does anybody here also develop for android? i'm looking for a way to bridge the gap between platforms when it comes to in-app purchases? if a user has my app on android and ios and they make a purchase on ios i want that purchase to be available on android. are there solutions out there for that? any suggestions?
@chintankhetiya you have write access. Please read the House Rules before posting. Although you look like you're mostly an Android dev, but we'll see.
room topic changed to NSChat: Discussion for iOS an OS X developers. Our aim is to help you help yourself. Please read the House Rules: Ask for write access but don't be surprised if it's revoked when you go against their spirit. Iä Shub-Niggurath! Iä Shub-Niggurath! [cocoa] [cocoa-touch] [ios] [ipad] [objective-c] [osx] [shub-niggurath]
room topic changed to NSChat: Discussion for iOS and OS X developers. Our aim is to help you help yourself. Please read the House Rules: Ask for write access but don't be surprised if it's revoked when you go against their spirit. Iä Shub-Niggurath! Iä Shub-Niggurath! [cocoa] [cocoa-touch] [ios] [ipad] [objective-c] [osx] [shub-niggurath]
And be warned - it's a costly business. You'll need a mac, you'll need an iOS device, you'll need a paid developer account to test your software on your mac. You'll need to buy at least one book to learn Objective-C, Cocoa, Cocoa design patterns and the iOS architecture.
Not counting the time it will take you to become proficient.
So your first table view shows all the categories. And when you select one, you get all the related items from the relationship and show that.
And name your relationships better:
A Category has a relationship to items and an Item has a relationship to category Being careful with names and plurality makes it easier to figure out what is related to what and how.
And why do you have an items property in Categories? You don't need to set an attribute for them - they are picked up by the relationship
I'm writing an app with two tables on one screen. The left table is a list of folders and the right table shows a list of files. When tapped on a row on the left, the right table will display the files belonging to that folder.
I'm using Core Data for storage. When the selection of folder change...
But only thanks to your tips, I want the app to be a mix between the mail & contacts app with only standard UIKit visuals and controls - You must login to post
This question is for iOS 5 with Xcode 4.2. That's what I am running for iOS development.
I have download a sample project from git hub InstaOverlay and when I look at its target it says "6.0" so I switched it to 5.0 and tried compiling the code. I wasn't able to go very far as you can see from m...
More a case of somebody not able to run your app with a deployment of 5.0. I was going to download it and see what the errors were for myself - but you might have more success at explaining what he's doing wrong.
yeah we have accounts for our users. we're launching the android app in about a week or so but i want to make sure we're covered for the future when we launch the ios app in a few months.
@mmackh tell me more about the sync service if you don't mind
when someone makes a purchase, I send the receipt via a POST to the server and verify it with apple. If the verification is successful, I unlock the feature server-side