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A: Testing for valid objectId

ZincYou need to access the 'str' attribute: const safeObjectId = (id) => { return ObjectId.isValid(id) ? new ObjectId(id) : null } it('should return ObjectId if it is valid', () => { const result = safeObjectId('5a1154523a6bcc1d245e143d') expect(typeof result).toBe('object') expect(result.s...

The last test is receiving undefined. I also read that part of the docs and tried to use .str before.
What does this do.. const result = safeObjectId('5a1154523a6bcc1d245e143d').str expect(result).toEqual('5a1154523a6bcc1d245e143d').
It's the same: undefined. The first test is passing, so there is a object at all...
try converting result to a string toString() before the assertion - I remember seeing this once when asserting mongo where values are identical but === will still fail as the type is different i.e an object vs a string
If I do console.log(result) in the first test I'm getting 5a1154523a6bcc1d245e143d output. I don't see the object. But the test is passing - which is checking for an object type. Don't understand that.
I guess that didnt fix it?
some other ideas here...
Q: Convert ObjectID (Mongodb) to String in JavaScript

vhlenI want to convert ObjectID (Mongodb) to String in JavaScript. When I get a Object form MongoDB. it like as a object has: timestamp, second, inc, machine. I can't convert to string.

but the best answer is objectid.str
which we tried
result.toString() is working. But I don't understand that completly. After reading your link I think the problem is using the native mongo driver:…
In the shell objectid.str should work
So I think the correct way is using objectId.toHexString() instead objectId.toString(). Although both are working
ah ok
glad u have it working
if the test passes... HAPPY DAYS right?? :-D

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