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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

I gave him cos he wanted my resume to outsource some tasks. I'm so selfish.
I already have a few things I'd like to ask you but i can't "talk" about it where I am right now, just write, if that's ok with you
skype is an awesome communication channel ( at least, for now :P Since M$ bought it, I'd expect it to go crap style soon)
Hi @deer, I've given you write access. Follow the rules (which are in the top right corner) and I hope we'll have a great time together here.
@MichaelDautermann yes
What will you be doing today
who me? or @deer ?
of course you
I have an issue with inAppPurchase
can you help me for same
I may be able to revert to you, @Deer
today I'm working on code, but of course! One of my projects is doing a demo today at a trade show.
@thiagocfb knows all about my projects now :(
my app working really fine in sandbox environment
and it's live but when my user try to purchase some product, they are not able to get it
are you checking any error results in your code, or is anything useful being printed in the device console?
some of them were really ninja, couldn't find much info on them
@MichaelDautermann yes, as I said it goes really well with sandbox environment, no error, no issue nothing goes wrong
and the same thing is on live
but when I try my live app it stuck in inAppPurchase
can you show me a little bit of your code where you're doing iapp purchase?
Laladala: I am at churchgate. I do not have any place to stay. Hotel is the only option. :-D
the reason I ask is because I want to see if you are doing error checking properly.
copy & paste your code into a pastie or pastebin view.
-(void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions
for(SKPaymentTransaction *transaction in transactions)
switch (transaction.transactionState)
case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased:
[self completeTransaction:transaction];
case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed:
[self failedTransaction:transaction];
@rohan-patel Are you alone?
and which path does it go, @Deer ? the purchased or failed path?
My dear, deer please use pastebin.
And have a look at room rules please. Will help you to communicate better with others. =)
@MichaelDautermann in sandbox it go in purchased
in live it go into failed
laladala: I am with my two cousins. I am here to receive my cousin coming from Canada.
@thiagocfb Yeah some of the projects at the very bottom. They got removed from app store 'cos they were essentially books. When Apple launched iBookStore, they asked all apps in app store that were mostly like books to be removed and make an iBookStore app for it instead.
@Deer, when I look at the documentation for SKPaymentTransaction
you'll see this:

The transaction failed. Check the error property to determine what happened.

Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
@rohan-patel When is he coming?
there is an "error" property that you can check and see what happened.
@rohan-patel lol i just got stucked in receiving payments from one of my canadian client ... could your cousin get it for me :P
Going air port now..at 2.30 am almost
And after receiving?
but right now my app is live, i can't check it
chalu j 6
sorry last was by mistake
Reefaq: he is an engineer not underworld or Italian mafia. :-P
@Deer, try building a test version or an ADHOC version and try it out on a device that you own.
you do own a device, don't you, @Deer ?
Laladala: we were not able to book tickets for tomorrow in tatkal reservation. We may leave early morning or in afternoon
yes I have ipad 2 and iPhone 4s
so build a test version and put it onto the device and test test test
@rohan-patel lol .. its just a matter of 3k USD tell him to hide the cash somewhere
@rohan-patel There are many hotels available near the Mumbai International Airport.
so you want me to test it in sandbox account right
and look at the result of the "error" property.
I was caught for carrying 15k INR cash during my return from Singapore.
Laladala: ya not to worry. My cousin has a flat in vikhroli. So we may go there
Hey Michael how are you?
how much cash are you allowed to take with you on international flights?
@MichaelDautermann you can't believe, but I tested it thousands of time in sandbox environment
It's obvious there has to be many hotels near any Airport.
and that will never goes in failedstate
@Deer I believe you have tested thousands of time in a sandbox environment.
did you test in app purchase on the device before deploying, @Deer ?
I think sandbox is only way we can test our app
Laladala: you mentioned in my map issue I have to reuse overlays so it does not freeze
yes @Deer, but do you ever look at the contents of the "error" property? In my own code, if I get an error, I print it out in the console log.
I hope I will get a charging point at air port. It's 20% only now.:-/
yeah that's right
but in sandbox environment I never get error and never go into SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed
how can I check the error when I don't get that
@rohan-patel Sorry, I was partly correct. There doesn't seem to be any method for dequeuing overlays. It's only for annotations. Are you showing many overlays?
you don't get it in the sandbox version but you do get it in the live version... try to figure out what the difference is, between the versions @deer
and for your next version, print out the value of the "error" property into the console log in case there is an error.
that what I told you
my sandbox version never go on credit card verification stage when I purchase anything
He never gets the error parameter while debugging cos while debugging, transaction never fails.
so I'm on the same view in my app
but in live when I try to buy anything
By sandbox he means that we test the app by a test account, which doesn't really carry out any transactions.
it takes me to verify your credit card information page on app store
and my app goes in background
Ok. Catch you later saving battery for emergency
It checks for other parameters, like product identifiers, app id, network, etc to conclude succes or failure
Gn guys
after verifying my credit card information
It's similar to the Simulation of Email by MFMailComposeViewController. In Simulator it shows mail sent, but mail is never sent.
when I double press home button and awake my app
It only simulates.
@rohan-patel try convincing the food shopkeeper inside .. they once helped me for it
@rohan-patel Night. Have a good time in Mumbai.
it open the same view but goes in SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed
@Deer what I would recommend doing is to create an update to your app and send it to the app store,
@Deer and in that update, when it goes into "SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed"
@Deer print out the contents of the "error" property. That way, you can determine what the error really was.
@Deer this won't help you with today's version, but it should help you with tomorrow's update.
it takes a week or two weeks to approve
yes, it may take a week
for understand what is in failed transaction stage
Is there a way to run code only when the app is first launched?
I let you know what I wrote in SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed
@hanleyhansen you mean run code with the "applicationDidFinishLaunching" UIDelegate method?
@Deer Why your app didn't show an alert view when transaction fails?
-(void)failedTransaction:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:transaction];
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Subscription failure,Please try again later"
message:[transaction.error localizedDescription]
[alert show];
[self stopLoadingAnimationWithTag:999];
@laladala I show it as above code
@MichaelDautermann similar. but i only want the absolute first launch like after install. not every time the add is open.
well what do you know, @deer does show the error and as an alert, too.
it shows me errot
wait I
give you what is the alert box give me
But you aren't showing the error coming from the error parameter.
I see a "image not found"
Oh no, you are.
Unformatted code is hard to read ^^
transaction.error localizedDescription]
@laladala sorry, I just copy paste without formating
I mean when you dump even a formatted code here it loses its indentation and becomes hard to read.
Thats why we recommend reading the house rules before posting.
So where is the screenshot?
he's trying to show an image from devforums.apple.com
@laladala which one
which you or I are not logged into. So what I am seeing is an "image not found" screen.
Apple has clearly supplied us the code. But you aren't following it.
@MichaelDautermann hello, are you there, getting my issue
Anyways what is the screenshot saying?
@Deer, post the real screenshot
[transaction.error localizedDescription]
this method gives me cannot connect to iTunes store
ugh. this is frustrating.
@Deer, can you upload your screenshot here?
k wait
you get an alert saying "Cannot connect to iTunes store"
@Reefaq cannot connect to iTunes store
ya i corrected it
wow again Image not found
@Deer ... the link you posted said "http://or.cdn.sstatic.net/chat/img/ImageNotFound.png"
I'm about to give up on helping you out @Deer
@laladala this is somewhat what I code
try logging back to your sandbox account or delete and installing app again
I just do that when I write last msg
but still same thing
it works fine with sandbox account
no issue
go properly in completetransactionstate
Q: iPhone Store Kit "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"

lucashardingI am working on adding In-App purchases to my app. I am able to receive the productsRequest:didReceiveResponse method, and receive the array of products. My problem arises when I add a SKPayment to the SKPaymentQueue. After I add the product to the queue, in the paymentQueue:updatedTransactions...

Q: iPhone In-App Purchase Store Kit error -1003 "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"

ReiI've been working on adding in-app purchases and was able to create and test in-app purchases using Store Kit (yay!). During testing, I exercised my app in a way which caused the app to crash mid purchase (so I guess the normal cycle of receiving paymentQueue:updatedTransactions and calling fini...

There seems to be silly things going on with Apple on that error
Are your products consumable, non consumable or subscription?
non renewable
Stuck with table view situation, probably something silly, but anyones help is appreciated...
Apple has failed so much with web services. They suck in web services. Maps, Mobile Me, this In-App, etc
yes, actually
I have asp.net server through which I provide products to my user
he first two cells don't populate,. But the third one does, with the 3rd piece of data in dict. Strange!
It's logging 3 nulls, then the rest of the data as it should, but not displaying the data in table cell, why would this be?
with webservice call on completetransactionstate
I have called table reload too.
@Deer I have no idea of subscription products. The alert probably says it has something to do with subscription.
ok fine
but anyway thanks for discussion
I'm really frustrating now
Me too, aha.
because with same issue I stuck from last 2 months
Its only when i visit the view for second time, first load is fine!
Any ideas?
I don't think anyone could help you without seeing any code.
@laladala I think whole code file transfer here is not a good idea at all
And on load dictReturn is populated, which works OK
Why would it work on first load, and on second load not?
First time returns one (null), and when i revisit view again, three (null)'s
On first load, works perfect. Second get two empty cells, and third one populate third piece of data as it should
My eyes hurt looking at that code. Whoever gave you access to this room must have asked you to read the House Rules.
USE GIST or PASTEBIN to drop your codes here
That is the second biggest cellForRowAtIndexPath: method I ever seen. Sreecharan is at the top.
Any ideas though? :P
I know code may not be the best, been learning for 6 weeks, and chucked myself in deep end, but trying to learn. Getting book by Steven Kochan soon.
Its big. Might take time. I hope others are also looking. You can meanwhile try creating SO web question too.
And I hate code and coders who code UI that can be done in xib or storyboards.
count me again .. but i do in much proper way
Would i use the prototype cell to layout the things?
Just wasn't too sure, note taken for future projects! ;)
@Reefaq No, you are a heathen. You can never prove coding UI that can be done in xib or storyboards has advantages over doing it in xib or storyboards.
But I can prove mine part.
@laladala you must say now ..i hate reefaq and reefaq like coders
Anyone who believes in writing unnecessary large lines of code isn't a good coder.
I said what I wanted to. I don't care who falls in that category.
i like to play with keyboards rather than mouse tats it.. its nothing like its bad not to do UI in xib
Posted here, with a little more detail, feel free to take a look, stackoverflow.com/questions/14285130/… :)
Writing code takes more time. Large code, unmanageable, more debugging, output is seen only when app is run, etc
Run the app, oh no, 1px left. Okay update code, Run again, etc
Like a donkeys work.
In hindsight, i must agree with above ^^
Making it in UI separates the task of building the UI with the task of managing the UI.
depends on what type of code you write .. i find it simple and you find it difficult ! its OK
The fact that you are agreeing with making the cells in code and not as prototype cells proves that you are naive.
Take this example - He is adding labels to his cell everytime He should only add when cell is nil.
i know how to manage that girl .. i know how its should be handle so that i doesn't much bother app processing
If he has made prototype cells, he doesn't need to care about instantiating the cell.
We only gotta dequeue and start using it.
Doesn't matters what you say. I just proved you wrong.
just to avoid writing codes we should use xib is bullshit
Make a gutter of your files writing large unnecessary code.
any good tips on how to properly clean a project ? I think theres some junk data is getting in my way @_@
you seriously afraid of codes .. dont be, its all codes everywhere.
Writing unnecessary code doesn't make one not afraid of coding. Don't talk bullshit now.
look again you are the one who is debating on your shit like thinking
It's not shit thinking. You are a dumbass
And welcome to my ignore bin.
f**k you yaar ... get the hell out of here !
dont tell others not to write codes at all instead try approaching the proper way .. via .xib or via code (if you know it)
@laladala: So you are flagging a "f**k you" after calling that person a dumbass?
@ThiefMaster Yeah
Be nice. Both of you.
its a very nice reason to stay out of codes "use .xib" coz i dont know/understand codes
both are the proper way only if you know how to use it
Get lost, cargo cult programmer.
awwwwwww.... geeez
I swear, you two lovebirds should get a room.
The heck is going on in here
So anyone had a look at my problem, :L haha.
I think it's an intimate couple's quarrel.
Holy war
I've given you write access, @LukeCarelsen .... please follow the rules listed in the upper right corner of this chat room and we'll all have a good time together.
Love this chat room, all going on here!
it's like a soap opera at times.
hello all, can i ask the dumbest question ever?
It's like Assassin's Creed.... but regarding code good practices
there is no such a thing as a dumb question xD
how do you market an app. ive made an app that im sure every parent would want for there kids they jsut need to know about it
Marketing is simple: you give up and weep in the corner after realizing you'll never manage it.
that's tricky...
it's not a dumb question. I've written a few amazing apps and they went nowhere because the client didn't do a good description nor did he select the most appropriate or effective keywords.
the keyword thing i made a balls up, i know i need to change that next
since it's aimed at the religious market, maybe you should find some mailing lists that are appropriate.... e.g. "Christians who love Technology"... and pop-in and mention your app there.
hmm i didnt think of that
is spamming people the only way?
no... don't spam.
but sending a short and well written and thoughtful message, with your e-mail address (to prove that you're a real live entrepreneur)
If you spam people I will go out of my way to ruin you.
might not be considered spam. Spam is repeated crap from anonymous places.
Wouldn't be the first time though, so I'd have to come up with a new way to have fun with it.
hahaha, didnt mean it like that
I can only imagine how unhappy some people will be that you're rewriting the Bible.
i havent had any complaints yet
and i didnt rewrite it, lol
I imagine the wackos don't use iPads, though.
you haven't had many sales yet, either...
averaging 7 a day, but whats with the negative vibes?
from who? us?
I have no negative vibes, myself. I just offered one possible marketing suggestion.
I have a couple others.
im a small dev, tought myself how to program in a year and popped out this app. so im really new to all this
well looks like you are doing fine!
I'm a small dev also.
so whats the secret, how does one make once app stand out from the thousands?
i believe that people jsut need to see it and they will try it out
I'm a cynic. Not negative, just optimistic that success is near-impossible with a Bible app.
Just trust me, your app isn't of the quality that'll get it to stand out.
man... thanks
The secret is to make something that beats everything else, and yours isn't in a position to do that when its artwork is low-quality even for something targeting children. You need to improve it first.
heh. way to take the wind out of a small dev's sails, @nil.
I'm not saying he's doomed, I'm saying he needs to do more.
wow, low quality. you really think so?
but @Luke, @nil does have a good point. In your update to the app, you may need to polish the UI and look and feel somewhat.
because if you want people to pay money (even if it IS 99 cents for in app purchases),
thanks michael
the app needs to look professional.
Honestly, go back and look at children's books. You've got the right idea, but the execution is flawed.
You'll likely want to bring on an artist, preferably someone who has previous experience doing illustrations for children's books.
hmmmm, your giving me a lot to thik about here
and word of mouth is the best marketing of all. Start with the non-spam spam, also put in a "e-mail my app is awesome you should try it out" bit of functionality into your app
so people who love your app can tell their friends about it, etc.
Also, look at the religious subsites on reddit and see if they'd be OK with you posting a link to your app.
I'm not religious, so I don't know how that stuff goes, but generally speaking people are pretty happy to hear about new stuff.
The important point is that you ask if it's okay first.
hmm ok thanks will try that
That said, I think the biggest point is going to be improving the artwork and possibly the writing (I haven't looked at it, but writing can always be improved). Kids do appreciate great artwork, and right now it's just nothing you'd want to actually look at.
Hm, nap or fiddle with Rust.. choices.
thanks so much for the advice, i will definitely consider what youve said. unfortunately ive gotta run. chat soon and thanks again
lol nevermind
What the heck is going on ^^
o nothing, thought i had a question, but i ended up having the answer as well
we got 12 inches of snow yesterday and today!
it's freezing cold in San Francisco today, too.
I was trying to study java but this book is so boring. I should rather get into lucid dreaming. It's 2 am
yes, dream about dinner with @Reefaq
candles, flowers...
java books tend to be BIG
Hes out...failed poorly in my first criteria.
because of what? his handsome mustache?
Haha sorry second criteria. You remember the criteria very well
Good night. It's 2.15am. Too late.
good night to you!
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

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