and add property to set drawable. Your selected tab will be look as my edited answer.
ok sure i will check
there is one proble in adding the is always visible to both tab.
which property do you use??
when i add that drawable as background
then it is always visible(i.e means on both fragment).Not allocate the change of fragment
ok well, which property do you use??
i have mentioned in the above xml.i got confused
if you are using this(
i am not able to find property to set drawable as a indicator....
i am using karim library
compile 'io.karim:materialtabs:2.0.2'
url plz?
please check the above dependencies
i m sorry, i not going to code.
check, if your library supports drawable then only you can, else you have to find your solution at your own effort
ok .thank anyway

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