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Q: In using multiple storyboards after button on click why do I get window hierarchy error?

hunterpI am following an approach to use multiple storyboards here: http://www.newventuresoftware.com/blog/organizing-xcode-projects-using-multiple-storyboards/ But I want to switch storyboards after the user presses a button, and the error I get is: Warning: Attempt to present SWRevealViewController...

1 hour later…
@MichaelDautermann is here
Don't do it. .
I was just watching a series of videos from the Chechen war.
Is it possible to have a button function as an image? And when you tap it once it changes the image and waits for a second tap to confirm?
Could I have that tied to a button property? Like an enabled and disabled image?
Button has 4 states
So when the cell gets selected, I just set the button enabled
This automatically makes it change image for me
Then I can have users tap it
Default, highlighted (when you press and keep it pressed), selected (when you press and release your finger) and disabled
I will require that it become disabled if another cell gets tapped.
You can specify different image/title to the button for these states
And I will require that the image is a transparent mask, so that the original shows through below, just with a symbol overlayed.
Okay but if it gets disabled, you cannot enable it back by pressing on it... as it is disabled and won't take touches
So you will to do it programmatically
I know that, it is in a TableView, tapping on other cells should disabled the one currently selected
Then specify the button's images for default and disabled states
and toggle it's enabled property
Here's the only difficult part
I have lots of different Cells, each have a different image. I don't want to have to create an image for each of these cells in their enabled states. I'd rather have some sort of overlay be added instead.
Can I do this?
you mean you wanna show a common image for each enabled cell?
The image in each cell is a planet. When you tap on the cell it should enable the Button. And change the image of the planet to a darkened one with a + over it.
All Planet images are the same size. So I thought I could make a single overlay with Alpha, and then apply it 'over' each image, then give that back to the button to display. I am just not sure how possible or viable this is.
If there are few limited cells, then it's fine to create images for each of them
They're a lot of them, but okay.
how many?
Maybe 15 or 16.
I can do it, I just thought there would be some easier solution.
16 is still fine. The table view will already be reusing the cells (provided you are doing the right thing in cellForRowAtIndexPath:).
I forgot how to make the button links from XIB
Not to file's owner, but to the class or something
Got it
Why do imgur works never bloody work.
There we go
How can I connect the button that way?>
You want to connect button outlet or action method of button?
I want to connect the button to the action method I wrote for it!
Sorry I should have clarified
It's just I can't drag from the button anywhere
Select the button. Go to the inspector.
Connections Inspector?
Go to the last tab of inspector
There, search for touch up inside
Connect that to your selector
It's there, but my custom one isn't
I suppose it doesn't matter
I can use that too
Custom what?
Custom action method?
Your action method won't appear there
I know, that's part of the reason I was stuck.
when you drag and drop on the Class (or File's owner), it will show up possible candidates
Well, I know it isn't there, I don
't know exactly why it doesn't show up.
If I made it a class method, would it show up?
If it's not there then your action method doesn't have return type as IBAction
Well it is an IBaction
Or you haven't set your class name in xib on which you are dragging & dropping the connection
The Identity and Type is set to itself.
Well, the name is
When you drag from touch up inside and drop on the file's owner (or a different object in xib) that object's class should be set appropriately in the inspector
I cannot do it that way this time.
and that class is the one that has the action method
I can't use file's owner.
you haven't set the class of your root object in xib
I don't remember exactly the reason behind that, but I know it was due to the fact that my cells were breaking for some reason if I did.
The one that is below First Responder
I can click on that. It displays Received Actions under the Connections inspector
Can you see your action method under received actions?
And inside Received Actions is the custom method I defined
I cannot drag from the Button to it
I can only drag from it to the button
In which case it displays a long list of various methods the Button has
Have you set the class of your root view object in xib?
Show me which view is that in xib
Also show in xib where you have set it's class
In CustomClass, which I should have shown, it is set to: GameTableCell
In 3rd tab, right?
And does your GameTableCell have the action method?
The class file does, yep
It's declared in the header as: -(IBAction)buttonTapped:(UIButton *)sender;
Can you show screenshot of that action method in .m file
I guess
I ****** hate this laptop so much. It's so damn slow, nothing is responding for opening the web browser. I should have stuck to using my phone with the other laptop.
Should I create a video for you?
I didn't connect my Cells up the usual way, I didn't use File's Owner. I kept having a problem with my subclassed cells dissapearing the moment I entered Editing mode. And the solution involved connecting them up some other way. I can't find the SO question.
I can create a video
@Owatch "command+shift+4" is your friend ;)
What do you think I am using?
Should I create a video?
Depends, I don't know what you're going to show me
I will demonstrate everything
How to set up
Well I did not set it up as it is usually done, but sure.
what unusual did you do?
I don't know, maybe I should just delete everything
It's such a headache to work through 'fixes' I find on SO and not understand what implications they have.
I'm already irritated, maybe I shouldn't work on anything tonight.
I am uploading the video
That's very generous of you.
I have demonstrated two ways to connect the action method
I first connect in one way, then delete the connection and again connect by second way
Thank you very much, I'll do that as soon as Xcode restarts
Thanks very much! It works, I just need to disabled it as long as the cell isn't being highlighted
What were you doing wrong with the connections?
I indirectly did do what you did at one point
But did not connect it to Button Action up or something
I ended up just doing what you showed me
Can anyone tell me , How will I get timezone name without daylight saving ?
Titan Souls is neat.
I mean I want standard time even if my local timezone gives me time with daylight saving
is there any way to get it or convert it?
Convert what?
@Gudiya I knew it!
If you disable a cell, it has a gray film over it
That NSDate is Julian calendar-aware is pretty neat.
It must do that somehow.
Like someone went "at least one person is going to need Julian calendar support" and did that.
Oh my
Also, I hate leap years.
Something went wrong, images are showing in cells they shouldn't.
Ganymede is suddenly Earth
Nothing says complexity like trying to figure out DB crap without shooting yourself in the foot 'cause of a leap year.
@Owatch Yes it does it
I meant that I could do something similar to that myself, as it is clearly an overlay. I was not suddenly realizing cells did in fact become unsaturated when disabled.
In any case, goodnight.
Thanks for assisting me, I'm tired though, and will go sleep now
@nil .. convert daylight saving time to standard
What are you converting?
I need to send ... central standard time for austin .. system timezone is giving me daylight saving time for austin
Like without daylight saving timezone ... I need only standard timezone ..
I have posted a question in SO regarding this just now
should I paste the link of it here?
Q: Get NSDate from NSDate adjusted with timezone

P5ycH0I have a NSDate object. Let's say it represents "1-10-2011" NSDate *date = [df dateFromString:@"2011-10-01 00:00:00"]; That date translates into "2011-09-30 22:00:00" because of my timezone. Question: How do I get a new Date object representing "2011-10-01 00:00:00" in my local timezone?

So does this not do it?
Q: Daylight to Standard timezone conversion in iOS

Jean-Luc GodardSome countries are observing daylight saving, but I want to get the timezone name irrespective of daylight saving. In short I want standard time of such countries instead of daylight saving time. Is there any way to convert this or anything else? P.S. I want this because of my server requirem...

> NSDate only represents an absolute point in time. It has no concept of timezone or calendar.
Let's highlight that really quick.
Nobody seems to read the NSDate docs, so a quick reminder: NSDate doesn't care about timezones. Timezones are for formatting.
I read NSDate docs
so you are saying I will not get central standard time for austin if systemtimezone or localtimezone is giving me daylight saving time
I really have no idea where you're seeing a timezone.
NSDate doesn't do timezones.
At all. It literally has no concept of them.
Let me put it this way: you already have the time in Austin. It's the same time as everywhere else on the planet.
ok .
but this NSTimeZone *timeZone = [NSTimeZone localTimeZone];
NSString *tzName = [timeZone name];
If you want to display it in a particular timezone, you need to have that timezone and use that when formatting it.
so @nil .. I will get from above code daylight time only for austin. If I need to convert it into standard timezone or someting , I should have internal conversion for it .. which says if I get daylight time then I will send that string as central standard time
is it?
is it correct?
Just get the timezone you want to display it in.
yes I want the timezone which doesnt represent daylight .. and from this code I am getting daylight time zones
NSTimeZone *timeZone = [NSTimeZone localTimeZone];
NSString *tzName = [timeZone name];
So stop getting that timezone.
so say for Austin I want timezone name
Google it.
Good morning
how are you dark
I am fantastic
hello my dear friend mike
4 hours later…
@Owatch Buy an SSD and upgrade your RAM!
2 hours later…
@all Hello..
@all How are you?
2 hours later…
@EnricoSusatyo I can't afford that.
Question. I've just downloaded a project from Github and am aiming to produce the .framework file from this project. However, "run" is greyed out?
I am able to build successfully, but the ".framework" file is not generated
Back once again
Has anyone here successfully added google AdMob SDK 7.0.1
Ya Ranjit
anyone has idea why it isnt working?
var attributes = super.preferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes(layoutAttributes)

attributes.frame = NSString(string: textLabel.text!).boundingRectWithSize(CGSize(width: intmax_t(), height: Int(textLabel.frame.size.height)), options: NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: [ NSFontAttributeName : textLabel.font] , context: nil)
error : Missing argument for paramter 'locale' in call
hello, are you using Interstitial or banner Ads or both? @roimulia
I am getting error, can you help me out
are you using pods or manual adding of files
show me the error
does anyone knows of a good pod/lib that encapsulate the most used analytics tools?
so when I need to track an event, I call one method and it automatically tracks that event in all the tools
Module 'GoogleMobileAds' not found
is the error what I am getting
@roimulia, the problem is only when I use @import GoogleMobileAds; in appdelgate.h file
if I use anywhere else in the project there is no error
you are using the new sdk
But I am not understanding why it happens only on appdDelegate.h file
yes I am using 7.1
it says parse issue
you dont need to put it in thedelegate file
just in the pages you want to user banner/full screens
but previously it was working
with SDK 12.12
im using swift
and i used sdk 7.0
and i havent used it in the app delegate
its useless , the improt of the sdk is only for using banner and interstial , the app delegate(at least for admob) is not the place for the importing
just use in on your other VC
hmmm. I have to do it know, as its not working, but not clear
1 hour later…
I'm bummed, my desktop just broke.
It suddenly crashed, and now is an a continuous restart cycle without clearing BIOS.
May be power related
3 hours later…
how do I achive this ( dropbox.com/s/ry03ggp8jm87a25/Cards.png?dl=0 ) via UICollectionView ?

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