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Q: An wired array's length is always 0 in angular2

BelterI read data.csv file's content through browse, then I save part of this file's content to an array. I can use console.log() to print this array, but I always get 0 of this array's length. Here is my code: app.component.html <form id="file-input-form" #fileInputForm> <h6>Sample Infomation</h6>...

I can use it directly in angular.
Are you checking length outside onloadend? File reading is asynchronous, ie. whatever you are doing assuming file contents are loaded should be called from inside onloadend.
@sabithpocker You are right, that's my falut! But why can I print values by console.log(_sampleNames);
_sampleNames is a reference whose updated value may be printed by console.log. To get the exact value of the reference at that point of time logged you can try console.log(JSON.stringify(_sampleNames)).
I have corrected it,‌​ts. I almost have started to doubt my life, because of this question!
Do we still have a question here? Also why do you have all those setTimeout in there?
Is there a better way to solve it without setTimeout?
You can write an answer below, I am not familiar with js and angular.
Hey Belter, what are you trying to do with the contents of the file?
use it in a visualisation or table or something?
I need it to compare with other string
so I can check if they are same content
I need to upload other files, all of these files must have same title as this file
Here is a quick rewrite removing the timeouts
I dont have a good understanding of the context here, so no guarantees that this is the way to go.
using an arraow function here read.onloadend = () => { to keep the this pointer refer to the class
Thank you very much, the code looks much better
It can be made more neat. Look into Observable.fromEvent and how to use it with FileReader. with that, move the call back code to another function in the class , something like processCSVResult or so.
Cool, cheers dude.

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