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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

I use Line mostly
I also rarely write emails
good morning boys and girls
1 hour later…
@borrrden i got the import working
you had it all but had to account for blank folders:P
My version worked for my empty folders
@bdesham You have write access, read the rules
4 hours later…
hi jack sparrow
1 hour later…
Hello guys!!! good morning/afternoon/evening/night!! =)
@ArnoldSakhnov I have given you write access, but I feel like I've already given it to you once before...
Read the rules.
Q: Recovery Password Generation

SagrianDuring the testing of our app, it was observed that there was no functionality to get inside the application if user forgets his password. On discovering this we implemented a password generation technique as follows 1. Create a specific string using user information. 2. Apply SHA1 on the string...

Any inputs from here?
You don't need to think about time zones when using dates
That's not how dates work on computers
They are just one number, a double representing the number of seconds from an arbitrary point in time
@Sagrian I didn't read it but from the title I know you want to make a sha1 password recovery generator, a sha1 cannot be decrypted so you have to mail the new password before the user said, yes, i want to change (from previous email)
@borrrden Yes I know, but as per requirement, there should server and my phone app will be generating the same password usii\ng common known data. To add date, we will b using system date which can be different for different time zones, right?
Time zones are not relevant
I say again, the time is just the number of seconds from a reference time
One point in time is the same throughout the world
time zones are only relevant when you display it in clock format
For example, I just checked the date and it is this -> 383479227.254938
And this for linux -> 1361786477.31844
arent they both different?
Well it depends on which one you want to use
the first is seconds since 1/1/01
The second is seconds since 1/1/1970
The former is the OS X way of doing it, the latter is the traditional unix way of doing it (which is probably how your server will do it)
okay. Did not have knowledge about this. Will check n update the answer :)
@borrrden I understand it now. Thanks :) the number changes very frequently but ... I wanted something which would vary but will be same across platforms if accessed at different platforms ... If I user this number, then by the time user gets mail and try to enter password .. the password that will be generated on device will b having different number which will go to SHA1 algo n will generate different password .. so it won't match with the server password...
*pardon typo's .. too many in above msg :P
In that case you cannot use it
Look into HMAC generation like the answer says
hello everybody
anybody knows why I always get the tableview with the "No results" label after search
but in my cellForRow it gives me back te correct search results
Guys someone can still help me with XML Parsing? pastebin.com/hfUqzSHH my problem is that I cannot get the value of the elements, i don't know how...
@StefGeelen No, nobody will know unless you make a stack overflow question with relevant code
@borrrden okay, I will make one ;)
will try to implement ...
@rokimoki They will all be in the last argument of the method you are using
Hi guys. A question about segue.destinationViewController. Is it an ok idea to grab and store it as a (strong) property of the controller that accesses it via -prepareForSegue?
Sure, as long as you remember to get rid of it later
@rokimoki Oh, I see that it says they are empty
@ArnoldSakhnov best practice any outlet should be weak
They are not attributes, I see
@borrrden Okay, cool. I’ve got a problem though, it doesn’t get retained as a property though
Just text
You also need to implement the foundCharacters method
I mean, I assign it to my property in -prepareForSegue, but then when some other method gets called, the value of that property is (null)
You will have to make a question with your relevant code
I'm not going to try to imagine what you are doing
yes show your part of code
If strong variables didn't increase retain counts then not a single thing would work in ARC
It’s very simple, really. Here’s a rough representation of my code pastebin.com/xBFLbtWH
(It just seems to me that it has to be quite straightforward, I’m just missing something)
Is the identifier correct?
Log that too
self.embeddedController ? show it's property declaration
@property (strong, nonatomic) MyControllerClass *embeddedController;
Everything inside -prepareForSegue works. I’m able to call the methods of the embedded controller while inside -prepareForSegue
See above --^
I asked that the last friday
@borrrden sorry, you mean the identifier of the segue?
but anyone gave me a correct answer
Did you implement the foundCharacters method @rokimoki ?
@borrrden I've made a SO question
Q: SearchDisplay controller is not showing my search results

Stef GeelenI am trying to make a contacts tableview like the iPhone contacts module. I have a tableview sorted alphabetically with header sections (A-B-C-...). Now I want to search this tableview. After my search I should only have one section with all the search results. The problem I have is that it kee...

Like I said, the property gets properly assigned within -prepareForSegue. If I log the identifier, it returns EmbedThisController. self.embeddedControllers returns my controller.
I've already did
If you want to take a look at it, I will be very thankfull
But the reference doesn’t seem to be retaining for some reason
The controller is probably being deallocated after it disappears
It doesn’t actually disappear. It stays on the screen the entire time
I don't use segues because they annoy me....but isn't that the point?
To display a new controller in place of an old one?
It is impossible that it is not retaining it....either something is setting it to nil, or that controller is being deallocated
Is there a way to find out when a view controller gets deallocated for whatever reason, in an ARC project?
Put a breakpoint in dealloc
Or a log message
Just tried that. It never fired
Then override your setter property for that property
and find out all the places that it is being called
Yep, just thought to do that as well. Thanks, trying now
Huh, the setter does fire almost immediately after the embeddedController is loaded, and setting it to nil
Is there a way to find who calls the setter?
You can also set conditional breakpoints so it only stops when embeddedController is going to be set to nil
Right click the breakpoint and select edit breakpoint
Hmm, an extremely noob question incoming (I haven’t really used breakpoints all that much in Xcode). How do I get the stack trace once the breakpoint is hit?
Well there are two ways
For one thing you can see it in the left pane
for another it is selectable via the bar right below your source code window
and a third, you can type backtrace or bt into the console
Brilliant. Cheers
@borrrden I've added a screenshot of my storyboard to my question.
Awesome. Mystery is uncovered. Turns out, -prepareForSegue actually gets called before -viewDidLoad (when there’s an embedded controller)
And it was me setting that property to nil in viewDidLoad. Durr
Thanks heaps, @borrrden
@StefGeelen How is self.searchDisplayController declared?
Why is search view controller its own data source?
Nevermind I read that wrong
Answer my question about the property
You mean where I declare self.searchDisplayController ?
In my viewDidload I do this
No, I mean how is it declared in your header
oh okay
1 message moved to recycle bin
I didn't declared it in the header
when you look at the sample code from apple
They also did not declared it.
I've added those delegates in my header UISearchDisplayDelegate, UISearchBarDelegate
Oh...you are right
This method comes with UIViewController
mm okay
but it's strange that in the cellForRow it gives me the correct cells back
the only problem is that they are not showing
Did you implement the UISearchDisplayController delegate methods?
I will add them to the question.
Your question is already huge
Nobody will read it if it is any longer....
You need to narrow it down to a specific problem
Yes I know, but I don't know what the specific question is.
*specific problem
Well nobody else will either at this rate...
I've never used searchDisplayController....
good morning everyone
so I'm not sure what is going on
I have a searchable table, but I just implemented the search myself and reloaded the table
mm okay
@Stef Geelen every time i have that problem its because i forgot to link up the tableview / collection view in IB , i know it s an obvoius one but it has me quite often
@Dev2rights Everything is hooked up correctly :)
Time seems to crawl to a halt...
Please tell me your secret
I'm done with my project
thats good congrates
I'm researching the next one
thats good same here :)
so cool here today :D
how can I tell my POST message that the response would be long? I mean If I recieve a long response I will get a null response...
did not understand ...explain more... what's the context? are you using nsurlconnection?
I'm doing this: pastebin.com/ByJhgm9f
and if I receive a long response (much bytes) the response is null
*many bytes
What's about this if you try thin one pastebin.com/A8vtQzxr
Have you tried with sendAsynchronousRequest
Have you checked this?
I did not tested it, because I didn't need to use
but I see that I need to do now
@NSReal it says incompatible block pointer types sending NSString * (^) ...
show me your code
your code
wait a moment
w8 it's not uploaded yet .___.
remove return type ..use handler
I mean completion handler your custom block
or for the time being remove the return type and check for compilation
now it means Implicit declaration of function habdler is invalid
make your function return type void
then remove return statement
just check the log first
nope that's not the problem
because the warning now is gived inside the block
What's warning screen shot please
okay, thanks for the help, wait a minute
@rokimoki [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.google.com"]] queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response,NSData *data, NSError* error){

its just fine
put nslog inside the block for reponse
hey guys
and check the log
@MaxHasADHD hello
do you know how to detect swipes from edge of the screen?:/
i found a guy who does, but he wont answer my SO question on how to do it
like in google chrome and stuff, you can change tabs by swiping from the edge of screen
@MaxHasADHD on touch begin just get the coordinates and match them with your view edge :)
:/ ya..... i was afraid of that:[
hate touchesXD
why? it's like 3 lines of code
you can still use a swipe gesture and get the coordinates in the callback method
lolXD but it should be easier:/ like swipe gesture with a area
but i guess il have to use touchesXD lol
school time:[
@rokimoki are you getting ? or still are there problem?
@rokimoki where you have declare handler ?
@rokimoki just show me that block code
if I comment handler is working
I have you declare this like that typedef (void)(^handler)(id data, NSError *error);
but I have one doubt
yes that's my custom handler you have to write you own handler there
yes dark is right
NSURLRequest *appServcieRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString: aURL]]; this -> aURL must be "http://url.com/page.php?var=1&var=34" ??
yes in that case it will be get request
but i want post
i'm so confused
can you try this one ?I just edited in your code context
just put nslog inside the block or put breakpoint and check what's happening
I did this
    NSString *datascillo = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: responseData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    NSLog(@"response: %@ - responseData: %@ - error: %@",response,datascillo,error);
and got a 404 error :D nice
Okay, I got an answer from my backend site
@NSReal where did you edit the code?
grt I edited from here pastebin.com/ByJhgm9f
which you showed me
but that will work for long posts?
I mean all of this, to return to my code? XD
1 hour later…
it worked with a thread
I've got my new job
which weirdly enough isn't iOS
same place I was
contract extended?
I'm going to build a touchscreen kiosk for them
My friend wants to become movie director
so he now participated in a competition
where he is supposed to shoot funny candid small clips
so we are going to a clinic this weekend
and if it gets selected, it will be featured on tv
you just need to make sure you wont miss your own event
In case he gets break through, I will ask him for a job
then I will start working on movie industry too
and leave coding
Oh event
I am 75% sure I won't make it
that means you have to revoke your own write permissions
But I might make it in case i return that day by 12am
It's at 10.30 PM my time. That night I am going for party
I might get home by 11.30 PM or 12AM
party girl
For the last 2-3 months, I haven't studied anything new
Just Interviews.
And partying
then again you're 24 right?
what else are you supposed to do at that age
24 is running
but my parents dont allow
you're still going
i come up with plans everytime
But I have been partying out late night until 11PM only 3-4 times
well, you're in a different culture
I say friends birthday party, etc
but i can make it i think, by 11.30 PM
I will have to get home and immediately start the event
I'm not going to revoke your rights if you don't
I couldn't prepare today as well.
I have 4 days now.
well, it's the same with everything, right? exams in particular
but I want to prepare well for the event
I will work hard for next 4 days
what am I getting? a hint of responsibility there? :)
you're growing up
before you know it, you won't remember the times when you just couldn't give a shit
I also have other plans
I expect Sree and @MichaelDautermann to somehow take more time than they have said
resulting in my topic to be cancelled
We will ask them a lot of questions and extend the time
haaaa... I haven't prepared at all either. However, I plan to.
I've been super swamped with my work.
I like the word swamp
every time someone says they are swamped at work, I imagine they are sitting breast deep in bog with their desk and monitor just barely sticking out
prepare your topics or you'll be killed
yeah, if you sit in the swamp too long an alligator will get you
yeah, I'll say the same to you
I'm done with theory. I need to make some 4-5 sample codes to make you guys understand with live demo projects
whose presentation is most awesome will get pizza awarded
yeah, we will have rate the topics at the end of the event as feedback
I am paying property tax online
property tax?
My corporation is hi-fi..
Corporation tax by my city.
how much?
I save my Tax by my Life Insurance. Will save rest by House Loan soon
you're buying a house?
This property tax you can not get exception..
yes i want to buy
so you get to party and get home whenever you want
lol not for that, I will anyways be staying with parents
I am pleased that we are progressing. :-)
that's it, workday over, not that I did much anyway
I will need to go and get some hardware, I'll be building hardware for the next couple of days
have a nice [insert time of day here] everyone
I'll be back on Wednesday
see you
why is tomorrow holiday?
Has anyone endorsed Fixed Deposit to anyone before or knows about it?
We can endorse Fixed Deposit to others, right?
yes, I endorse fixed deposits to Michael Dautermann
That we can do at the back side of the Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR)
Now if there are some terms and conditions based on which FD could/couldn't be endorsed
How to do that?
Alright folks, whats up?
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

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