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Sorry @AmeyGadre Your rep is still pretty low, so I am not letting you in at this time
I'm tired and bored. I'll go home early.
Even though you showed up late?
What did your company say?
Tomorrow I'm supposed to gather documents for the USA company and later will go for party in pub with friends.
@WhitneyR. You have write access, read the house rules
Q: AVAudioPlayer behaviour handling issue

SagrianI have been trying to learn AVAudioPlayer and it's behaviour. So to start with I had written AVAudioPlayer *player = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:soundFileURL error:nil]; player.numberOfLoops = -1; [player play]; It did worked well as long as application did not enter backgro...

Did not get any satisfactory answer for this yet :( any suggestions here?
how to remove a \n in a string?
@Sagrian You can't stop another app's audio
You can only mix with it, if it allows it
NSString *responseLimpia = [response stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: response withString:@"\n"];
And what do you think that will do?
clean the response
Lol yes...quite ultimately
It will replace the entire string with one newline
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString very explained by itself
You used it wrong though
Your entire response will turn into this -> @"\n"
I'm sure that is not what you want
So you should try again
i will read the api first, the problem is that I don't understand the api it seems difficult for me
comparing java api that seems easier
If this method is difficult for you....you should give up on Objective-C
I really try, wait a moment
Java is just this right? someString.replace("HelloBrother", "Brother")
like php yes
Obj-C takes the exact same arguments in the exact same order.....
It is just not in place
(unless you are using NSMutableString)
I think I understood
NSString *responseLimpia = [response stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"\n" withString:@""];
because you are replacing @"\n" with @""
not response with @"\n"
thank you very much
which is the best class/lib/framwork to READ and GET DATA from a XML? I know that there is XMLParser, but for example I want to tell, get <id>, getNext... or something
You might want to perform the replacement using a character set, rather than just \n
Well, about \n it's working
As you wish.
but it was a post response but the php is fixed now so I not need to use it anymore
but NSString *responseLimpia = [[response componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet] componentsJoinedByString:@""]; is more robust.
If a tiny bit less performant.
You could use TinyXML
I've used it before (I think)
but NSXMLParser is that bad?
No, not in particular
It is a different style of parser than what you are probably used to though
@AmeyGadre Sorry - not enough rep, and your history doesn't justify write access. Try again if you get your reputation up.
by the way
can I use a c++ class just if .mm?
It won't use the C++ compiler otherwise.
Unless you tweak the setting for the file.
I'm a bad of everything
.mm by default will use the C++ enabled compiler
You're not that bad, you've only said one bad thing today.
10 mins ago, by rokimoki
Well, about \n it's working
I have less than 100 rep
Doing something just to get it working is perfectly acceptable. Not trying to do it in a better way without any other justification than "It works" is smelly.
I do wish that there were a replace charactersInSet: withString:
but 11 bronze
I guess it's really not that common though
So do I. Having to create a array just to collapse it again seems wrong. But it's a better second approximation before going full on with a scanner and doing it that way.
I wonder if NSXMLParser will parse a one line XML like <object><id>1</id><alias>juan</alias><email>[email protected]</email></object> without a xml header and one line
One line shouldn't be a problem....parsers rarely care about whitespace
Unless they are parsing Python :p
@rokimoki Are you anywhere near Madrid?
Sadly, no
are you comming spain?
No. Trying to find an NSCoder Night that is near to you.
How about Tokyo? :D
You're a big boy, you can find your own meetups.
If you want to know where I live, attack this coordinates to google maps xD: 28.036809,-15.430601
It must be nice in Gran Canaria
It's freezing over here.
only the weather
I went to the iOS developer meetup you sent 3 times
Most of the people in it own their own businesses
when I was in berlin it was nicer
@borrrden It's going crazy here.
There are two mobile events next Wednesday, and then the Stackoverflow meetup on Thursday
Hah, jealousy!
They've just opened a new office in London and they sent me an invite as a local high rep user.
So at least that counts as something.
So beer and pizza on two nights next week. And there is a good likelihood of my current contract being extended, so things are looking up.
Hah...come to Japan....I wonder how I rank
Not many Japanese people use SO
3,477th place on Stack Overflow haha
But I now have moderator tool access haha
It just seems like a way to ping me to do things that I do already :p
If gran canaria is nice, why don't build offices here?
Hello everybody
I'm self-employed.
Does anybody of you guys know when the core-data functions are called in the appdelegate
@borrrden It's sad. Once you get past 20 there are no more privileges unless you're elected a mod.
They are called when you call them
@StefGeelen They are lazily loaded, so the first time you call them.
They aren't called for you.
mm because I have an issue with database migration
And they are in the appdelegate for convenience, you can stand the stack up where you like.
@keepsmiling Not enough rep and iffy history, so I will not let you in at this time
If anyone has some time to take a look at this SO question. stackoverflow.com/questions/15004746/…
I'm searching for days now on this bug. And need to come with an update of my app as quick as possible.
@borrrden thanks for the info, but can you please read my question because it's more difficult than you think.
I gave you that information because I don't know anything about it
Nothing about core data ?
About migration
mm oké still thanks for the help
@abizern can you help me ?
Don't ping people for help
It is against the rules
any guide to parse XML in objc I'm bored
What did google tell you?
lot of information
I use simpleXMLElement for PHP
I use NSXMLParser
I'm busy. Brb
I'm "using" it
Then what you want to know? There is guide for it already by Apple.
I know I was using it, but unsuccessful
I just want a little help
Can we record call in iOS. Most of the answers I found are negative? Is there no way to do it?
You have seen the answers.
It is stated that Apple do not allow it nor provides any sample code.
@rokimoki My friend Danni made this video youtube.com/watch?v=v10HwBqrkqE
might be some help
@rohan-patel How come there are call recording app's available then?
There is quick recorder, Recorder, Call Recording Pro and many more
@Will thanks
Got Mailbox
Setting up
some of you guys have some experience with core data migration
Not with migration, sorry. :-|
@StefGeelen Did you add the Core Data Code to the application delegate yourself?
Because it looks like you are using UIManagedDocument - which takes care of it's own stack. The problem you are getting an exception thrown for isn't related to migrations, but to the way you have set up your stack for some reason.
@Abizern You're right I am using an UIManagedDocument
@rohan-patel report back on mail box :)
If you want to help me I will send you an email with more details in it.
Sure, you can do that. But don't you want to ask what my rates are first?
what do you mean by rates ?
Hahaha. Good one
It was pun intended. :-D
Will taking long to synch even on 3G. Lets see.
No Problem. Im still like 500,000 in the queue
Awww.. Still it has about 3.5 rating only on. AppStore
@StefGeelen It means I'll help you online here if I have time and I'm interested in your question. If you want one to one support, then that is work and that means I'll charge you.
Oh okay then maybe with some small help here I will be able to solve the problem.
But the problem is that you are new to the platform and you have a problem and you just want to fix it. Just chucking a whole load of code into your app delegate isn't going to fix the problem.
No I know but after some research about core-data migration
I need to add the options to the NSPersistenStoreCoordinator
If you want some advice - revert to a working state of your project, enable versioning in your model and put your changes back on that. Which should allow you to do a lightweight migration.
You need to have a modelled version before you can enable lightweight migrations.
But I need to add somewhere this code right ?
NSDictionary *options = @{
NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption : @YES,
NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption : @YES
Yes, but you still need to have a versioned model. Do you have a versioned model?
Yes I have added a new model to my xcdatamodel.
and also set the new model to be the current one
stupid xml parser
Big nerd Ranch has explained NSXMLParser very nicely.
@StefGeelen I'll give you another hint - NSManagedObjectContext is not thread safe.
So when you write things like this:
You are being naughty.
@rohan-patel it seems that I'm the nerd
I saw examples with NSData obtained by URL
So I should not to a performBlock on a NSManagedObjectContext ?
but I just need to parse a xml given by string
Ok.. So they are not coming from URL.
@StefGeelen If that was the case, why would there be a performBlock method on NSManagedObjectContext?
The problem is two lines above that. you are running a block on a background queue - which means it's in a different thread to the one that created the ManagedObject Context.
Have a read of the multithreading section in the docs to see how you can create a child context to run on another thread.
And with that - lunchtime is over and I need to get back to work.
@Abizern Okay thank you for your help, appriciated
@rokimoki: you have whole XML in NSSTring?
yes but its small
If that is the case I think this answer I gave may help you. I used to parse it few months ago at my previous job place
A: How to parse XML file from a server?

rohan-patelWell I parse xml some different way than others and being frank I really do not know which technique it is but I assure you it works fine for me and I have implemeted it successfully in so many projects. Have a look at my code where I load tweets from some profile This is the function where I...

Go to connectiondidfinishloading method.
thanks, lunch and relax time
I will review in some minutes :)
I have parsed something in a similar way you are looking for and it always worked for me
No problem. I am from mobile so after few hours I may be able to help you more if you need any
I really have no idea which parsing method it is but it was given and explained to me by my senior at my company..
1 hour later…
@rohan-patel can you give me an example if I give you a simple XML?
@Abizern If you want to know the solution. I have to add this in my viewDidLoad.
url = [url URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Default appGenk Database"];
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:url error:nil];
self.genkDatabase = [[UIManagedDocument alloc] initWithFileURL:url];

NSDictionary *options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption,
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption, nil];
self.genkDatabase.persistentStoreOptions = options;// setter will create this for us on disk
@rokimoki I do not mind but could you please tell me what is preventing you from trying that code? Did you give a try? Coz unless you try put NSLogs and see outputs you wont understand those string functions.
I'm doing
I'm working all the time testing things and I feel stupid xD
There is nothing to feel stupid about.
Dinner time. brb.
hi @Abizern
He is not here man
Hi Will
I want to create color-fandeck like this app does itunes.apple.com/in/app/mypantone/id329515634?mt=8
Can you help me what should be my starting point or any code or tutorial that can help me
I have already referred ray wanderlich's tutorial of "Rotating wheel"
There is quite a lot in that app
I not sure mate
just think about what you want from your app then work out how to implement each bit
I dont want all things from that app but see last screen shot of that app
there is fan of color stripes
hello all
And I want to create such a fan
@all Hello . How can we open iPhone's native message app? i.e. iPhone's native message window?
@Will thanks for link but i dont want to open it modally. i want to open it outside app
@mann use it like MFMailCompose, just for message
@Armaan Have a look on cocoacontrols.com There maybe some sort of colour wheel you can adapt
Mate i dont want to present it modally
I want to exit app and open message window. not want to present it modaly
@Will: Let me take a look
@mann I have no Idea mate. Why do you want to leave your app?
@Will its functionality of my app. so yah need to leave app and open native message
@mann: Open message app using openUrl function. Please google it for more detail it is what you want exactly
@Armaan yah checking that
should be something like [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:@"sms:"];
And @mann think about this - if you leave your app - what is controlling the Mail functionality. If you want to open something from your app, you need to have your app running. It's all part of the Sandbox and the protected application space.
should also check canOpenURL: before actually opening it.
@Abizern hi. I want to open native message app of iPhone and want to enable user paste item copied in pasteboard
So i want that to open and leave my app
hi @Abizern: I want to create color-fandeck like this app does itunes.apple.com/in/app/…
Can you help me what should be my starting point or any code or tutorial that can help me
I have already referred ray wanderlich's tutorial of "Rotating wheel"
@mann Google or apple docs. They are faithful friends.
@Armaan a) why are you pinging me? b) why must you sully my eyes with a reference to that site?
c) what is it about the house rules that you find difficult re. pinging to get attention to your questions.
Boing in 5 seconds
yah sure
@Will @Armaan    NSString *stringURL = @"sms:";
    NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:stringURL];
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url]; this works
@Armaan You've been bounced.
2 hours later…
@borrrden wierd, i just tested it. it works nice, except mine does not go backwards:P so all folders go into and deeper. gah
im looking at your example, seeing what happened
ya:/ some reason it doesnt go back out like its supposed to, continues adding inward
wow! @borrrden your code worked.. wonder why mine didnt.... hmmmmm
our code looks exactly the same except for a nsstring
Rubber duck debugging, rubber ducking, and the rubber duckie test are informal terms used in software engineering to refer to a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a likely apocryphal story in which an unnamed expert programmer would keep a rubber duck by his desk at all times, and debug his code by forcing himself to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. To use this process, a programmer explains code to an inanimate object, such as a rubber duck, in the expectation that upon reaching a piece of incorrect code and trying to explain it, the programmer will notice the err...
gah, it works except folders with nothing doesnt go out
hi guys
my contract has been extended
I'm happy now
2 hours later…
@Will Not impressed by Mailbox. :/
mailbox isn't that cool
mail app gives me notifications before mailbox does
@MaxHasADHD My Gmail app is perfect for me. Mailbox has attractive UI only, otherwise the way my Inbox is handled by Gmail (Same as on website) is way better than Mailbox. Mailbox messes up with them. It does not provide 3 categories like Gmail i.e. Imp & Unread, Starred, Everything Else. Also there is no option of undoing any action you do by mistake especially you need time to get used to those swipe gestures. @Will
Hi im getting missing localized screenshots. I have included 3.4 and 4 inch screen shots then even its same
This is something going to be interesting. iOS to HTML5 App Porter Tool Courtesy : iOS Dev Weekly- Issue 82.

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