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04:00 - 11:0012:00 - 17:00

I am back.
I am leaving lol
lunch...be back soon
Jaa ne
and my boss told me I need to pick out a server
apparently, mac mini with external RAID via thunderbolt
Anyone know anything about that?
Not me :/
Day before yesterday I saw a Squirrel and tried to take it's picture but it was running away.
Morning folks
evening folks
afternoon folks
I get some odd looks when I check out 7 or more books from the library.
I was reading sydney sheldon's "Tell me your dreams" from 2 months, It's a tragedy :(
I am drinking Lassi.
Yum Lassi xD
@borrrden you know lassi ?
are you indian ?
No, but I've been to Indian restaurants before lol
And I always get it
@Summer ye kiska pic hai?
Summer Glau
She knows Kung-Fu and kickboxing, just like I do.
But I also know Karate, Thai Boxing and 20 other dangerous words.
only words :p
words can hurt
Yeah, I used to have super human powers but my psychiatrist took them away.
I am probably going out for a movie in few hours.
Which movie?
Yes. Oh My God.
I think it's a good movie and shows what misconceptions we people have in God.
And what stupid things we do.
You saw it already?
I heard it is nice movie
Eww, you watch hindi movies?
I watch good movies. Be it Bollywood or Hollywood, new or old. But unfortunately most of Bollywood movies are crap.
I am sure this one isn't.
And especially for us it should be a must watch. We seem to have a lot of misconceptions.
Anyways brb in some time.
@EliasRahme You've write access, please read the house rules.
@sreecharan hy man..i have read it...and actually i have a single problem that was haunting me for more than 1 week ! i have put the details corresponding in a link..so i really need help configuring what could be going wrong..can i get help here or should i go to private chat?
You can get help here, please come up with your question.
@sreecharan in this link i have provided my question and all the details needed stackoverflow.com/questions/12686107/…
Let me check it.
@sreecharan brb meeting
@sreecharan thanks a lot
I have some questions to ask you, ping me when you are back, i think i found the problem.
I think so to.
I didn't understand the issue :/
He is deleting the record form sqlite in editing mode of table in a tab bar based app
It looks like he's emptying out an array and not loading it again. The datasource is the an array called theFav, it's initialised in a method called authorList2 which returns a mutable array that isn't stored.
Then he doesn't reload the list. It's a very strange bit of program flow.
and after deleting the records and clearing the table, he is adding records to the table and if he is again trying to delete the record by switching back to this view, it is not deleting the record in the database, thats the issue
I am preparing the rules for events. It should probably get over before my I go for movie.
Why is it so quiet today? Is it a holiday?
No holiday for me :p
Yep, it is October 2nd, Gandhi Jayanthi in India, its a national holiday.
Although next monday is
Not for me also though :/
Yes, it is holiday. Mahatma Gandhi Birthday.
Father of our Nation.
Oh. So is everyone on hunger strike for peace?
@sreecharan back
lol, yup, today is a day where almost all the cinema halls in india have House full boards for every show and yes for the peace full movie for the people No for the hunger strike.
No such things. Only dry day.
Oh. No daru
Yeah lol
Although I don't drink often, I don't understand the point.
Is it like its okay to do sins on other days but not on this day?
If it keeps things calm, I'm all for it.
I understood it, because the father of the nation has never drunk daru, on this day no body in the nation should drink daru. He is jealous of the people :(
@sreecharan did you check it out?
You might as well make it a vegetarian day as well.
Still. It's strongly related to what I said. And hence it doesn't make sense.
No pinging please, every body is helping you here @EliasRahme You don't need to direct it at a particular person.
Okey :D thank you all i am used to other rooms thats why :PO
Watch the comments from Abizern for you a while ago, that may help you.
okey... everyone it's my first Xcode application ! that's why its a bit weird and not fit...so i hope you can guide me a bit into the problem
@EliasRahme can i ask you where are you from ?
"Xcode application"?
@Bobj-C sure i am from lebanon
ipad application
@EliasRahme I knew
me 2
from Leb
@Bobj-C really :D? from where are you
u ?
Don't worry about borrrden, some times he shows sarcasm
@sreecharan lol
@Bobj-C No 2- use to and no u- use you.
@sreecharan Ohhh ok :)
It's ok...i know I'm new and i can be frustrating to some people...so if i am a problem here i can leave just tell me
@Bobj-C ana asle mn 3ineta l arez w sekin bi bayrut...enta xcode developer?
@EliasRahme No man your welcome
@EliasRahme good yes iam iOS Developer
@EliasRahme inta shu deriss adeh 3omrak ??
@Bobj-C ana mhandis multimedia et telecommunication w 3omre 23...so i really need all the help i can get since its my first iPad app
free any ideas?
@EliasRahme ok no prob
@EliasRahme what your App about ?
@Bobj-C please check the link i provided earlier...maybe there's something really simple that i fail to see
Elias - let's start with the weird way you are initialising your datasource.
@EliasRahme mm ana walla marra sheghil sqlite bil iPhone
@EliasRahme bass i will chek asap
sree they are violating your favorite rule
@Abizern okey....
Thanks Bob :D
Also, Elias, if you're seeing a difference between behaviour when the app loads and when it re-appears. That points to a mismatch between the way you initialise you view controller, and the way you update your view controller.
@EliasRahme welcome :)
I prepared rules for the events. Edit it and make it better.
Are simple grammar changes OK?
@Summer reources will be provided for every topic to learn more on it. ???
Yes. For example - WWDC video links, some articles, etc will be provided by topic speaker.
@Summer ahh you mean ressources
@borrrden Yes. Make it better :-)
@Summer who is the speakers ?
can i
@Bobj-C Yes sure. We are disclosing the event topics in some time. Choose the topic and get in to as a speaker :-)
@Summer any topic or u have a specific topics ?
@Bobj-C We have decided some topics for the coming event. We will disclose it in few minutes.
@Summer can i speak about State Preservation and Restoration
@Summer Sounds a lot harsher than you probably intend them to sound. I'll link you an edited version later, see if it seem friendlier.
@Bobj-C Sorry - It's not taken into consideration for the coming event on october 13th. We are planning to make this better by having polls on what topics should be selected and the preferred date.
@Summer ok i will choose another one
when the list become available
Sure. Lets get the rules done first. Then we will disclose the topics.
@Summer ok
@Bobj-C Thanks for volunteering, though!
@Abizern :)
@Bobj-C did anything came up?
@EliasRahme bro iam in work right now, i told you i will check your question
plus i have no idea about sqlite+iOS
@Bobj-C an okey man thanks :D
Ok I edited it so that there wasn't so much repitition
Yes, I repeated some things a lot lol
@EliasRahme bta3reef ios developer inta ?
I said things like "see rule 1"
@borrrden Oh! yeah, guys @EliasRahme and @Bobj-C Use English to the best of your ability,we wont encourage other languages here.
Looks better now.
Ah, good point
@sreecharan sorry
Oh, you were talking about this chat weren't you?
I added rule number 6 to the gist about speaking English lol
Yeah, that should be necessary.
@Asheh You have write access. Please read the House Rules.
@Bobj-C iOS developer?
Hi, having some major problems with UIViewController and MPMoviePlayerController. With the introduction of iOS 6
Q: MPMoviePlayerController Overlay iOS 6

AshehHaving an issue with MPMoviePLayerController with an overlay in iOS6, prior to iOS6 things were working fine. It seems I can play a movie in full screen, before I had this code: @interface MovieOverlayViewController : UIViewController { UIImageView *skiparrow; } @end @implementation Movie...

If anyone has ANY suggestions, please help
Objective-c is the most flakey language ive ever used
Actually I am having a similar problem I think
I wasn't able to solve it though
iOS 6 seems to have some subtle changes to the way it presents modal controllers
Damn :(
Its broken all of my projects on the iOS store
Did you try adding it to the MPMoviePlayerController instead?
Adding the overlay?
instead of key window?
I can try it.
ordered a new 27inch imac, its on its way today. Things running so slow atm :(
Why doesn't it work? Because when we do addSubview: instead of presenting, pushing or adding it as child controller, the appearance life cycle methods aren't called?
In my case, presentViewController was not respecting the view hierarchy
and forcibly putting views on the top
borrrden, ive just fixed it
but it doesnt make sense
I added it to windows[0]
Instead of to my Movie UIWindow...
@jordi12100 You have write access. Please read the House Rules.
I think your movie is presented in a different UIWindow...
I think that is the way things are starting to turn out
Though that seems really mean....
I dont understand lol
I have my main UIWindow
and I add a movie, which adds another UIWindow on top and makes that KEY
Then I add an overlay ViewController onto the KEY window and its invisible?
if i add it to the original window, its not
perhaps that window is not key
You have no guarantees about how it will work internally
i grab the key window
I mean maybe MPMoviePlayer doesn't make its window key
I checked that, it does
With: UIWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification
Im back to myoriginal issue now though ARGH. I cant close the movie with a Tap...
In that case I am out of ideas...it is an annoying problem
What about closing the movie any ideas?
@borrrden ^
it must be related...
So now if i try to close the movie, it stops but keeps the view displayed
I call these to remove it:
@iDeveloper Rejected for starting your name with a lowercase 'i.'
iDeveloper should be rejected for being a sock puppet account of Smith, who is already blacklisted.
I have more obscure reasons for rejecting him right now.
They'll get progressively stranger.
I'm surprised he's able to log on, the account on SO has been deleted.
Yes, its a sort of bug. Happened to me to when I deleted my first account. Its like we can continue to use it from where its already logged in.
Hmm, can i bring a UIViewController to the front?
It continues until we log out or they do it (they do after some days)
@Asheh Are you sure you want to add a subview to the window, or to the window's topmost view?
@Abizern - I have my main ViewController. I play a movie with MPMoviePlayerController, then I add another UIViewController which is supposed to overlay the movie. That also recieves touch events, so I can then close the movie. What should be the ideal setup?
oh wait, maybe i should add the movie to the overlay view
@Asheh Dunno. Not done it. but in your code you are getting the key window and adding a subview to that. Which seems wrong. You maybe want to add it as a subview of the key window's view.
Wait, @Abizer
@Abizern - oh i see what your saying
@EliasRahme what doyou mean "ios developer" are asking about what it means
@Abizern UIWindow doesnt haev a view
ah a UIWIndow is a view...
So when you are out trying to get the key window, it's a waste of time, because there is only one window in an iOS app (unlike on OS X app)
Not when an MPMoviePlayer is involved
it creates another UIWindow
Ill try this?
@Asheh Okay. But you still need to add subviews to the window's view, not to the window.
UIWindow *keyWnd = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow];
for (UIView *view in keyWnd.subviews) {
     [keyWnd addSubview:overlay.view];
Your right, i wonder why it even lets ne...
You want to add a subview to every subview?
no, just for testing
Because it's a view, and you can add subviews to views.
So I should create the movie, which creates a UIWindow, which has a rootView
which i need to add the overlay to
And can you send me a reference where it says MPMoviePlayerController creates it's own window.
You said when MPMoviePlayer is involved, it creates another UIWindow. Do you have a reference for that statement?
Because I've had a quick look at the docs, and it says that it creates it's own view.
No occurrences of word window in the MPMoviePlayerController class reference.
then why do I get a keyWindowChanged message
So if you are listening for notifications of changing key windows, it isn't doing what you think it is doing.
Right I see what im doing wrong.
well part of it
It seems move.fullscreen is just a property
i need to set frame
ill try that first.
@Asheh Have you looked at the Sample Code to see how Apple are doing it?
Thats where i got my code from originally :)
SET FRAME works!
How can setFrame cause so many issues, even the rotations fixed
I used set frame then added my overlay to the movie.view
and that worked
thanks guys
@AbdullahUmer You have write access. Please read the House Rules.
I was just looking at his selector @selector(setEditing:animated:) and he is here
Q: UIViewController Edit button status always same

Abdullah UmerI added an Edit button to Navigation bar in my app. I have a UIViewController which implements UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate. I added the UITableView using storyboards and made connections to data source and delegate. I did like this in implementation file of the view controlle...

I think you came for the same question @AbdullahUmer
He gotta call super's setEditing:animated: at the top.
why did obj-c call things supers, when they are parents
super from super class. It depends how you treat them. Base class, super class, parent class.
Because you're calling the superclass implementation.
Because they're supers and not parents.
Think of it like sets.
However I like self better than this.
Also, I think you're confusing Obj-C for Cocoa.
@sreecharan yeah i'm here for that question. Please post your answer if you know the solution.
I am five seconds away from removing your write access just based on tone.
Before posting an answer, you need to know something about Inheritance in OOPS.
sounds funny
in "OOPS"
Call super's setEditing:animated: at the top. The editing variable doesn't get updated automatically for you. The default implementation is provided by the UIViewController, which is your super class. So call [super setEditing:editing animated:animated]; at the top of that method.
@sreecharan and what exactly is the "something"? :)
@Summer added a line for calling super. No effect. Still the same. the editting bool is always YES. :(
Reading documentation is so hard. </sarcasm>
Remove this line and try [self.editButtonItem setAction:@selector(setEditing:animated:)];
Awsome... :))
removing the line [self.editButtonItem setAction:@selector(setEditing:animated:)]; worked
thank you very much :)
@Summer post your answer if you want to have upvoted and accepted. :)
Yes sure. I will do that in a moment.
i think a parent class is better terminology than superclass
Parent - Child matches. Parent Class - Subclass don't match.
I think it depends on how we want to name them.
I prefer superclass because it more accurately describes how super/subclassing works
A superclass is often generalized functionality, subclasses are specialized functionality. In that way, as far as I'm concerned, it sort of mirrors set semantics.
@Summer gayi nai?
No. I think the plan got cancelled. I didn't get calls from my friends.
@Summer ohh
@Summer you knw about pdf reader?
No. I never developed a pdf reader in iOS.
eyes @iProgrammer and his very help-vampiric question
@Summer ok
@nil I am not asking her to give me code
I just asked
That's not the only prerequisite for vampirism.
I already worked on epub reader
@nil what is the problem ?
The general way help vampires work is by asking something like what you asked, such as "do you know about music app?"
Which basically lets them sniff out targets for constant pestering instead of posting questions on SO.
@Summer jasia maine kal kaha tha
You can deny you were doing anything of the sort, of course, but I imagine if Summer'd said "yes," you'd probably have done what I just described.
By the way, try to stick to English.
If it was a general question you are facing, it had to be without any pings. One of the House Rules. I am not sure if it was a question just to know If I know about PDF readers.
Right, I need to close all my chat windows. Things must get done quickly.
I am tired. Gotta drive my scooty and go out with friends. See ya all later.
04:00 - 11:0012:00 - 17:00

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