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Did you know the sun is black
I imagine you might.
Found a new bug, with documentation :P
I don't get angry, I just get tired and frustrated. Then hate myself.
But I'm not "angry"
WCSession.reachable is not reachable, but works for glances.. now the question is, do I report this one or not
On one hand, they can fix the documentation saying this will be false for glances, or they can just make it true
But they could also block the function then, and that would be bad.
I will be back,have to get an ice chest full of foooood
1 hour later…
@Maximilian I'm confused...how do I scale my launch images?
nvm, I'm iOS 8 > only so I think I can skip it and use the xib
Nobody uses launch images no more
I wanna see Shaun the sheep
But its game night
and I also have work
and people want me to go somewhere tomorrow
I leave in 12 days
My work app has 650+ users in under a month (registered)
Wow, my boss took a vacation day
Apple approved our new update a few days ago it seems, maybe today
Sounds good. I need to buy a suitcase.
Also, my dog got nicked by another dog today.
uh oh
I hope the version I just released wasn't on the beta server
Yikes, gah
ok we are good
1 hour later…
What was it?
Ill whisper it to you
I'm listening?
I wanna see shaun the sheep
I'm so angry at myself.
I can't figure this fucking Go problem out.
I've spent a good hour reading the documentation and trying stuff. And I'm getting nowhere.
It's a stupid challenge. Replace anything in [] with a link. I've got it to print plain text HTML instead, which isn't a link. But the god-damned library documentation says it doesn't allow any data to have links for some sort of security purposes.
Why do I even mention this here, let's go back to your Apple Watch issues..
What is go?
A language.
I know English
Also, it keeps talking about these fucking types
HTML(this), HTML(that)
Guess what? Not a recognized type. Pulls up an error every time I try to compile
I've tried having it output the entire page to a buffer, then turn that into a string and replace what I want. But I can't export it to anything that doesn't implement something called io.writer/reader
That sucks
Use Swift for web
Maybe I'm onto something Max
The template has printf(%s), body
Oh nice, now it prints bytes..
This API makes no sense
It says my app is not reachable from the complication, but what if the complication is opened first?! It will have no data, gah
I need to work on watchKit, fix these issues myself :P Or need a WWDC 2 to get some help because its boggling my mind
Owatch, nobody on the dev forums will answer me
Not even Apple folks
Swift for Life
I will slaughter villages, rain liquid metal upon schools, and beat satan himself to the edge of Tartarus before I let this petty task triumph..
But Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax
one sec
i'm reading it
oh, did you finally get it install on your watch?
nice nice
but debugging sucks, only got that to work 2 times so I use the simulator (works 80% of the time), then will transfer to the watch and it works
sounds like widgets when they first came out
i'm sure you can do it ^_^
What do you want me to do with your post Max?
User was banned for this post
that's sad
don't scare me like that
bump it!
40 views, 0 answers, cmon
more like, 40 views, 1000 answers, cmon
LMFAO, I wish
To me it seems like nobody knows what to do and they're just sitting on their asses waiting for someone to figure it out, seriously.. MAKE A COMPLICATION. JUST DO IT
Don't reference that. I'll go ballistic.
My code doesn't make sense
I'll get you back Destiny.
I will..
You'll get what's coming.
I'll remember this.
No you won't, because you love me. x)
Owatch hates motivational speakers
I'll remember that.
Now seriously brb
I hate antagonizing posts.
Watch why do you hate Shia
That was amazing! OMG
"Tell me... do you bleed?" "YES HE DOES JUST DO IT"
Because he's an unstable person who is either oblivious to how silly his role-playing looks, or actually suffering from some sort of mild dissociative personality disorder.
He got issues but so what, he's a good actor
Have you seen Fury?
I have, he didn't play a major role.
Still, given all he had to do was shout and pretend to be as hardcore as possible, it kind of suited him.
Other than that, the movie was pretty mediocre. And lost most authenticity at the end.
Now, I am back from my long...long journey. Now, that I have returned. I have learned that sitting ideally by, will get us no where. We must stand up, and fight on, and JUST. DO IT! DO YOU HEAR ME @Owatch!?
Leave me alone.
But...@Owatch :(
Late-night NSChat gets pretty hardcore
any of you guys know drupal?
Yay for jump scares!
2 hours later…
Q: Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: in xcode 6.4, how to solve it

jacei am getting this issue . and able to understand why this is coming and how to solve this . i am using third party lib . Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "___gxx_personality_v0", referenced from: -[AE1_AudioPlayerAndRecorder dealloc] in mylibWiseAPI-.a(AE1_AudioPlayerAndRecor...

can u help me
nil are there
Can anyone help me out.? pls. i am using Visual Format Language. Issue is while rotating the screen into landscape mode & revert back to Portrait. If i change the rotation i need to reduce the size and change position of views.but i could not achieve properly. The constraints are keep on adding. i could not update the constraints. ?
Here is my code: pastie.org/10339076
2 hours later…
I have a coordinate system of a node. I have added a childnode to the node. Now I would like to move the childnode with childnode.runAction(SKAction.moveByX(-10.0, y: 0.0, duration: 1/5). Does that move the childnode in the nodes coordinates or in the self.view coordinates?
5 hours later…
Why when the button is Highlighted it doesn't get tint?
3 hours later…
Going to push out a new Hyphen update soon.
Push it baby!
I thought I was alone
layout mania
Resubmissions for metadata rejection should get their own queue.
Not slot you back for another week delay.
I said I was going to push out another update
now I'm rewriting layout logic
If it needs it, do it.
that's...really sound advice
I'm just disappointed I didn't hit my deadline
have you guys ever experienced long delays while scheduling NSTimer?
no clue what is causing it :/
you mean delays longer than your actual delay?
like, I set 1 sec interval
never had that happen...
did you do an nslog of date before the timer and after it fired?
I suggest patching in some sort of remote connection to your App
and after 17-20 seconds or so it just freezes/blocks for some reason
Where pressing the spacebar advances a second
And then do it manually for all users
So if this occasion occurs where they need to use 1 second intervals, you hop on your computer and press the spacebar whenever you think a second passed to simulate NSTimer on their device.
Brilliant, no?
you're a terrible person
check this out @mattsven
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it freezes at 21:26:54
and then runs again after 11 secs
are you running any other operations?
also paste the code you're using to make the timer...in a pastebin
not that I am aware of
here it is, really simple: pastebin.com/4kLhFdDL
I've tried using GCD + repeat/delay loop and it also freezes after a certain time
you need:
[[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer:yourTimer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
whatever that comes out to in swift
didn't work
NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop().addTimer(self.timer, forMode: NSRunLoopCommonModes)*
you sure?
it freezes exactly after 30 secs
each time I run
There's some other variable here. Dunno what it is, your code is perfectly fine. Post an SO question.
Why am I so tired.
Keep nodding off trying to read.
This Unix book is interesting, but I feel like I am stalling.
A gap where I haven't done any programming besides haggling with this thing in Go.
Also, I haven't sold anything for a while (My App)
Even with the free promo code offers, ect.
What a disappointment.
Well, was your goal money?
Or are you thinking buys = worth of development
I thought I might get a download here or there. Especially given that I was offering it for free.
where were you posting those codes?
/r/playmygame and /r/trymysoftware or something.
I would've tried /r/AppHookup. You would've almost certainly gotten a few bites
Either way, downloads/buys != quality of your app/worth of project.
Even if you app doesn't get any downloads, the experience alone gained would be worth it, to me.
I wanted to expand on it a bit, maybe add some new neat things. But is it worth it..
Rather than doing something different
I would do something different, maybe. You can always come back to it
That is my inclination.
I have a feeling if I were to work on it, sometime next year it would have twenty dropdown menus, 500 planets, and all sorts of crap in it.
@Owatch Are you familiar with UIButton?
The thing is, what do I work on next? Probably something in Swift.
@NSGod Yes?
What could be problematic with that?
Highlight and not highlight are both returning true :(
i hate interruptions
Bye mattio
@NSGod Never had that problem
Is there any way to unhighlight a button if is tapped again?
Sounds like a UIGestureRecognizer thing to me.
The button would have to count taps and time since last tap otherwise
You could have the time saved each tap
And then when they tap again. (If currentTime - lastTime) < 0.02, [button setNotHighlighted] or something
Alright let me see if thats possible
basically I just want to recognize if button was highlighted previously
Oh boy! The iOS flashlight is finally free!
Thank god, what would I have ever done without it.
Where did you go? I must know. These interruptions have me curious.
Mandated Outside Time
I don't believe you
lol, OK.
ok, fine, you're right
I'm actually a ninja.
I always have issues with provisioning profiles when i try to push builds...
and member center is taking an eternity to load
I think my dog is a bit depressed.
He is inactive, looks sad. Took him to the dog park and walked a lot lately, also gets lots of attention, but I think he misses my uncle and cousins who usually take care of him.
I'm about ready to give up
@mattsven Revoke and request a new one.
i've done that
I'll do it again...
Why would it suddenly do this ?
I don't know, I've always had these issues
how do i revoke and request?
You have to invalidate your current certificate first, I believe I found how to do that with Google or some documentation.
I'm not a pro myself at it. Only done the process once.
Should I be using "iOSTeam Provisioning Profile" or 'XC"?
What's XC?
Did you register yourself as a corporation or something when getting your developer account? Edit: No
hey enrico
And now...we wait
for processing.
What's wrong?
"Submit app for beta review"
It will clear right away
"Have you made any significant changes to this build since your previous submission?"
I never had to check "Made major changes" or the sensitive encryption thing.
@mattsven Does the App look a lot different?
if UIButton state if "Selected" I can't change tint color? What type of shit is that? lol
"look" no
If the mechanics are a lot different, and whatnot. Then I guess you'd have to hit Yes. If it works much the same as before, then I guess you can hit no.
If you change the major version number it will automatically detect that you made significant changes
He didn't, just the build.
It's all under Version 1.0 in the image

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