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how to send data from aws ubuntu instance server to android app using socket connection??
3 hours later…
hi all
is there any way to execute gradle build command through bild.gradle..?
i have code
task me(dependsOn :official_build, type: Exec) {
	//workingDir "D:/Diwakar GODAM/MarmotAgentMaster"
	commandLine 'gradle', 'build'
1 hour later…
@diwakarbhatt, answer is "yes"
i didn't get the point why 'gradle' and 'build'?
it's commandLine 'cmd' 'gradle build'
i guess
which Grails version are you on?
are you not using Gradle wrapper?
i have gradle software
>gradle build
>gradle task 'taskName'
these commands generall y we call from cmd
i see, you have local Gradle installation and the 'PATH' is set properly, right?
is it possible to run these commands from task
seems possible, i need to test first.
Gradle 4.3.1

Build time: 2017-11-08 08:59:45 UTC
Revision: e4f4804807ef7c2829da51877861ff06e07e006d

Groovy: 2.4.12
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.6 compiled on June 29 2015
JVM: 1.8.0_152 (Oracle Corporation 25.152-b16)
OS: Windows 10 10.0 amd64
these are the installed gradle version details
btw, thanks for joining in 'Grails' chat
i am new to this, that's why strugling.
however i have tried lot of options
but didn't get succeeded
have a little patience, i will try to execute what you asked. i am outside the working place.

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