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A: upload sql file in vm ware server using putty

JavaTry this syntax mysql -u {DB-USER-NAME} -p --database={DB-NAME} < /var/www/html/sample.sql

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that c orresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'mysql -u root -p --database=choice < /var/www/html/choice.sql' at line 1
I think you have created the dump using mysql command instead of mysqldump.
so what to do can i drop the database ?
Create another dump using mysqldump and try to import that
mysqldump -u root -p choice > /var/www/html/choice.sql i tried this but asking for password after than no response going to next line on terminal
So you are not getting anything in /var/www/html/choice.sql
yes i didn get anything
are you sure you have the correct password
if i use incorrect password i am getting error
try with mysql dump
i did already
when i try to create individually as table i get error as collation mismatch
i use wamp server with mysql in server it was maria db
try giving pasword in same line --password=PASSWORD
make sure there is no space after -p or --password
mysqldump --user=root --password=your_password --all-databases >
so you are migrating from mariadb to mysql
sry for the delay
yes i am migrating
have to select get into the msql path and have to dump or from outside
Use mysqldump --compatible=ansi --all-databases to export in ansi mode.
ok i will try
next time use this --debug='d:f:i:o,/tmp/mysql_debug.log' with mysqldump command
it will help us to debug
ok mate thank you so much
mysqldump -u root -p --debug='d:f:i:o,/tmp/mysql_debug.log' workrequests > /tmp/workrequests.sql
is it worked?
can you able to come on team viewer?
no. i am in office
I think we are missing something
yes i guess so, i will try in some other way and get back to you on comments if i need any help

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