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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Dancing is forbidden.
But @nil why :(
@Mitley you'd have to make it save with the CloudKit framework.
I'd love it if there's a bot here that just Googles the stupid question and return them the top answer.
Like.. Duh just type "Does NSUserDefaults saves on user's iCloud account" and see the first result
I'm starting to treat the "star" button like a "like" button. It's getting out of hand.
It's ok, that's how you should use it.
Back from swimming. A bit late today.
Does anyone use Google Maps iOS SDK?
I found some weird behaviour, my app always have like invisible breakpoint when accessing Google Maps.
No, I do not.
So sad
What did you ping me for earlier Max?
The feeling you get when you start with A, run into a bug. Make it B and there is a new bug that is opposite of bug A
Cuz I got the pings
Bug 1) optimistic locking failure, cause by merge policy. Changing it doesn't work, so I switch the thread I run the code on, and it works except I have to switch view controllers to correctly update information.. fun
I went back to the optimistic locking failure, it doesn't crash or have any side effects besides warning
Does that thread have to wait for main to do something before it can?
I understand locks as a way of handling race conditions problems.
Wait till for X, to do Y.
I don't think so?
What's a locking failure then
So my app is a TV show tracker.. I am in X controller looking at shows, if I press a button it runs a method on the background thread, on a background context. When it finishes it sends a notification and merges that on to the main context
Then I delete the show, this is all done on the main thread
Then I want to re-add that show (on the background thread) and it says optimistic locking failure
My though was maybe because I'm adding the show on the background context/thread, and deleting it on the main thread only that its like in the background thread still? dunno
so I tried deleting it off the background thread, and changes will merge to the main thread right?
Well it works, but when I try to re-add the show, I check if the show exists on the main context before adding it, and it says it exists already
so if I switch view controllers and go back, it fixes itself and says its gone.
Locking failure I read has to do with merge policy, I set it to something else and it still gave the error
Well, how are you managing the threads?
Are you using NSOperation?
I have some, but not for this
I just use the context performBlock method and run it on that context
Im not crossing threads at all though, I knows
I don't think I can help, I just don't know enough.
Im sorry
It's okay.
Holds hand
Lots of threads, many strange errors that shouldn't be errors
Another bug I can't debug even, sometimes my view controller seems like its blocked on the main thread
Sounds like a jungle.
E.G. I will tap the table view cell, it will call code to present a view controller. Controller does not present but if I touch the screen it presents
In other news, my desktop is back up and working.
and I tried profiling, and I went over the code like 5 times, I'm not running anything on the background
It makes a network request, but its not necessary for load up
I think a RAM stick went bad. Looked up the error codes, and then tested them. Boots fine with 2/3. Guess I'll have to do with 8GB and not the 12 I used to run with....
But hey, it runs again. ! !
Desktop wasn't working?
You in iOS 9, Max?
I am
Are you
My desktop computer stopped working in early July...
It wouldn't boot, but cycle or emit a string of continuous beeps.
Damn that sucks
To stay up I gotta blast ACDC, I'm so tired
@Maximilian no
why not go to sleep?
One of the RAM sticks was apparently corrupt or malfunctioning. I removed them all, placed one in, then attempted to boot. It worked. So I put another, and it worked as well. This points to the remaining RAM stick as being the bad one.
and come back to it tomorrow...
I feel sad, I will have to leave it behind when I leave.
Grandma will probably bin it.
Yikes! I found potential bad bug in my code
@Owatch ???
Actually, I don't think it would hurt users at all but its just bad code
@mattsven My desktop computer. When did the context become unclear?
I got thread unsafe code
@mattsven I got 17 days to finish 2 apps then my life is over, AKA I start School and have teachers who think they are the masters of the universe and think its ok to give me 100 hours of homework a week and like me living with my parents
oh, I see.
mad dash to the finish line
No time for sleep, got work before school hits me in the face
Max is probably naked, with his feet in a bucket of ice water, a sombrero on his head, drinking a pitcher of red-bull while blasting ACDC and air conditioning in his room.
Actually I am in the office, I do have a fan on, I have no shirt on but I have shorts and shoes on
and I have headphones on blasting ACDC, but soon I will go make some cookies, set up my iPad on the stand and watch some netflix while coding and cookies
Any socks on those feet?
but tonight I will go to bed early, like 10 maybe (usually 1 am)
If you're wearing shoes ..
Yup, socks and sandals duh
What office are you in?
My house
Got an office area, 3 desks in here
Am I the only one who uses his computer while looking presentable?
Because unless I'm showered, dressed, and prepared for my day, I won't be on my computer.
I just showered 30 minutes ago
I just don't got a shirt on, its like over 100 here
"What are you wearing, 'Jake From State Farm?'"
Good call.
I guess. I always wear something.
Wow, thats strange. Im using the same code where I am getting the issues at, but in a different view controller.. I can rapidly add and delete the show and it don't care and works correctly ¯_(ツ)_/¯
It was pretty cool here today.
heh, 69 degrees!
Saw it.
Matt, I saw it. Just ask and I'll whisper it to you
I can yell it if you want
My app is amazing btw
So good
Isn't it plagued with errors and threading issues?
Or was I reading the last hour's worth of transcripts wrong. .
Max, did these "problems" never happen?
Right now it has 1 issue only while debugging, users will not notice anything and it works as expected when not hooked up to Xcode
Does the App work great, and there was never a conversation about anything wrong?
Im making a movie
"Bugs - Are they real or just in Max's head"
We never talked about bugs.
A documentary on the working day of Max
I have no idea what you're on about.
There will be an extended cut with 92% more bugs
My documentary on bugs I find
Im making a video for my app now
It will be mind blowing
Cut #1 made
Why is that your job?
I thought you were just making it for work..
Shouldn't someone else market it?
Unless it's a personal App..
Its my personal app
I am a 1 man band
What is the default size for a video?
I think I made my images too big
I did iPad screen landscape * 2
I have 1080x1920, and it won't let me switch them :(
It won't let me go higher than the iPhone size and wider that the iPhone size:/
3 hours later…
Good morning to all
i need help regarding image size issue
my sever end ask me image size that image they are sending in url, so what are the image size required at sever end i have to set image for all iPhone & Ipad
i use storyboard to set as inferred & half of the screen i set an image view on it.
It is up to you based on for what kind of image and for what purpose, for example If are going to show the image taken with the camera of the device then u can use that Aspect ratio ratio of the image
I need help for this... if any one can do...
Q: Upload file with Azure Mobile Storage using SAS (Shared Access Signature)

iDroid ExplorerI know that there is library available for uploading the file using AzureMobileStoragee. I have refer this for same. But, They have not give information for how to use SAS with that. I have account name, and sas url for access and upload file there. But i don't know how to use that for uploading...

I set image on collection view cell as cell image.
so i say 140*140 for all iPhone & 200*200 for all iPad that okay @vig
@Nikunj Yes u can use that
Surely that is completley down to the design ?
as a collection view cell could be any old size and shape
1 hour later…
ok Thanx
good morning there
4:30 wakup today.
any reason ?
Earlier than I'm used to. But got to drive someone to the airport
In fact, I probably ought to go now.
grab us a coffee whilst you are out in that case
2 hours later…
Hi All,
can anyone please help me for the below post
@nil Do you like The Stanley Parable?
I don't get the positive reviews. I don't really enjoy the game.
it is awesome
You like it too?
it is fun
and odd
i like odd
I used to love playing Dayz.
But it made me a bit paranoid.
I'd always end up with several weapons on me, lots of ammunition, and body armor. I'd never fire a shot for fear of attracting attention, then usually die in some accident or get killed instantly somewhere down the line.
@EnricoSusatyo I found it humorous at points, but I quickly got bored, and the game was tedious
What games did you play when you were younger Matt?
I know when I was in elementary school, Runescape was the rage.
It was when I was too
I usually stuck to flash games
Was never really hardcore
I would play smaller free games on websites too.
Miniclip, for one..
They had some car racing game I played, and I think they might have had some trench fighting game I liked.
Miniclip was king
There was apparently some drama in the math.se room
People got banned, lots of angry users. Not sure what exactly went down.
I find your proposed quadratic equation preposterous!
Some users are a bit delusional/pretentious
I speculate that is the cause.
I just held my breath for 1:10:50 (minute)
Let me try again
Just managed to do 1:30:54
I just did 1:30.41
Damn you matt.
I can go longer
nuh uh
The people on my podcast did 2m+
are they still alive?
It doesn't count if they aren't
Well, that did not go well.
I couldn't go even close this time.
Maybe I need to wait a moment.
Yeah, I can only manage like 1:20 now
Why are you testing that?
Testing what? How long I can hold my breath?
Because I felt like it.
thought it might be for something
Hello All I am doing a calculation and getting a float value
What if your house suddenly flooded?
You need to be prepared to swim out.
and setting this floatValue as
Hello All I am doing a calculation and getting a float value, and setting this float value as the width in the frame, but I am getting "Fatal Exception:CAInvalid Geometry"
CALayer contains nan
how we can solve this
Any suggestions
Well, what are you setting?
Does it accept floats?
I am setting UILabel frame
tableCell.Label.frame = CGRectMake(20, 34, Width, 10);
Show the line where you set the UILabel frame to the floatValue
So just use a breakpoint or NSLog to make sure that Width is what it should be
its a "NAN"
Use NSLog to print out "width" before you run that line. Make sure it isn't nil.
which means not a number
...well, how did it get that way?
Well, then why are you trying to make a Frame without a number?
in my testing
it works fine
crashlytics has reported this error
for one of my user
That's weird AF.
When does Width get created?
Nothing was said here.
Nothing was said here.
lets get back
Width gets created in cellForRowAtIndexPath
I mean I am doing the calculation for width
Why not have an if-statement check width before to make sure it isn't NAN.
Not sure why it would become NAN, but this should eliminate that problem.
but if its NAN, then what width it should be??
it cannot be any random width right?
Well, can you redo the calculation in width?
EG: CGRectMake(20,34 A + B + C, 10)
Or something
Alright, can you show me how you create "Width"?
What determines it?
CGFloat Width = ??
float maxEnteredValue = [[DataArray valueForKeyPath:@"@max.floatValue"] floatValue];
float minEnteredValue = [[DataArray valueForKeyPath:@"@min.floatValue"] floatValue];

float maxWidth = 185.0;
float minWidth = 40.0;

float scale = maxEnteredValue - minEnteredValue;
float factor = (maxWidth - minWidth) / scale;
float width = maxEnteredValue - [tableCell.WTValue.text floatValue];

width = width * factor;
float barWidth = maxWidth - width;

tableCell.Label.frame = CGRectMake(20, 34, barWidth, 10);
good luck Owatch
So, there are a lot of ways you could get a NAN.
why whats wrong
width depends on a lot of different variables.
So it's going to be extremely difficult for me to know which one is causing the problem.
Especially if this only occurs on one of your clients devices.
ya, I can understand
its difficult
any suggestion if you were in my place, what you had done?
how had you debugged it?
You will need to check maxEnteredValue, and [tableCell.WTValue.text floatValue] to make sure they are not causing NAN/
width depends on both of them.
ok. I will try it out
It is also multiplied by factor, which is dependent on maxEnteredValue and minEnteredValue. But maxWidth and minWidth should be fine.
I had one more problem
Basically, there isn't a lot I can do about this case.
What's the other problem?
I will explain
I am adding wallpaper feature to my app
so user can select a wallaper from given images and it will be set as background image of whole app
only the default background Image (Wallpaper) is added to my project
other images are downloaded from server and then saved in apps document folder
so for setting the image which is downloaded from server I need to get the path
so I set it this way
[UIIImage imageWithcontentsOfFile:......]
and when user switches to wallpaper 1 which is the default image
I use [UIImage imageNamed:@""];
Uh. Why not give it a name?
for ??
UIImage imageNamed:@"defaultBackground" ?
Wouldn't that be better? Never mind.
its better
[UIImage imageNamed:@"DefaultBg"];
Okay. And the problem is
so now the problem is
suppose I set customWallper downloaded fromserver and then switch back to default background, it will not set
Well, why not?
it will set only when the app is clicked and launched again
I dont know
I've never used Background images. Is it some sort of low level UIImageView everything else gets placed on top of? ?
I am using a global UIImageVariable which contains the image which user selects
Oh their is little bit confusion here
my fault
backgroundImage is the name of my UIImageView
check global variable UIImageVariable
I check it
if its holding correct image or not
it is
I have one more issue
I don't seem to know how to solve most of your issues. But post it here anyways.
i think this you can solve :)
I will create a SO question
Post it here too.
The link
so tired
Were you up late yesterday?
just ultra busy and getting old
gots to love the Unity Asset store though
here is the link
Q: Removing a childViewController in iOS

RanjitI am adding a ChildViewController this way, which opens half the way of screen. m_customStartupView = [[CustomStartUpViewController alloc]init]; m_customStartupView.delegate = self; if(m_showStatus == SHOW_STATUS) { m_customStartupView.dialogToShow = LAST...

I'd like to look for a job in uni doing what I do best, but I don't want to be exhausted like Max sounds.
What is this: [[self view] addSubview:[m_customStartupView view]];?
Doesn't adding a VC automatically add it's view?
You should not need to do this.
oh is it?
Try removing it, see what happens
Just comment out the line
any specific reason to not use this?
It's unnecessary. Redundant, and if it's already done for you why do it again?
this line is mandatory
It doesn't work if removed?
if I comment this
My ChildView is not shown
yes it doent work
Then I'm not sure what you're doing. I never have to add the view of another VC to the current VC. I add the view of the the other VC to itself, then add that VC as a child of the current VC.
I have to go.
ok, lets meet tomorrow and discuss
but why the overlap
any suggestion on that
Is there any "most common" way of representing progress numerically in iOS/Objective-C?
I see 1-based 'percentages' like 0.0 to 1.0, but I also sometimes see 0 to 100.
progres of what ?
and from a maths perspective no
i always do it in percentage
as its just easy and you can apply the math to your UI representation
and percentage means "per hundred" so 0.0 - 1.0 is not percent by defintion
but it is so easy to normalise any value
@Dev2rights that's why I used it in quotations
please dont ping, you almost deafend me
sorry! :(
doing it over any range is fine though
It's easy to normalize either way, though. /100 or *100
yeah, if you really were to be doing some silly number of calculations using a short int and doing it over 100 would be better as less mem and CPU cycles
but these days unless you are doing something that involves you doing the Big O first who cares
I see
i always do percentage
I was just wondering if there was some existing Apple API design pattern for it or something
UIProgressView uses 0.0 - 1.0
Word up ya'll
but if you wanted more accuracy you could do it per 1,000,000
Word homes
I remeber when mobile devices only had fixed point CPU's and doing fixed point math is a right pain in the proverbials
fun though if your that way inclined ( sick in the mind )
iCloud Sucks
so do rain clouds
Are you really NSGod?
No I been trying to change it
Just answer me one thing NSGod
Why did you make us wait so so long for generics? Why NSGod? Why?
Cause I feel like it lol
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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