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anybody knows about this?
@sreecharan I could do that, but I don't really want to have to sign in to somewhere just to leave a comment. The people who need to know can read it here.
@iProgrammer Should you be receiving data when you are uploading an image?
Ask the server team, if they are returning any response for success or failure.
they are returning json
connection:didFailWithError: gets called?
my image is not uploading
from android it is uploading
Show code for Android.
@Abizern: hi
I dont have any problem, until and unless the event happens on weekends.
There are some mistakes in your multi part form data.
@nil lulz, thanks.
@Abizern: i have read raywenderlich "Apple Push Notification Services Tutorial: Part 1/2" and implemented Push Notification. Its working fine. However i found some issues with displaying badges. Please see my code here pastebin.com/kqR9vccK . badges displaying only when application is Launched. Other cases , its not working.
I will stab you to death if you read Ray's tutorial again.
@Ramshad focus on payload for showing badges when app is in background.
@Reefaq: please share any sample code
let me to google it first
Hello everyone, I am playing with localnotifications , I have done with by using the code in docs, I am passing the date and time from UIDatePicker to the localnotification object,(i.e fireDate), but later I am storing the date from datepicker in UTC , and then storing in my object called "Test", which has a property of type NSDate.now while deleting a specific notification,
I am checking if (localnotification.fireDate == testObject.date) but here as both are in different formats I am not able to check, so I thought of converting the date from datePicker to UTC first and then pass it to the local notification object, but then the local notification don't pop up.
@Summer what mistakes?
@Ramshad i should say this to you .. shared your payload code which you are sending to your device. this will help you if you dont know what the payload is developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/…
@Summer [body appendData:[@"ENCTYPE:multipart/form-data" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; I tried this also
There are mistakes in the multipart format.
what mistake
Read this and this meanwhile I prepare code that hopefully should work.
The carriage returns. \r\n. You have written r\n somewhere
And somewhere rn
Hello @Abizern,
See Content Disposition line. There you have written r\n instead of \r\n
And boundary could be anything. Need not be a big weird number. I think you have copied it from a Stack overflow post.
Boundary detects the various parts, so should not be present anywhere else. It should be unique, thats it.
@Ramshad Have you implemented application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:?
So do those corrections and try again.
@Ramshad Save yourself some time and read this instead of Ray
@Abizern: reading..
@iProgrammer Try this code and see.
Look at the content type line.
Put there jpeg/png based on your image format.
hi all
i have a problem
not uploading
why i use NSLocalizedString(@"loading"@"") english: loading= it is loading chinese loading= 正在加载 ,but it give me loading
@pengwang Have you actually defined what it should be in a strings file? Is it in the correct strings file? Are you loading the string with the correct macro?
yes "member_card" = "Card" "member_card" = "会员卡"; but some i get member_card
Add the following line before and after the line where you append image data to the body:
@pengwang And Are you running your application with the correct Locale? You'll only see correctly configured localisations if you are running in that localisation.
Hi @Abizern, can you please look at my problem
@Abizern i am at Localizabile.string
@pengwang That's mis-spelt.
my language is english at iphone
@Abizern i cannot understand you
If your language is English, how do you expect to see Chinese?
[body appendData: [@"\r\n" dataUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]];
@pengwang I wrote a blog post about how to do this correctly and easily. You might find it helpful abizern.org/2012/03/18/simple-localisation-testing
Now show me your updated code.
@Abizern no i want to show correct.english is english chinese i want to chinese. but it give me member_card it is describe,not translate
@Ranjit I did - but I didn't understand it.
@akk Have you read the House Rules about not pinging someone directly just to ask a question?
@pengwang Have you got the entries the right way round?
oh sorry abizern.
@Abizern, when I do NSLog(NSDate). I get time 5 hrs behind, i.e GMT, So, I m converting it to UTC,
i need how to send image to server using soap webservice. i break still here. pls help
@Ranjit FFS, a data is a date, regardless of timezone. If you Log it, then it presents it with UTC, but a date is a date.
@akk Two methods, 1. you can send the image as a binary data 2. You can encode it to base64 and then you can send it.
@Ranjit Go read the date and time programming guide and try and understand the difference between a date and the representation of a date
1 message moved to /dev/null
@Summer wait.. android code is not working now. I think they have change something at server
@Abizern OK
@sreecharan pls see my code. what i did error here. pls
@Summer he is telling to add tag=upload in body
tag? Tell him that tags are dark souls.
he is using at server side
pls see my code. what i did here.. @sreecharan
@akk That looks good, whats the problem ?
the server that not store image. @sreecharan
i tried this from morning.
now its evening here.
By the way, in your server side, it looks like server guys need base64, watch this --> <Buffer>base64Binary</Buffer>
@sreecharan yeah seen.
Show code how he has done
so i do convert nsdata to base64Binary?
Yup, encode it to base64 and server guys will decode it at there side.
can u so anything sample code for encode base24 ? @sreecharan
@sreecharan so i encode image to base64 in iphone side and decode it in server side. is right?
Q: How to base64 encode on the iPhone

respectTheCodeI have found a few examples that looked promising, but could never get any of them to work on the phone.

check this link, btw
I dunno php. After android code is done to add tag, then I can tell.
Hello @Abizern, when I do this pastebin.com/cVD5c83x I get the date in local format and then when I pass this to localnotification object, local notification is not shown, can you tell me why and whether its correct way to do
@sreecharan thanks let me check sree. i have one more doubt. if i encode image to base64 in iphone side and decode it in server side. is right?
I've already replied YES for this question @akk You need to encode it and they will decode it there.
ok thanks @sreecharan
@Abizern yes i get the right way.sometimes is correct.but when i first run my app at Xcode,it give me not the string
@Ranjit I don't understand what you are doing. You are using date components twice, and not doing anything with them, and there is a date formatter in there that you are configuring twice and then not doing anything with.
@Abizern, I am converting the NSDate to local timezone,
@Ranjit Why - NSDate don't have a time zone. The display of a date has a timezone.
This is what I meant by understanding the difference between a date and the represention of a date
@Ranjit What time is it for you?
For me it is 13:29
These are both representations of a date
sorry , in 24hr format its 17.59
the actual NSdate is 2012-10-15 12:30:00 +0000
NSDate stores a moment in time. An absolute moment in time at UTC. But when you go to represent it it is 13:30 in my timezone 17:30 in your timezone
But they are all the same date and time
So when you say you want to convert an NSDate to a different timezone, it makes no sense.
@Ranjit The whole page could save your time reading, please read this -> Date Format Patterns
You change the timezone of a representation of an NSDate, but the date stays the same.
ok @sreecharan
Actually, that page is better for the mechanics of representing dates. But won't help you understand the difference between a date and the representation of a date.
but @Abizern, after writing that code, when I check NSDate I get the my timings i.e at present its 18:00
I don't understand what you are saying.
Ok , I will tell you, when I do NSlog of NSDate I get this 2012-10-15 12:32:36, but I want this 2012-10-15 18:02:36 +0000, So, I have written that code, is what I want to say
Anyone has experienced a problem in iOS 6 that didnt post the following moviePlayer notification MPMoviePlayerDidExitFullscreenNotification
@Abizern, I think I got what you are trying to explain, we can change the time zone representations of NSdate so that, if we are doin any calculations with date objects it will be easy for us to manipulate
then your format should be yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z @Ranjit
I am bored.
you don't have z (i.e time zone)
I am also Bored...... :(((((
@sreecharan, you mean in the code
Date format @Ranjit
Ugh :(
@Ranjit No. calculations are done on NSDates, and then represented with a time zone.
@Summer help me with this MPMoviePlayerDidExitFullscreenNotification didnt called in ios 6
@Abizern, so to get time as my present time, what should I do
@Bobj-C The same code gets called in earlier iOS versions?
@Summer yes
if i run the app on (ios > 4 && ios < 6) works properly
I think you are better to deal with this guy @Abizern he don't even know the basic format of NSDate, ugh.
@sreecharan, you are mistaken, I thought you were pointing from my code
anyway @Ranjit you need to understand the difference between a date and the represention of a date
because I provided the link
@Bobj-C It's not deprecated. So I can't say. I will search on google, if I find something will let you know.
Ok @sreecharan, and @Abizern, I just want to know what is wrong in the link I provided
why nobody is responding
@sreecharan i did it. thank u so much.
its successfully stored in server. thank u so much.
You're welcome.
@Summer thx
A lot. But I don't know what you are trying to do, so I can't help
Abizern, Do you know the time which intersects the comfortableness of the folks around the world ? I don't know much about timezones :(
@Abizern, just a sec, I will try to explain
@AppleDelegate Hi :D
Finally in chat room! :D
ya..actually i dont know anyone else apart from you.
@Abizern,you mean their is no need to do all the stuff I have done?
Yeah I see you to be busy with Stack overflow web.
@abizern, I am little confused , I will get back to you later
oh god my one eye keeps on twitching
Whose photo is that?
@Ranjit if you still searching about my prob. dont wast your time
@Summer i found something in my code
What is it?
@Summer now image is uploading from android
Aw, no one is here :p
Me is back
@Summer Aaeen
I have two ideas for future topics for events when we run out of topics :p
1) Popular and stable third party libraries
2) Useful Objective-C code snippets
@borrrden Great..
sounds nice..
Aaeen? Sounds like you are suffering
I have suggested events for objective c, probably puzzles and code snippets as you said.
@borrrden No..No..It's my way to say Hi to @Summer :-))
It could be once in a month. So no big deal.
Before I got my current job, I also often participated in coding contests
Usually it was the fastest implementation wins
lol then I convinced one of my friends to join and he totally whooped me.....guess that's the level of skill that comes with nearly 2 decades of experience :p
How many times you won.
I've never gotten first place haha
but usually in the top half at least
I am sure I would do bad in competitions.
The requirement is that it be written in either C, C++, or C#
Usually the C, or C++ ones win
my friend is avid in C# (worked at Microsoft for many years)
I try Google Code Jam every year. Usually with a different language.
I know little bit of java.
I've done it in Objective-C, Python and Haskell.
I took one look at his code and my head exploded
I never knew C# could look so much like C++ haha
pointers and all :p
He was narrowly defeated in the 11th hour by a C program....he was angry haha
I haven't participated in any kind of competitions yet. I dunno how the feelings are lol
I was proud to be right on the heels of a developer at Valve :p
I want to get them to do more challenges so I can dissect their source some more but they are so busy DX
>Summer you can try out here codechef.com or if you want to earn along with it then cloudspokes.com
May be if we conduct puzzles here it would be like a competition :/
I was angry once because some entrant didn't provide enough precision for his time
so he got a time of "0"
He was the only one who beat me for that challenge!!
I got my time down to 0.000007564333
But it was fun anyway :D
Probably the only situation where it is ok to do all kinds of silly optimizations just for the sake of getting a few milliseconds faster
If I did that at work I'd never get anything done :p
If that kind if optimizations are considered I might never win.
Those competing web sites look cool. I will try one of them soon.
i once got 2k in intercollege competition
I've never won any money for competitions
I just did it to make sure I didn't become dull while I was working at a public school teaching English
actually i stood second while first was a girl who submitted the code within time .. and i was refactoring my code and submitted the code dot on time.
I used to get scared in my exams. what would a live Coding competition be like for me lol
Hmmm a unique experience
you would be one of the 2% of females there
Yeay the girl was first. Boys are dumb.
And if girl programmers are rare in other countries...they are far more rare in Japan
I will probably marry the first one I find
Heeeee :P
we can have a lovely 8-bit wedding
I hope I dont.... overflow with happiness
har har har har har
You are right...boys are dumb.....
@borrrden:That was so rightly pointed by you
More on reefaq lol
He lost to a girl
Who knows, maybe I would have as well
Oye .. she had almost 20-30 more lines of code then me
Was it graded on number of lines of code?
Because that would be bizarre....
lol who can write the most lines of code in 1 hour....
my most of the time spent coz i was looking at her expression while she was coding .. she yelling while in error, rubbing her hands very hard, crying sometimes, clapping etc etc
she was purposely trying to distract you
guess it worked ;)
But actually I have the same expression at work every single day :p
haha right .. uff
code was judge based on time & output i guess
Yep. Less number of lines of code? I would write if condition and the statement in same line lol
I think i should downgrade my upgrade.
What is it?
Geek tool
An apple script tool
New update looks like a shit
I used AppleScript for the first time the other day
I wanted to puke...
It is the same ridiculous syntax that "Lingo" attempted with Shockwave
People who get happy because a programming language looks more like English are likely not people who have any desire to be programming to begin with....
i want to use LOLCode for programming UI applications lolcode.com
I remember this...haha
When I first studied coding in my graduation, the c language, I thought what an useless subject. How would it benefit us. Fortunately I failed in it and got serious lol
does anyone know how to call pictures from inner folders in loop , can I have this structure @"Folder%d/File%d/image%d"
pictures in folders in loop, that sounds funny.
Sure, why not Justin?
how call, if the structure is like this @"Folder%d/File%d/image%d"
NSURL urlWithPath, etc
ok Thanks borrden
use NSFileManager, you have the power to go anywhere in your sandbox
combined with NSURL
Yes you can add path components to url or string abducted then get the file at the final path.
And then*
Auto correction sometimes sucks :-S
Hahaha there is a whole site for autocorrect mistakes
"abducted string" sounds like a weird error
bah, I must go...too late to be chatting now
@Summer really ?
bye, poof
abducted Summer by typo.
This huge galaxy S3 phone sucks. My hands pain holding it on left hand and typing from right.
Yeah I actually chat gibberish on phone lol it's so hard and tiring.
And auto corrections are hurdles for gibberish chats.
I donno why Abizern is quiet now a days, i think he is busy
My renovated home looks nice. But gotta buy new furniture and tv. The stone tiles for wall I chose looks great.
try pinging him repeatedly.
Thats a sin, offense.
Summmer, can we have a glimpse of how it look
@Reefaq +1
Yup @Summer Post a pic so we also can evaluate your SIII camera :P
@Bobj-C thanks man .. buy me a pizza now :P
@Reefaq is there any online restaurent near to you ?
I am planning to get 2 very comfortable sofa chairs
Yeah sure. But let the furniture arrive. The living room is just empty lol even if I show it won't look nice. We will buy furniture soon
One huge tv
not a projector
New dining table
Saw new SIII mini specs? Already thumbs down by critics.. :-/
@Reefaq can u show me ur place ?
One a.c. in living room too. There's already one in bed room.
Rich people
See the galaxy S3 mini is 4" in size. Now it's actual comparison to iPhone 5. Is it comparable? Lol
Mini S3 is a poo poo device
yours is 4.8 right and this is 4 .. what make sense of this kinda devices
They compare 4.8" size phone to a 4" one. How about comparing my mac mini to galaxy S3? Lol
Apple vs Android vs Windows - Yawn. As with religion and politics, it isn't possible to have an objective debate about it. Don't even bother.
It's not android vs ios. It's phone comparison.
yeah right ! all sucks .. nokia 1100 wins
I was referring to phone sizes that reflects hardware.
No need.
I hate shamesung
Well even with 1 Ghz processor and 1 gb ram iPhone works smoothly
hey i have one... Samsung Star
I'm a fanboi of Apple, you know?
Time for dinner and some tv. See ya after an hour.
Owners, I have revoked the access for Ramshad to read access.
Reason 1:
5 hours ago, by Ramshad
@Reefaq: please share any sample code
Reason 2:
5 hours ago, by Ramshad
@Abizern: i have read raywenderlich "Apple Push Notification Services Tutorial: Part 1/2" and implemented Push Notification. Its working fine. However i found some issues with displaying badges. Please see my code here http://pastebin.com/kqR9vccK . badges displaying only when application is Launched. Other cases , its not working.
I know that reason 2 is not fair, but i am not a nice person
Hi sreecharan can you check my post stackoverflow.com/questions/12898376/…
@sreecharan the site was down. tried to log in for the event
@owengerig Hi would you please check my post stackoverflow.com/questions/12898376/…
ill see, a little busy at the moment
@sreecharan i think you will be not nice with AntonMac
@owengerig No problem,we have event bookmarks at the top of the starred messages. you can refer them
@sreecharan but it wasnt just me was it?
I don't think so
because the strength was 31 on the day of event.
@owengerig ARE YOU HERE
would you please check this stackoverflow.com/questions/12898716/…
@owengerig please check my link also
im still busy, pinging me in all caps will not change that fact or make me want to help you
Mine too Owen :P
I've just revoked AntonMac's write access for pinging, and also I'm getting bored of the samey questions.
but @borrrden and @Summer have been dealing with him lately, so I'll leave it up to them whether they want to reinstate it.
yup, he has been asking same questions, i have flagged a couple of questions though.
I tried explaining him but he is too new to understand it. Probably I might answer him to his post and let it go.
Yeah - I read his transcript and @borrrden was getting frustrated with him as well.
anyone read this today yahoo news link
@justin I can't be bothered to write you a long description - but have a look at NSFileManager's enumeratorAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:errorHandler: which should give you some idea of where to start.
yes ok thanks
@Abert You have write access. Please read the House Rules before posting.
@Summer thanx

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