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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

I've got an idea for a fun game. It will be like a "hacker boot camp" game where you type the highlighted text that streams by and all sorts of popups and stuff like "breaking into firewall" appear. There will be different colors for levels, and a harder level = faster streaming highlighted words in text. So the easy levels will have a blurry desktop background, and the last levels a black screen with streaming green 0 & 1's.
It will singlehandedly become every middle-schooler's bragging material.
@mattsven Did it clear?
yeah, you were right. thanks.
wait, actually, I'm still writing beta info
You do that.
You go girl.
I'm writing this at the top of the testflight instructions:
I bet people still won't read them
Maybe tempt users by mentioning the getting started email has hot singles.
And free iPads
Hot singles in your area!
Hot programmers in your area!
Pool time!
Man the battle station Matt! -leaves controls-
Ah, well
just sent out the invite
Got it
Update is so slow
What's with the DL speed tonight..
Oh well, gtg
@EnricoSusatyo you never installed the beta.
Forgot to test in iOS 9 before pushing this update
this ought to be interesting
@mattsven I did.
oh? was it you who just crashed?
Not using it right now.
hmm. someone on iOS 9 just crashed
Not running iOS 9.
1 hour later…
Me neither.
I've almost managed to create a map with all of my company's people in it
That's good.
Is this map in a cellar?
And made with a collage of images, post-it notes, and blueprints?
I have a bit of a question. I have a SpriteKit scene overlaying a SceneKit app that handles 2D. If the SpriteKit scene receives an NSNotification, how come the SKScene has zero children, even if it actually does have children in it?
What do you mean?
Are you saying NNSNotification wipes all the children from an SKScene instance?
That seems unlikely..
I had a method call where an NSNotification fired off a method.
If I tried to access the children without using [self runAction:[SKAction waitForDuration:0] completion^{//code}];
it would have 0 children
How did you try to access the children when not using that method?
just use self.children
Try logging self.children
I did. There are zero children.
Even when there are more.
When inside SKScene, having that method print NSLog(self.children) prints nothing?
I'll create a sample project and upload it to GitHub so you can see it for yourself. It's crazy.
I tried NSLog(@"Amount of children: %lu", self.children.count);
It prints "Amount of children: 0"
The only thing that comes to mind is that manipulating sprites when not using SKAction can lead to nothing happening, which I thought you might have confused as there being "not children"
Can you put the method into pastbin, and include the file header so I know the class that the method resides in too?
Never heard of this happening.
I thought it would be easier to upload a GitHub project
Because another class fires the method
I found the glitch while making an app. Obviously I found a workaround.
> I thought it would be easier to upload a GitHub project
I am concerned about your focus on children.
ba dum tsss
I'm talking about scene children.
Nil, I am having trouble with Go
Uh huh
I decided that the best way to add hyperlinks was not to try and overwrite the data I passed to the template, because it will always output escaped HTML.
So I tried to make a buffer, and have it output to the buffer.
Convert the buffer to a string, make the changes, and then write that to HTTP.ResponseWriter
Doesn't really work, not everything appears. Also, I don't think I understand exactly how readers/writers work. Or am overthinking it.
Probably overthinking it.
Can't say much else since I don't know what your code's actually doing.
        buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(buf, tmpl+".html", p)
	re := regexp.MustCompile(`\[(.+?)\]`)
	output := re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(buf.String(), func(s string) string { return `<a>href="/view/$1">$1</a>.` })
You never need to allocate a bytes.Buffer. Its zero-value is a valid buffer already.
Also, your replacement string is wrong.
Well, Atomic gave it to me, and explained it for me.
I really haven't put any thought towards it as I assumed it was right.
I'll have to figure out how to write my own then. What a PITA..
// Make these package global.
var reMatchLink = regexp.MustCompile(`\[([^\]]+?)\]`)
var reTransformLink = []byte(`<a href="/view/$1">$1</a>.`)

var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(&buf, tmpl+".html", p); err != nil {
  // Handle err

output := re.ReplaceAll(buf.Bytes(), reTransformLink)
if _, err := w.Write(output); err != nil {
  // Handle err
You probably just want to do that.
It's not doing the glitch anymore. weird.
Anyway, off to pick up my calzone.
Will be back in ~15 minutes or so.
What? You got a calzone?
I want a calzone
I replaced the Sublime Text icon with something more appropriate, couldn't stand it.
I wish I could be like the cool kids
cause all the cool kids use Go
I am happy
That my solution wasn't wrong theoretically..
And I came to my own conclusion using that.
However, the regex expression is wrong and I have no idea how to write those
So I am looking at the syntax now
I'm bad a regex too
I did take some things, like the buffer Nil uses from his example.
I really would feel disappointed with myself if I copy/pasted something, so I'm going to try and read the regex stuff and write my own expression, then compare.
Calzone acquired.
Going to try watching The Heroic Legend of Arslan.
Hopefully it's good, seeing as it's made it to like episode 20 or something close
Force touch trackpad is really weird
Yes, yes it is
For some reason the force touch stuff on the iWatch bugs me less.
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_WisePadController", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in wisepadViewController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
why i am getting this issue
how to solve
Did anyone reserve Windows 10 upgrade? How long is it until I can get it?
@jace It's a linker error telling you that something isn't being linked when producing an executable. Typically this means you're not including something in the compilation process.
↑ Watch as someone homes in on the word 'including' in that and assumes I mean #include or #import
i am using third party library . in sample of library they used viewcontoller.mm then they added WisePadController delgete
You're on your own.
i am using viewconroller.m this is error
but in sample every thing is working
Well, I guess you did something wrong.
may be ia m checking
MacTeX: it's huge.
Good morning
1 hour later…
CGPathAddArc if I use that function, and set the clockwise to false, do I have to reverse the start- and endAngle, too? (developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/…)
I found more bugs in 2 minutes than my testers have
haha I'm used to that :D
@Owatch have you heard of agar.io? it's pretty cool
@Mr.T yeah, sucks
Hi friends
I got an error when I Archiving the project. It's coming when I try to set 'changeHeightConstraintOftextVIew' set programmatically. If you have any idea please share with me . I am stuck with this issue since last 2 days. Thnkas in adavance
so it only happens when you archive?
when I try to run on simulator no issue
what's the error?
one minute I will share that error log
@mattsven thanks for response
error log like
While emitting IR SIL function @_TTSf4g_g___TFC5Gudly22GudlyProfilePhotosView20getNewsFeedRowHeightfS0_FCS_14Gudl‌​yNewsFeedsV12CoreGraphics7CGFloat for 'getNewsFeedRowHeight' at /Users/admin/Documents/HTANew/gudlyios/Gudly/Gudly/GudlyProfilePhotosView.swift:‌​292:5
Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11
guys how is the function called, where I can run a block and can get the elapsedTime ?
okay found it: SKAction.customActionWithDuration(<#seconds: NSTimeInterval#>, actionBlock: <#(SKNode!, CGFloat) -> Void##(SKNode!, CGFloat) -> Void#>)
@AlbinJoseph sounds like an error to google
If you will google, i think you will not get any correct response..
So I posted in chat
That is one of the best responses I've ever heard.
it really is
@AlbinJoseph boom:
Q: Swift compiler segmentation fault when building

aleclarsonAdding a (convenient) computed height property to UIView in my UIViewExtension.swift file is causing the Swift compiler to segfault... What could possibly be going wrong here? 0 swift 0x00000001061e5608 llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(__sFILE*) + 40 1 swift 0x0...

Are you arguing with him? He's telling you that you will not get any correct results in Google.
you're right, my bad. ignore that question, and the answers that solve your problem...
good boy
let him ask in the chat
@mattsven @EnricoSusatyo tanks for your support, cheers. My code I placed in .swif file not in extension. Then why this error coming? I had seen this result before
because Swift.
is naught by a mewling babe
I can't change background color if the UIButton is Selected, anyone have a work around?
enrico did you ever get the UIWebview working inside an UITableViewCell. Mine is just returning The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -999.)
No, don't ever do that.
I have to...
You need to calculate height of the web view for heightForRow.
its a task
The height is not calculable until web view is loaded.
ye true
but it's not loading at all atm
Then when you figure out the height you need to reload table view itself.
You're going to a deep rabbit hole.
did you have the delegate in the uitableviewcell or the uitableviewcontroller/uitableview?
ye, my chief just wants to send the height to the app
so no calculating
oh, I see.
i notified him of this
not sure why you have that NSURLErrorDomain error then.
have you googled that error?
it would appear that I am sending multiple requests to the uiwebview
though i dont know for sure
I check whether it's loading or not
only you know, you wrote it, not me...
must be the heightForRowAtIndexPath and cellForRowAtIndexPath methods in which i perform the request
that must be it
alright that was it
frame load interrupted
next one
well i'm going to bed, good luck
thanks good night
Hi all, In Swift, can anyone tell me how to declare and use a global var for a typealias closure (completion block) ??? can't seem to find a solution on SO
@EnricoSusatyo night
Hey, is there a way, to get the start- and endPoint from a CGMultiplePath element?
you can probably calculate it.
dunno if you can straightaway get it
Hello, everyone, and i'm a new bird here with some questions. I wish I can get some help here.
cautiously optomistic, let's rumble
hello my friends...
hey eddwin
want to see what im working on?
on a smart irrigation system
oh cool
corporate/government gig?
on a smart irrigation system
Enrico ignored my text :(
Not nice
why does everyone who asks for help poorly end their question/request with "cheers"
@mattsven sup bro
Hey guys
:) :)
matt, any chance you worked with CollectionViews before?
I have
@mattsven How can I learn to make nice looking sites without putting much time and effort into it at all?
"How can I transcend this mortal flesh and acheive immortality?"
Although I'd suggest toughing it out, go down the Wordpress/Squarespace/etc. route
I finally completed the Go task.
The method they provided as a "hint" was actually more harmful than helpful..
The wiki one?
I want to change my logo.
The one I user everywhere..
Would 'Sketch' do as a good App for creating an alternative?
I did not understand that sentence
I corrected it, was thinking of something else while typing.
I use it. I'd say yes
I made my old stuff in Blender.
So it was actually 3D.
ah cool
Man, I wish i knew how to use all those 3d tools
I've always wanted to try it
I'm not very good. Just basic stuff.
My collectionView isn't displaying the content of a particular cell until I scroll the collectionViewCell of the screen and than scroll back up to it. Im wondering what could be the cause of the problem
And there is a lot of pressure to be efficient. You can make more and more subdivisions and get a "meh" looking model, then someone comes along with a beautiful one that uses 5x less lines than yours or something
And that was always the challenge for me.
Also, I tried that web game you linked. I kept getting eaten.
Yes! that's why it's so great
I love that game
I got eaten..
Always a bigger fish. And jesus christ, sometimes the damn Sun seems to be in there.
there's an iOS version
How do you get different skins?
I think you have to make an account
Anyone know how I can get iOS to ignore the fact that my class doesn't have an implementation?
The class will be there at runtime, I just need sufficient headers...
I got cornered.
I wish they gave you a number of what size you were, so you could see how long you lasted
those top 10 must be beasts/have no life
sorry i went for several min
how you doing Owatch?
who is like algorithm here
i need help
Q: how to insert number like in stack and delete like pop

jaceI am using buttons and i assigned tag 0 t 10 . then i made a action to get the clicked button tag and now i want to display the tag in uilable . and i have one cancel button C if user want to delete any number he can click C button that i want to remove number from uilable . this is my screensho...

that is the worst worded question I have read, ever
I got assimilated into the USA
Highest Mass: 463
What's ironic, is that the US isn't the biggest one
Eaten again
@jace "Who is like algorithm here?" What does that mean?
means like to apply good approach
for any problem
@mattsven Eh, like 2-something
Duncan can you help me
I can try. What do you need help with?
Hey yall
Thats a good one
Duncan, would you happen to know how I can get the compiler to ignore the fact that my class doesn't have an implementation? The class will be there at runtime, I just need sufficient headers...
I know that's two people asking your for help at the same time, lol
In Objective-C
Hmm. With properties, you can make them @dynamic.
How is it that there is no implementation until runtime?
I came up with crazy statistic this morning
Specifically, it's a bundle.
That bundle is loaded by the runtime, which already has those classes in it
The population of Earth is 7.14B, There are 3.52B women on earth that control half of the man population by marrying them or being in relationship with them, that make women power up to 5.33B, now out of 1.81B of men that are remaining, 50% of them are thirsty dudes that bring man to 905M (cause they can be controlled too), from that 905M, 40% are confused, 50% are gays, 5% are Mama boys, so that bring man power to 0.0063% of the total population. Know your worth.
Duncan, what did you search for to find that?
oh, you must've specifically searched 'incomplete implementation'
thanks, this looks like it will solve my problem
"objective-c suppress missing implementation warning"
@jace What do you need help with?
@DuncanC Are you familiar with Live Chat?
actually, none of those worked...
My error is Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 : ..lists classes...
I think I've had customer service sites use something they called live chat to offer customer support.
Oh no I mean Im trying to build a live commenting for each post without storing user comments. I see multipeer connectivity frameworks, but that require wifi/bluetooth i need one that also work with cellular network as well
Kind of like Periscope commenting
My favorite Youtube channels company is making a app so they can do paid podcasts for their service, and I'm just like 😭 I wish I had free time to work on it lol
Solved it, Duncan.
I used an empty implementation + the compiler flag to ignore incomplete implementations
that beats anything I've done
Some people are playing suspiciously
Like the planet that fed another large cell half its mass, just to catch up and eat me.
lol wow
I think my username for that round was "blob Police"
so it doesn't look like my 'solution' is working
any method calls to the classes are failing...
referencing existing objects works, but trying to instantate them...no
solved it
it works, but..eh
basically...if I want to play dynamic, gotta stay dynamic
2 jobs are so hard:/
In 10 days, I have to build and finish my press release and videos, and finish the watch app for Television Time. And I also have to finish 1.3 for my work app and probably start 1.4
and its just me
We got an intern that was willing to learn Swift but he has a 2009 mac and says it can't handle Xcode :(
I beleve in you Max
Thanks Matt
Anyone use Parse?
is it good for social app? I want to use it for my commenting
My work app Qollege is built on Parse
Handles 700 users just fine so far
I need to look more into it.
the think is my app allow anyone to comment without account
and there like thousand of post daily
I updated my Sketch Server plugin today: https://github.com/matt-curtis/Sketch-Server Now allows you to specify scale of artboards!
How is it that someone else is using Max's dumb name?
Nevermind lol
@Maximilian Whats up?
How about NSDaemon?
Debate: Should Comment Disappear or Stay on my App?
Are there any good options for multiple themes using UIAppearance?
The only approaches I'm aware of is changing appearances, then removing the view and adding it again.
Seems ham-fisted
How about NSMattDamon?
I will change my username to NSeddwinpaz
Sounds like that could actually be a class.
is it possible to receive cache in swift?
also send
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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