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anyone awake?
Of course I am awake
It is 10 in the morning :p
LOL, are you in Asia @borrrden?
it's half past noon in here
I am
so i have a dilemma
I have like a method
-(void)dosomething:(NSString*) str
Is it a method, or "like a" method? :p
it's a method
Good, glad that got cleared up ^^
str is supposed to be not null, and from all the places that i've called that method from, it's not
but if it's null it'll crash the whole thing
I wonder if I should check if (str == nil) first
or maybe that's just a waste of line of codes...
if(!str) {
or assert(str)
so if I do that, I'd have to do that in so many methods :(
This isn't an API right?
it's in my model class
my controller calls this method
You only need to check while you are debugging right?
if I mistakenly call this method from somewhere wrong in my controller, it could crash
I just wonder if future me will remember that
or should I just guard my future me from this
This sounds like a perfect place for NSAssert
It will crash on a certain condition in debug builds, but turn into a no-op in release builds
that's interesting
I've never used that before
@borrrden hey buddy!
just beat infamous 2!
:[ so sad
But if your code crashes anyway...lol...
There isn't much difference between that and an actual assert
hows these look?:] cl.ly/N9H6 cl.ly/NAXY
But at least you will know what is wrong because a message will come out saying what assertion failed
Oh, for this particular case you can use NSParameterAssert
It is a specialized version for checking parameters of a method
It looks like an empty table view with a title lol
Or did you want me to notice that it is red now?
just how does the menu look?it animates the bar button from a + to X and shows the menu to show all the accounts to add
OH I didn't notice there were two there
Is that a basketball in the second one? lol
and next to it hidden is octocat
for github
2 hours later…
I'm back
welcome back miss
Hoi Enrique
I need to be busy preparing for my topic on the upcoming room event ><
I prepared nothing yet :(
what's your topic on?
I will be overseas without internet, so I probably should unregister myself..
State preservation and restoration. No don't unregister
Owww that is new in iOS 6 right?
I wanna hear that
I saw that earlier in Apple docs when looking up uiimageview and uiscrollview, but didn't bother to read it
ok i won't unregister. why?
Yes it is. The transcript will be bookmarked. You can refer it later in case you miss the event.
All the 3 topics are new in ios 6.0
Can we do this in story board:
self.view.backgroundColor = [[UIColor alloc] initWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"bgs/fileinbundle.png"]];
every time I use the colour picker in storyboard I can only find solid colours and predefined textures... I've been doing this in code all this time, but wondering if there's actually a way to do it in storyboard
I know that apple does not allow to record the call. Is there any way company can have tie up with apple to provide functionality for call recording? How come there are many apps on app store available for call recording if it is not allowed?
Apps such as?
wait, deivice got switched off :P but just got to app store n put call record .. u'll get plenty of options
I remember seeing, Recorder app
They all use external call centers
And record them there and send them back to you
On one of the forum

How to record calls on iPhone:

1. Be in call with person
2. Hit the button to add a call (the +)
3. Type in your phone number
4. It will go strait to voicemail
5. Once you here the beep, it will start recording
6. When you hang up the call, you will get a voicemail of your recording

You think we will be able to do this programatically?
Ohh ... So all calls go through that call centers?
That's why they are hella expensive to use
Recording conversations is a huge invasion of privacy
Historically, you couldn't do it in the U.S. without a warrant from a judge
But thanks to the Patriot Act, that changed -________-;;
yeah that I read at many places
but for enterprise apps ... those who want the recording feature should be availabel for them right?
Telephone recording laws are laws that govern the civilian recording of telephone conversations by the participants (as opposed to laws controlling government or law enforcement wiretapping). Telephone tapping is officially strictly controlled in many countries to safeguard an individual's privacy; this is the case in all developed democracies. In theory, telephone tapping often needs to be authorized by a court, and is, again in theory, normally only approved when evidence shows it is not possible to detect criminal or subversive activity in less intrusive ways; often the law and regulati...
It will still be illegal in some areas
I mean in my case ... application if for reachability of employees ... so if he is not available he can select to record call for him ... so we need this option
Isn't that what voicemail is for?
but I didnt see any way to do it programatically?
If they don't want to allow it...why would they make an API for it?
okay let me find more on that ... might come back just in case
I highly highly doubt you will find anything....
What exactly are you trying to do anyway? It doesn't even make sense to me
the thing is there is this client ... I cant explain you the whole thing bcos of confidentiality - but they want the app on all their employees phone ... for many purposes - like call 4warding, recording if he is in meeting or smthng, locating etc ...
If the employee is not available, then it will go to voicemail
That sounds so incredibly evil and illegal I want to throw up -__-
they want all that rhtough their app ...
Tell them that you are not willing to break the law
android allwes most of the thing .. so we're also forced to find :P though we know that some things r not possible with iOS
And that if they want to watch over their employees this closely they should install spy cameras
ha ha ha
yeah right :P
we just giving the feasibility study ... which will state all these restriction n details ... but need to find as much as possible ...
Well ask yourself....why would Apple include an API for enterprise use only?
What if the employee does not consent to being recorded?
Will the company fire him?
I hope they try so that they get a fat lawsuit on their hands
This stuff irritates the hell out of me
What possible valid reason could there be for this kind of behavior...
I kno man
borrden is not a man lolz
I don't know what you mean by that
anyways thanks 4 your inputs ... good talking to you :) have seen many projects like this ... but they pay us ... so dnt hv much choice ;)
Am just comenting on sagrian comment :)
I am male
We should start with ASL plz ... ha ha ha
@Psomaiya17 You have write permission, read the rules...I let you in with low rep because you are answering lots of questions
oh ok lolz
haha :)
My name is "Jim" for crying out loud :p
No girls are named Jim
Hello Friends .. :)
@borrrden .. Howz u ..?
Planning to release our app tomorrow
Finally....I've been working on this project for.....
about 16 months
16 months ... wow .. never known of any app going in under dev for that long ... usually mobile apps r fast right
it went through several prototypes
@borrrden ..ohhhhh.. Really great.. still Planning .. :P ... I can hope it will be a great project.. and Wish for Happy Release.. :)
must b some thing interesting n out of usual apps
We are working with a publisher, so we have an unbelievable amount of content to push out
has anyone ever created photo application in iphone
About 1 GB of content per app
@borrrden Good luck
And our client's new desires never end
Even now they are asking if we can put new ffeatures in
I say "Are you kidding? We are applying in a couple days!!"
We are going crazy verifying all the content as it is....><
he he .. thats what clients r :) ... n it is good ... we get our bread because of their always coming demands ;)
Unfortunately it won't benefit any of you though because it's in Japanese
And it is designed for learning English
ohhh... Then we can learn Japanese.. :P
Hah...if you consider staring at something blankly learning :p
Myself, I am working on 4 apps, and my coworker is handling another one which contains 2 different apps inside...I didn't get the demand....
It made everything miserable
I had everything working pretty nicely for organizing the content based on an identifier that I passed to the compiler....but then suddenly the app needed TWO DIFFERENT identifiers based on user input grrrrrr
@Psomaiya17 You mean a photo editing app?
oh.. I am also working on the Project that is with us from Last 5 years.. But I am Working from Last 1 years.. I can understand the Excitation of Release for such projects.. :)
and for Long Waiting..
@Psomaiya17 I think you should find many questions regarding your query on stack overflow site ... please search though them, you'll get inputs as per your requirement
yellow mello
@MaxHasADHD .. What does it mean in california .. ?
Isn't that a kind of soda?
What is going on
time is going on :D
I'm eating chicken chopper rice. Brb
it just means hello @stunner :P
its time fo bed!
I hate when UIButtons get in a state where it takes about a half a second longer to show its highlighted:/
That happens a lot when they are inside scroll views
But it can be avoided
well it just so happens that it is in a scrollview!
its a little select menu ( i think i showed you?) and i made them buttons now so i can make a delegate and stuff and know what service to show menu for
Your scrollview has a setting called "delays content touches"
If that is on, you will notice that effect on your buttons
gah. why scrollviews why! XD
WOOT! thanks @borrrden, i forgot about that 1:P
trying to do this app quickly right nowXD
it adds accounts now:D
now for hard work, add the information
How would you guys code this, so the followers app gets the info, like number of followers. but it does a request using REST,how would you communicate back to the tanle to show that new info
by notification call, completion handler?
completion handler
The REST library should have one anyway
i wish:/
I may have to edit its code and add it myself, its a lot easier to return stuff
You aren't using RESTKit?
so for now, i have to scorll the cell above view to refresh it
no im using oauthconsumer because it can get the same info and if i need to login to a service its easier
for some of these i dont have to though
It doesn't have a method to receive data back from a request?
It must...I can't imagine that it doesn't
it calls othe rmethods
And in those methods, you can notify the table
which is a delegational way or notification way:P since this is in a nsobject for accounts
via callback...delegate method....direct method call....whatever you like
A notification is kind of lame when you already know where you are going to use it
ya, i was asking what do you like to use:P the easiest is notifications
Or if it comes at an unknown time
I prefer blocks
But you need to be careful not to cause retain cycles
ya i like blocks but hate it if i have to make a blok then call it from another method:P lol but i guess thats the best
woah, disabling the delaysContentTouches makes it hard to scroll:[
anyways goodnight @borrrden:D
heelllllooooooo gooooood morning/afternoon/evening/night!!
doumo arigato gozaimasu
That's not what I was trying to say :p
Good morning all
how is everyone?
I'm getting excited....tomorrow is Apple Application Day
We are going to apply for an expedited review haha
Thats cool
Yep, 16 months of prototyping and development
Result: 5 applications with a total of ~5GB of content
Unfortunately, only available in the Japan iTunes store
How come they are only available there?
I'm bored
Copyright restrictions
We are using previously copyrighted material in the app, and only have rights to distribute in Japan
ah ok
Actually, some our client lost the rights to somehow
So part of the page just reads "cannot be displayed due to copyright" lol
I've been using sizeWithFont: for years
Then just today I found a bug, it doesn't work with large amount of texts...
What do you mean "large amounts" ?
500 words loren ipsum
Did you use CGFLOAT_MAX for the height?
I was also shocked at how weird this was....but I didn't find any bugs with it
with sizeWithFont: forWidth:, we're not supposed to specify the height, right?
That is for one line only
but for sizeWithFont: constrainedToSize:, I did specify 9999 for the height
so probably I should change that 9999 to CGFLOAT_MAX
And what was the size you got back?
That's not for one line only. The docs doesn't say that.
@borrrden much smaller than what it's supposed to be
This method returns the width and height of the string constrained to the specified width. Although it computes where line breaks would occur, this method does not actually wrap the text to additional lines. If the size of the string exceeds the given width, this method truncates the text (for layout purposes only) using the specified line break mode until it does conform to the maximum width; it then returns the size of the resulting truncated string.
That is what the docs say about forWidth
Doesn't the last sentence imply that regardless how long the text is, it will give me the height?
Hmmm okay now that I scroll up the docs I see this
What it means is that it will only compute width of the first line
why is it that I see everything now that I know my mistakes...
I've had a lot of time to mess around with these
hahaha, you were in this hole too?
Yes, very very much
When we started this application, we needed to implement a rich text view....
with highlighting
oh damn that was painful before iOS 6 right?
Since iOS 6 was not even announced yet....
Had to go the HTML route
that must've been so painful...
oh ok, HTML not too bad then
Still really bad....
I thought you subclassed UITextView to contain many texts of different typography
it is hard to allow the user to alter the document without the keyboard popping out
Also, in iBooks style, we had to give the user the ability to attach memos to parts of the text
oww right....
So not only did I have to alter the HTML, but I had to manage all the IDs
And on top of that
We needed the ability to transmit this information to another iPad
ow damn
well here's to cheer you up a bit: youtube.com/watch?v=rLprXHbn19I
and the project was cancelled
Finally accomplished all that in the end
i gotta go the the gym, talk to you later :)
has anyone used "CFHostClientCallBack" under ARC? I think there's an issue in here
void (*CFHostClientCallBack)(CFHostRef host,CFHostInfoType infoType,const CFStreamError *streamError,void *info) if compiled under ARC,info here will be released
ARC doesn't touch that stuff
The problem is probably that you are not retaining it
ARC will also not retain it for you
make that strong may be will solve your problem
you can't make a strong void *
i guess the solution might be compiling that without ARC
You have to do it old-school using retain and release
there seems no obvious retain or release for that info thing...i'm not sure... whatever.
many thanks borrrden
malloc and free
You need to show how you are using it in the first place
Even without ARC it will still have problems
i might take deeper look into that. get to leave now. thanks again!
Feeling ill today. Cant think properly :/
do you what eferalgan is?
winasorb, xumadol, zolben, supracalm, rapidol, panagesic, cotibin, fibradol, panadol some of those pharms heal all kind of sickness related to flu / illness that allow you to stay in computer
and cocain but it's illegal
Like cocain lol
Im sure that would help haha
but if you are congestionated you should smoke it
but I think it wont stone as sniffed or whatever haha
Great advice....
Feeling ill? Snort some coke....
snowy cigarrettes
UICollectionView has an annoying bug
It's calculation for putting a cell on the next line are different between scrolling from above and scrolling from below
So if your lines fill up the width of the view almost exactly, a cell will suddenly jump as you are scrolling
@all Hello. I am going to use IAP where user will have ability to download new images when they purchase them. So Do i need to put all images in app and restrict some of them and when they purchase them then unlock those images or i need to download those images from Apple server or personal webserver? Which one is the better option?
@mann its upto you....which option you feel better to use...remote server option/storing pic locally are equally feasible
Hello All,

i am making chatting application...and in device i am using emoji keyboard...How can i send emoji through webservice ? I read about unicode character..but problem is that i am using default emoji keyboard and just getting blank space in URL of web service..Can anybody help ?
Sorry but i don't have any code to show so i did not put question on SO
@GauravGovilkar hey gaurav ...how r ya man....how is ahemadabad
@John it is good...
and m good too :)
how was ur experience in CIS?
Very nice it was good company
@GauravGovilkar COME TO Greece someday...
sure man...:)
Greece has good opportunities in IT?
@rohan-patel its alright here...you know, a coder just needs a laptop and internet connection and he/she can sit and code on The Himalayas too!!!

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