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Why is everyone quiet
Work :(
I also have lots of work. On 2 projects at same time
I asked him - what are your secrets? He was blank.
Hmm maybe he doesn't have secrets
He didn't even laugh? How boring.
And now back to working on things what don't actually need working on.
He was blank. Then I said its ok don't be serious. I was expecting humorous reply
It was on phone. So I dunno if he was smiling or just blank
You should ask such questions in person! Then you'd have known his expression
@vidhya can i add tap down refresh to uicollectionviewcontroller
I have just realised storyboard is so really really annoying
when you set everything up in storyboard, and you use this:
PJFullScreenImageViewController *fullScreenImageViewController = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"FullScreenViewController"];
I can NOT access all the laid out component because it hasn't execute viewWillAppear
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
And once a project is set in storyboard i can't make a xib just for that one class
u can
I'm so tempted to just delete that class from storyboard now
i tried viewController.image which supposed to give me a UIImageView that I've set up in storyboard, but it gives me nothing
for clarification, what I meant is I can not access the storyboard UIs when the view has not appear yet. I wanted to set the image before the view controller appears. (trying to simulate Photos app to make photo go full screen)
@VidyaMurthy @Silly is that possible to add a tap down refresh button in uicollectionviewcontroller ?
@Enrico does it really have to do with story boards? It sounds like view controller life cycle mechanisms involved in it that might have changed as ios evolved.
viewWillAppear does not get caused by that line
It'd be worth trying to see if you get that if the view is loaded from xib or programmatically
It won't be caused by those two conditions either
It is called just before the view is set to appear in a view hierarchy (such as from pushing a controller)
@Naveen Not with UICollectionView. May be by some third party collection views. There might exist one, I'm not aware of any.
@Silly i think u r right but that option available with uitableviewcontroller
Oh I got it now what he's saying. He needs to do that in prepare for segue method. Anyways the image name should be set in the property not the image itself
@Naveen Yes I know. I even conducted presentation on that in this rooms event. It unfortunately doesn't seem to exist in collection views
@Silly :-( wat will i do nw
Create your own
@Silly Things is before storyboards, when we do initWithNibName, I clearly recall that we can already access all the laid out elements right after that point. What happens now is we have to wait until the VC gets displayed before we can do that. Maybe I'm wrong though.
Q: Pull-to-refresh in UICollectionViewController

mjhI want to implement pull-down-to-refresh in a UICollectionViewController under iOS 6. This was easy to achieve with a UITableViewController, like so: UIRefreshControl *refreshControl = [[UIRefreshControl alloc] init]; [refreshControl addTarget:self action:@selector(startRefresh:) forControlE...

As @borrrden said, once I push the view controller I can do everything. But at that point the user would've already seen a blank canvas without an image.
Essentially what I want to do is like this screencast: screencast.com/t/MLTuGkIYh, but with its own VC so I can attach buttons and other stuff.
I have literally the exact same functionality in my app
Wow, really?
Minus the buttons that is
Why not do it in viewDidLoad?
But are you pushing a new VC, or just simply resizing the current UIImageView to be full screen?
I am adding a new view because the background is translucent
Also it is easier to manage that way on returning
I see what you mean
but the new view basically only has a UIImageView in it?
Well, a scrollview too so I can zoom
I'm quite sure I wouldn't be able to do that because I need to have a button inside the full screen view too
and a tap gesture recognizer to shut up
I'm quite sure you could
but you shouldn't
What is stopping you from setting it up beforehand?
so those new view and scrollview is managed by the current view controller isn't it?
Well, I broke MVC here because this will take fullscreen and prevent other functionality. All the new view needs to do is close and nothing else
I just thought this is like a new page so I have to have a new VC to make it cleaner
ok I see
Why can't you set the image before you push it?
The controller will be all set up once you instantiate it, you just won't be able to use the view yet
the image seems to be nil before I push it
Probably because the view has not loaded yet
So, again, I ask: Why not do it in viewDidLoad?
Hmm you're right, I would be able to do it in viewDidLoad
but that'd mean that the new VC will not be handling the zooming animation, right?
I have no idea what you mean
@borrrden wats this thing "Simply add a UIRefreshControl instance as a subview of .collectionView"?
It literally shows you the code to do it right below that line
My lexer is now god. Time to worship it.
@kinthalisourish You've got write access. Read the rules, etc.
Ten minutes passed, no word from @kinthalisourish, write access being revoked.
He has a low rep
I give most people a chance regardless of reputation or what have you.
Unless they have Apple icons for avatars or have pandering crap in their username/avatar.
Built.io one of our company product on which I worked launched at Demo Event and the article in The Wall Street Journal online.wsj.com/article/PR-CO-20130417-900016.html
@kinthalisourish : Low reputation. Have it above 100 and come again. Also have some chat and question answer history.
Morning guys.
@kinthalisourish You had your shot, bugger off.
Oh my bad. I did not look above
Hi. What happend?
Looks like i have to leave india again :(
I got an offer from Amsterdam.
Whoo. Nice.
But i don't want to leave india :(
Where is @borrrden Its been long time since i talked with him. How are you borrrd's ?
raises hand
I'm doing more or less well
I was recreating NSCoding for Windows 8
Oh! how is windows?
I think I finally have a decent implementation
We took another big blow when we found out that Windows 8 runtime applications disallow programmatic screenshots
We have been using that a lot in our iOS version to create thumbnails of user created content
Then what is the solution?
We don't have one yet
I wrote a serialization library. It works.. sort of ok.
What format do you serialize to?
I tried to mimic NSCoding by outputting to and inputting from byte[]
My own.
I mean is it binary based? XML based?
I'm not insane enough to try to represent crap with XML when it doesn't need it.
Haha, good to hear
@Silly : See generally MS student get nearly 65k per annum
The only problem I have is that I can't easily automatically serialize string
Mine doesn't recognize strings.
well any primitive really
What it does recognize is objects, so it keeps a table of those
mimicking NSCoding is dangerous.
Mine will handle objects that implement the interface that I created
Objects being compounds.
Oh, mine is C# so it is much easier
@Charan Why dangerous?
That said, I ditched my current serialization code in the C++11 rewrite of the engine
I'll probably replace it with something less generalized.
Maybe something text-based. I did write that lexer, so it's feasible.
Hmm I'm bored :(
call him then
call him again then
We talk from 11pm to 2am
@Reefaq -[__NSArrayI addObject:]:
because people always think that the things which work in iOS also works on other platforms as well borrrd's
wats the reason for that error?
'-[__NSArrayI addObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x118e4e80'
*** First throw call stack:
Its not a mutable array
so you cannot add objects
@Naveen please
@Naveen dont
@Naveen ping
@Naveen to
@Naveen get
@Naveen attraction
Well, looks like you've all got this under control, I'm going to go deal with this migraine the only way I know how: beer and sleep.
@Naveen someone may get worse at you
And today I'm gonna write 2 non technical blog posts. One is on Arranged vs Love marriage
Of course the former wins in my post
So, you are gonna prove that arranged marriage is the best one
@Silly FYI, nobody is going to agree with you if you promote the former.
The social stigma surrounding it is too much, it's a mundane, anachronistic practice, and it makes everyone involved look incompetent.
Basically, you're fighting a losing battle if you try to claim it's good.
So, fair warning.
Arranged love marriage is good
@Naveen : Too much pinging. Consider this is a final warning.
Arranged dating works, arranged marriage doesn't.
Anyway, off to bed.
Good night.
Dating has its own disadvantages as well nil.
They all do, but dating gives you the freedom to make your own choices.
Arranged marriage is just your parents controlling everything.
Make sure you give us the link once you finish writing it. I wanna read it.
its true that parent controls everything but still the choice is yours. if you say yes then the procedure continues
You're assuming everyone is capable of refusing.
In a family that practices arranged marriage, the chance of the child already being led to believe they have no choice is going to be high.
I agree with nil
Earlier it was but nowadays I dont think so, is it still like that? so far by my surrounding I didn't hear anything like I dont wanna marry him/her but I did coz of family pressure
Lol. Watever you can not win argument with Silly. :P
But we'd have to listen to Silly's reasoning in her upcoming blog post first.
Right now we're arguing that arrange marriage is bad based on common knowledge only.
Silly doesn't argue with me 'cause she'd lose >_>
I watched Oblivion movie last night. Disappointing little. So many Sci-Fi movies coming next few months.
watch Django its a nice movie
also The Godfather
I'm not promoting anything. I just need to prove neither guarantees anything, which is true. Now how I do it will be on my blog. All those who disagree would be ashamed after reading it.
you will experience both of them together
arranged marriage = apple product (non customisable)
love marraige = android (can choose different sizes and processors, etc)
apt comparison?
I don't lose to anyone on things I perfectly believe in.
It depends now on I present my blog. So gotta get it started. Brb
You can't have it both ways
Either "arranged marriage wins" or "I'm not promoting anything"
They are logical contradictions
lol, that is NSInvalidOperationException
Gold prices plunged.
From the day i kept my leg in india, the gold prices are plunging.
Stay few months in India then. :P
hello guys
some quick help please !
I having trouble with provision profiles
I have added 3 devices on the profile
I can run on the device
but I cant build an .api
when I want to archive
What is the trouble?
always get this
Check dependencies

Code Sign error: Provisioning profile '5AC32E47-7ADC-4C9B-A4B8-1ECE5FED14C9' can't be found
Clean your project
Shift + command + k
tried it already :(
delete the provisioning profile then re add it again?
you can delete it from organizer
is your app identifier matched with provision
^ that could also be the problem
You gotta check your build settings stef
check your target signing as well.
also try shift + alt + command + k
This will delete all of the products and intermediate files in the build folder.
sure I am want to do that ?
Ya, not a problem
Tries to watch news, all he gets is Maggie thatcher rammed down his throat
morning all
Oh! Mr.WoodBridge is here.
This comment did the trick for me
The .xcodeproj file is actually a directory, like an application bundle, If you right click it in finder, you can select show package contents, and then you will see several files inside (or in terminal just cd into it). The actual project file is the one in there with a .pbxproj extension. Once you open it with a text editor the lines you are looking for should start with 'PROVISIONING_PROFILE = or' '"PROVISIONING_PROFILE[sdk=iphoneos*]" ='. Delete all of those and then you should be good. –
Hello Charan
@StefGeelen that sounds like what I did a long long time ago - maybe in iOS 3.0. If you generate the provisioning profile in Xcode you shouldn't have to do that.
but anyway if it's fixed then good.
rohan where you found this wages ?
They are logical. I might not promote something I believe in.
@Dev2rights have you seen how much the funeral is costing?
No i havent
but 4000 police and the army presence scream its in the millions
do you know ?
@Silly You said this though
I think the said it was about 10 million
I only know as I saw a picture comparing it to how many people that could employ for a year
could employ 400+ soldiers for a year.
instead we are cutting back the army. A friend of mine is being made redundant
thatcher was before my time so I have no real opinion on that matter I just think its a silly amount.
That has made me so angry
i was already in a state of absoulte rage
Well some of that 10 million could be spent on the society you live in
and she totaly screwed the workign class
I had a lot of hate for the conservatives , but now im digusted that they spend this money now
People are going out of jobs and they can spend money like that.
YEah exactly
cut benefits one day , spend millions on a toff the next
im actualy shocked im not down there protesting
im very close to be honest
death toll was not as high as was expected yesterday? only 35
juts reading through test flight SDK and word of caution before I use it?
no its good
I like sweets. Today I ate chamcham
not sure what one of those is lol
It is very nice
I dont know it either
Indian sweets are very different to english sweets
there area lot of Indian and Bangladeshi sweet shops near me
cant remeber any of there names, but there is one with pistachios thats very good
Q: How to check internet connectivity in ios?

NaveenHow can i check whether the app is connected to internet or not ? currently iam using this code in my appdelegate.m file dispatch_queue_t connectivityThread = dispatch_queue_create("com.GMM.assamkart.connectivity", NULL); dispatch_async(connectivityThread, ^{ while (true){ if([GMMC...

Please buy from shop today and eat
It is very nice
@HiRen On website of a university I got admit. If I do not reply then ping me with your question(For non technical stuff). Luckily I went through previous message and saw.
which university you got the adm ?
Naveen, how can you expect that someone will give you or you will get code which related to the code which you do.
Sometime you need to change the way you do it
RIT. Rochester Institute of Technology.
Naveen, It seems like you are asking question in wrong way as seen by title. You need to know how to use NSNotificationCenter rather than checking connectivity. (if your GMMConnectivity works proper)
Check the apple docs for NSNotificatonCenter. You will understand how to raise notification and listen to notification developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Cocoa/Reference/…
I am really disturbed with this line of yours "no @nitin Gohel can u suggest a way to solve my code"
According to your question he has answered you nicely and best he can/knows.
its like "No i dont wanna change my code! you change your answers accoriding to my code" LOL
@rohan-patel can you give me that link as it's much difficult to find from the site
1 hour later…
Just had a FaceTime with my parents. I miss them :(
Good day!:)
@Silly If I recall correctly, you presented the social framework chat a few weeks ago right?
Mike presented social framework
I happen to find a weird situation where the UIActivityController is not being displayed in a popover controller. Seems like a bug in iOS 6 or Apple forgot to expose a private API?
Q: UIActivity activityViewController being presented modally on iPad instead of in popover

GujaminWhen using a customer UIActivity subclass in iOS 6, it's possible to specify a custom view controller that will be displayed when your action is chosen from the initial UIActionViewController's view. You do this by returning a reference to a custom view controller from your UIActivity subclass's ...

Hi guys any clean way to do this ?
You'll also need to find the framework headers, so within your project's build settings set the Header Search Paths to the relative path from your application to the framework/ subdirectory within the GPUImage source directory. Make this header search path recursive.
To do what ?
thats not really a question
Are you trying to add a library and headers to xCode ?
I fixed it alreayd
the directory I needed to add was not in a correct place :)
2 hours later…
My team leader bloody loser
@Ríomhaire: You have write access. Please read House Rules before you post anything.
Will do. Thanks
I was in a drawing room having dinner and heard ping. Rushed to bedroom. =D
Why ? What happened now?
He had late client call but asks everyone to wait just because he is new to ios and needs us to answer when he can't answer client certain technical questions
He should learn ios then become team leader or resign as team leader
I am trying to optimize a method that uses OpenCV. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Bounty of 50. stackoverflow.com/questions/16016199/…
He asks stupid common sense questions. A point in specification was wrong - data should be stored in cloud and offline mode should be supported. But no data persistency should be there.
Even this he had to confirm with us as whats wrong in that point

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