@jordan sound button in? when i tried another apps in my iphone the sounds work perfectly.. but when i tried using my apps i couldn't either the volume button in iPhone..
blue folder = reference (If you modify the folder in the finder it will also change in Xcode, and it will also persist in the bundle)
yellow folder = group (for your organization purposes only, no effect on anything programmatically. All files will collapse into the root folder of the bundle)
@T-X Though you are also the room owner can you please look at the code which is flag by me for posting the code more than 3 lines. and can you remove this to null. ?
@borrrden I have a an object which has string property and these objects are added to the array and then displayed on a table , later what I do is that I access this string property , change it to something else and then I want these changes to reflect in the table, so I used reloadData, and it works, but I want to know whether this is best available solution
@jordan Please avoid using text speak and try to write complete questions in whole sentences. Saying something is "not working" doesn't give us enough information to tell help you get it working.
@Ranjit And here's a tip - When you are trying to find out how to do something, have a look in the class documentation in the tasks section. You get a list of related methods.
@sreecharan its simple i have some static design ok... and user select any design from list than it will chang whole application design layout as per selected theme..
@sreecharan but i found some issue like if you change sound setting according to your theme than it will create some problems in your current settings....
Well, just set an imageview as a background of your views and then provide a scrollview with designs and change the background image with the selected image in the scrollview
Every single one of the other answers leaks memory (unless ARC is enabled for one of the answers)... oddly, the answer originally marked as correct has a call to retainCount for no apparent reason.
If you alloc/init something, it needs to be released (unless you are using ARC).
If you call Audi...
It's C for accessing members directly. Dot syntax goes through the KVC methods, the arrow doesn't. It's bad form to use the arrow. It probably comes from copy pasted code.
Anyone know what method a NIB uses when it loads the image to set on a UIButton? I added a category and overrode imageNamed but it is not going there....
"When a category overrides an inherited method, the method in the category can, as usual, invoke the inherited implementation via a message to super. However, if a category overrides a method that already existed in the category's class, there is no way to invoke the original implementation"
I think what you are remembering is that which one will win is not predictable
Maybe this -> "This issue is of particular significance because many of the Cocoa classes are implemented using categories. A framework-defined method you try to override may itself have been implemented in a category, and so which implementation takes precedence is not defined." ?
Also don't set the contentSize with hard code values (1024, 768) like this. Make use of the scroll view's size property directly. This way your contentSize will remain that even if the device screen (and scroll view size also) increases.
I'm using MGSplitViewController and I'm usingshouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation to control the size of the master view controller on rotation.
It's all working fine on iOS 5 but on iOS 6 (both simulator and iPad) shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation is never called.
Is this a bug that I ...
By default, all orientations are supported in iPad and all except portrait upside down for iPhone. So if you are rotating from a landscape to portrait upside down, don't be surprised.
My app will not autorotate in the iOS 6 GM simulator but it does with the same version of iOS on the device. Could this be a simulator bug? The app is using deprecated autorotation methods, but they are working fine on the device itself which makes me wonder if the simulator APIs are different?
Probably @borrrden should also be there in the event 'cos we are gonna discuss on auto rotations too and you seem to be having worked on it a lot already :-)
Also - One doubt I had is - In case the root view controller is a container controller like Navigation or Tab Bar and we want supported orientations to be different that the default ones, whats the way?
@borrrden i am trying to create one reminder app ... i want to set daily reminder on specified time. so is it necessary to continuos run my app in background..... of
@iProgrammer i am trying to create one reminder app ... i want to set daily reminder on specified time. so is it necessary to continuos run my app in background.....
@T-X Are you sure you want to be an Android developer? Good luck to you if that is the case, but please don't turn into the kind of gibbering idiot that some of them seem to be.
@Abizern Although I have started studying it, I don't think I would need to enter their rooms quite often. I might rarely at times. Becoming a part of another room means more time spending, etc.
Also their best room has requirements that I don't fulfil. Their other rooms are like other iOS rooms.
@Abizern i want notification message always differ at everytime it call ... ( if it daily reminder than The alert message is different on every call) is it possible to set dynamic message of alert view.
@Abizern Like daily alaram ( at every morning i got notification with new message from my system) is it possible.... i add local notification but i am confuse in new message in alert...