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@borrrden sir
@jrf I'm gonna go ahead and remove your write access for needless pinging
@jrf Nope, needless pinging is the one thing you should never do when I'm around, and you did it.
Write access remains rejected.
Come back in a day and I'll reconsider it.
@GeraldStojakovic You've got write access
I am back
I did not set anything on fire.
hi jordan h r u ? sorry busy :D
all gud morning
good afternoon
good afternoon :)
to quite today i think are all busy in learning IOS 6 instead of me :)....am studying android :P
Me too studying android
thats good am also learn windows mobile
Let's first get into android to some level.
yup but windows moible programming is easier then andriod trust me :)
even thier sdks are more good and interface is nice
Yes I believe. But there isn't much scope for it yet. It will take some time.
but it has much scope in future even more then android i guess
Yes. I believe in that thing. After I know some amount of android, I am into it.
yeah nice thinking :)
I'll be back.
Morning folks
Hi sree
I got 200 bounty for this question :)
I am back
Hi sree h r u give us weather report :)
I am fine, i don't know about the whether, right now i am in my air conditioned cabin.
hehe i have tested you sree(siri)....:)
But my iPhone is showing me 28˚C
what's going on ?
Today was forecasted as a typhoon in Tokyo
instead we got so much sun that it hurts....
borrden in Tokyo people have more skin diseases right ?
Once Kuwait city was forecasted as a rainy day, but we've faced a very good sand storm that day.
Why would I know that??
If anything I'd think they have LESS
Japanese people have beautiful skin for their whole lives until one day they wake up and look like Mr. Miyagi
because you are in japan I have read this in book in my childhood :)
I'm not out asking people if they have skin diseases ><
good :)
The simulator is giving me such crap lately
@dark If I see you use "h r u" (or something similar) instead of saying "how are you" again I'm revoking your write access just out of spite.
every other run I get some EXC_BAD_ACCESS or EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION on a totally random line....
If I stop and run again, everything is fine
Just don't use the simulator.
Even with that delay it's still faster than using the device...
Yes, but it's not a device, and your app runs on a device, not a simulator
Code for the thing you're targeting, not an approximation.
Are you assuming that I never put it on a device?
No, I'm saying that the errors you're having might be easier to deal with on the device.
They don't happen on the device :p
Thats what he said!
Meaning you ought to be using the device -_-
And if my device is being used by someone else? Then what?
Stab them.
I'd like to not be fired...
Ok, set them on fire and hide the ashes.
You need to be creative.
Push them into a manhole.
Tell them Typhoon is coming and they will run away.
lol, they aren't retarded -__-
Tell them a stampede is coming then.
One should always be on the watch for stampedes. They're dangerous.
lol what a great error message I just got....
NSForwarding: warning: selector (0x8eda840) for message 'zpA]Ç+LÜe“¿G8Üe@®Ì~Yè AzpA' does not match selector known to Objective C runtime (0x8edaa30)-- abort
.. That is a strange selector..
The simulator is smoking crack again
What is this language? --> Ç+LÜe“¿G8Üe@®Ì~Yè AzpA'
with incorrect endian encoding
compiled with the wrong compiler
Avoid using simulator.
Ehhh, I will put up with it
putting it on a device is a hassle....it takes 3 times as long to start the program...especially if I have to transfer again
I use the simulator while I fumble around finding obvious code mistakes....then test on the device for performance
Then you need to get ready for EXC_BAD_ACCESS or EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION as well.
So many annoying write-access requests for the Android room
I swear, the moment someone figures out they're on a read-only list, it's like they're compelled to request write access over and over just to be a pest.
Not really annoying since it gives me a chance to tell them they're not allowed in, which I imagine infuriates them to an extent, knowing they're not in the club full of people who don't suck, but oh well.
I guess, you guys wont accept or reject the requests immediately. That results in many pending requests and some people thinking that you haven't even cared them requests again and again.
I accept all requests immediately provided they don't have a default username.
Also provided they're not blacklisted
Is there a blacklist for this room? Or is it the same thing as the read-only access list?
Oh. I should have requested for access for long time then :/
There is.
Yup, all the guys who comes under read access are considered as blacklisted.
It's mostly occupied by the same troublemaking fools as the Android room, including Manjot, who is really just a creepy stalker with some serious psychological issues.
I actually consider association with @ManjotSingh a bannable offense and will remove write access from anyone who considers him a friend.
So, keep that in mind. He's toxic.
Lol...I've witnessed his interactions before
He is even entering into personal lives of people, he is really toxic.
So, are you going to attend the event here nil ?
He gets entertained in other rooms though.
11 pm IST... Is that the good preferred time?
Nope, he will entertain the people, he won't get entertained.
Yup, thats a good preferred time according to 7 Time Zones.
aah.. Well, Then that seems to be fine
Because we have a keep 2 things it mind 1. It is saturday 2.Time should be comfortable for the people in UK, US etc
If all things are considered then I am sure.. It will be for sure more informative... Count me in :)
US itself has 3 time zones, i guess.
I have no idea mate :(
Can't cover everything in 2 hours. Especially iOS 6.0 features.
US has 4 time zones
Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific
@Summer hi
And this guy is unable to attend it, because it will be 2:30 AM for him.
@iProgrammer Hi
@Summer Orientation issue is not solved
I am having tab barcontroller
the view which has not tabbar is working properly for all orientations
@iProgrammer Is UITabBarController the rootViewController of the window?
@iProgrammer hide the tabbar when orientation changed
@SPVarma why?
Then you need to know that only the root view controller is asked for supported orientations and the presented view controllers. The Child controllers of container view controllers don't participate anymore.
what is solution then
Depends on what you are doing. How do you show Tab Bar Controller from your root view controller?
you rembered my c sharp app
on startbutton I am presenting
@iProgrammer I got ur ques wrong :P
@SPVarma Don't use ur - use your and not ques - Question. Please mate, we have it in the rules "Use English to the best of your ability. No chat-speak - it's difficult for folks to read."
Then Which orientation it doesn't support and for what device?
@sreecharan It takes time to leave bad habbits :(
@Summer from landscape to portrait
it is not working
rootviewcontroller has those methods and working
@sreecharan bdw Thanks for correcting me :)
@iProgrammer Device?
@Summer iphone5
No problem, if it is nil, he could have revoked your access and not bdw- by the way.
@iProgrammer What is the value in your Info.plist?
Is it not working for Landscape to Portrait or Landscape to portrait upside down or both?
For "Supported Interface Orientations"
@sreecharan again my mistake :( will take it into consideration from now on ;)
@sreecharan What event?
Sep 24 at 19:00, by sree charan
An Event has been scheduled on October 13th at 17:30 GMT titled Whats new in Objective C and iOS 6? . So, calculate the time according to your time zone and interested people can register for it and make sure that the registered users will be here by that time.
This one
I'm not planning on it.
Bad Bad Bad.
Really? sad, you're gonna miss some interesting stuff then.
@Summer landscape to portrait upside down
@iProgrammer I knew it.
And that should happen.
And what is the value on your root view controller?
I'm already up to date on Obj-C and I don't currently do iOS work.
If I needed to know something, I'd check the docs.
@user1587011 Rejected for default username.
No access @user1587011 coz- Default username
@Summer why?
well, your wish nil.
@user1587011 No default usernames
Oh...I was too slow
@iProgrammer Wait. I will explain.
@Summer ok
He has immediately changed his username to Newbee
well @Newbee you won the race for changing your name immediately. There you go, you got the access, Please read and follow the house rules.
By default - View controllers support all orientations for iPad and all but portrait upside down for iPhone.
Only root view controller and presented view controllers are asked for supported orientations. If root view controller is a container view controllers, the child controllers don't participate.
You presented Tab Bar Controller. So it will decide the supported orientations by itself. But from point 1, it will support all except portrait upside down. Now if you want to have Tab Bar Controller support orientations different than the default ones, there were some posts on Stack overflow that made a category on Tab Bar Controller and someone subclassed it and overrode it's supported orientations method and return all those orientations that they wanted.
@sreecharan hi
However - nobody uses iPhone upside down. Thats why in iPhone portrait upside down isn't supported by default.
@sreecharan OK :)
@iProgrammer Thats all I can say about new auto rotations.
@Summer ok
100% correct
got your point
So lets say event for auto rotations is over lol :-)
ha ha
@Summer it only applies for new ios?
hi anyone help me with my question ? stackoverflow.com/questions/12668541/…
because it was working for older version
Yes. That is the new rule introduced with iOS 6.0
Q: iOS 6 UITabBarController supported orientation with current UINavigation controller

RyanI have an iPhone app I am updating to iOS 6 that is having rotation issues. I have a UITabBarController with 16 UINavigationCotrollers. Most of the subviews can work in portrait or landscape but some of them are portrait only. With iOS 6 things are rotating when they shouldn't. I tried subclassi...

If you want to have varying supported orientations in your container controllers, then you got to call the child's supported orientation method from the container's supported orientation method.
Ask more on this to @borrrden 'cos I am off to Lunch.
@Summer ok
@borrrden how to do it for UItabbarcontroller?
What Summer said
What part don't you understand?
how to subclass UITabbarController
not UITabBar, UITabBarController
the above post is saying to override methods
Yes, that's one of the most common reasons to subclass...
to override methods
I assume you've subclassed things before....Otherwise I have to assume that you've never made a program in your life in any object oriented language :D
ok let me do
Maybe I misunderstood your difficulty
you want to know which methods to override, perhaps?
I didn't use category
before :(
You don't have to
Unless you want your modification to apply to all tab view controllers you use
You can use a regular subclass
then ?
The way you subclass anything
how to override those methods
I am not getting
You must have done it hundreds of times
Every time you write a "viewDidLoad" method...you are overriding
It just means that your subclass implements a class that is offered somewhere higher in the inheritance chain
So you just implement the two needed methods for auto rotation
Morning all
Bobj-C gud morning
@borrrden but where to override methods. I have written those methods for tabbarcontroller classes
Override it on whatever class is being used as your root view controller.
I just tested it on a new project and it works...if I comment out the overrides, it does what your project does
what you have written in rootviewcontroller?
My subclass
I am having this code in my rootviewcontroller
and tabbarcontroller is not rootviewcontroller
For some reason that page is not loading
Whichever controller you set (self.window.rootViewController = X) needs to implement those methods
1 message moved to recycle bin
Ok I saw it
Those methods are what I wrote
but for tabbarcontroller it is not working
What does your line look like for self.window.rootViewController = X ?
Is tab bar controller your root?
self.window.rootViewController = startPage;
Then those methods won't be called on it
rootview is rotating proprly
there is button on rootviewcontroller and I am presenting tabbarcontroller on that button's event
So when you present it, it does not rotate correctly anymore?
for landscape to portrait updside down it is not rotating
I just made a small project that does exactly what you describe
Those methods need to be present on your tab view controller also
it will be called if it is presented modally
I have written
I presented it from the controller that I designated as root
only startpage method is getting called
If I am on tabbarcontroller's viewcontroller it is still calling rootviewcontroller method
Are you using the "presentViewController" method?
[self presentModalViewController:tabBarController animated:YES];
don't use that one...it's so old
– presentViewController:animated:completion:
Well, but that won't matter
I just tried it and both of them work fine for my project
By the way, if I check with breakpoints, both root and tab's methods get called
my tabview;s method is called now
but not rotating view
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll;
only this method is called

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