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been pretty quiet in here today :l
@Owatch is here
@Gudiya heyyyyyyyyyyyyy
hey mogambo
I'm dead tired.
Who here works for a company
Pretty much nobody. Gudiya definitely doesn't. Nor does Enrico, or Borrden, ect.
Or nil, or Nayaso
I work for a company
Gudiya can we talk
What does it mean if I work for a company?
What! Who would have known?
I see. Anyways, but I do.
Where's my bedfellow Matty?
@mattsven COME HITHER>
hello my friends
im back
What happened to you lately?
and solving problems
I've been working too.
Not on things I want to work on though. .
I'm in pretty bad mood, so I think I'll go.
hi @eddwinpaz
well have and still having problems with my chat 6 months later
What problems?
What exactly ?
my chat crashes so much
I ended up using nodejs back again
since xmpp did not work for me as expected
my chat crashes so much
hi @Owatch
@Maximilian How are things with you?
Im so sad:(
iOS 8.3 introduced a new bug to UIToolbar.. I see no fix or any issues for anybody else
I will have to create my own layout system
I found the bug
UIBarButtonItem follows the frame's X and Y now, so I set it to 0, 0 and so it puts it there instead of keeping centered
So weird
American Horror Story is too dumb, I can't finish watching this show
Typical SpriteKit Question: "I'm doing everything right, why isn't it working?" Then you go check it out, and as usual, it's right, and stuff just isn't working.
Hello All
@NimitParekh hello bro :)
Hi @AndoMasahashi
1 hour later…
@Owatch ..what
@eddwinpaz what type of crashes are in your application ?
Working on show stats
I made that view myself:P Looks like a real copy of the Health stats
I will change the color probably for my app, but looks good so far
looks good well done Maximilian :)
Thank you
Im going to use this look, but also have to adapt it because I am going to have different types of graphs.. most will be like the line charts, but I may need some bar and some like spiked one
thats good define some enum and write one method for line or barchart
I will even open source It I think
So anyone can have charts
its easy couple of years back I have write my own for line and for bar chart.
It is easy?
I don't know:O
Its easy to design, I will need to figure it out... Will need to use like core graphics to fill it in
yes easy :)
How did you do it?
by coding lolz :)
I don't know how I feel about the second one yet
I don't know a better way to display that
I can do 1 line and make it smaller
check this max its good
glad to hear gudiya :)
Did you make that?
no I have make it similar will send you zip file after going to home
I need check that in my old codes
Colors of the graphs can of course change.. but thats what Im thinking of, design wise
Coding wise, I am thinking UITableView, with custom cells. The custom cells with then use a custom view class which is the graphs
I am very excited, I was going to use someone else's graphs on top of the colored views, but I would rather make my own now
you can write your own controller by using UIScrollView
and write your own datasource and delegates
or you can also use collection view
lolz ok :D
But the way I am doing it, if you want it in your app you can use any of the things you said
The graph view and table view cell are separated
So its like a table view cell wrapper for it
right you can do it your way, you are feasible with (y)
Apple destroyed init in Swift 1.2:/ so bad
Im going back to Objective-C for new apps
good :D
I haven't shift on swift yet
Well... basically init(coder:) is required in all views/controllers.. but you can still use init, now init is gone
I don't know why:/ Very annoying
report it to apple :)
Swift is very bad right now
swift car is good :)
There is also a major bug that if you have the code optimized (like when submitting to ) it will crash
To fix you have to use unoptimized code, like running in debug
Swift 1.1 was fine.. I was good with it, still had the optimize code bug, but it was fine.. Swift 1.2 has you change as to as!, and you can't use init anymore
Not a very good upgrade:(
I know its beta... but I don't know what they are doing with it
yup but they might mension that thing in notes or some where else why they have removed init
They just hate it:/
Like, theres no blanket init... there are still inits, but like required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
and override init(frame: CGRect), but I don't like this because, now I have to pass in a frame?
might be init will be the default constructor as we have write in c and c ++ you only need to write of your own if you have needed parameterised constructor
Its always null! I use autolayout
and now I have to change my code to use a frame, just because they don't want me using init
I can make my own init.. but....:/
I have to call super still to the stupid initWithFrame
Its stupid.. I want init() back
You have to initialize them as well before each init-_- before you could use 1 init, but not anymore
1 hour later…
Sounds like my decision to stick to Obj-C for iOS 8 is getting better and better each day.
I wonder if it will take another two years before  pulls the plug on Obj-C
I think Obj-C will live on for much longer than two more years.
I don't get the hurry for people to switch to Swift. Also Apple said that the language is still in beta.
when did they say that?
WWDC 2014.
exactly. and then in October they've released iOS8 and the beta swift sdks was released. they also started accepting pure swift apps into the AppStore thus into production. they don't consider it beta anymore.
not that I wouldn't call it beta...
2 hours later…
Hi, guys. I have a unit testing related question.
I've called a method on my test case, but that method still shows not covered. Why?
Not covered?
you know, like insurance.
mike my dear friend how are you ?:)
my day is starting off great because I have heard from my good friend Derk!
I am your lucky charm :P
Is anyone else using this library? github.com/mwaterfall/MWPhotoBrowser
Is it being actively maintained? There are like 30 pull requests that are not accepted
and last commit is like 9 months ago or something
you could always fork it and take it over
"the one true MWPhotoBrowser"
@MichaelDautermann turns out my team lead is in the same building as you
as I will need to meet him when I'm in the US in June I may need to go down to SF to meet him in that very building
unless he comes up to Portland to meet me there
I'm in that building sometimes... not too often. But let me know when you're around and I will let you know if I am around.
Hello friends
i want image processing like fyuse app
@MichaelDautermann please help bhavesh nai i am not understand his question that's why
@EnricoSusatyo please help me
@MichaelDautermann @DarshanKunjadiya @DuncanC please help me
@BhaveshNai but i don't know what is this ?
@BhaveshNai i think this is shadow image but not in bottom it's in left or right , am i right ?
I've never used to Fyuse app.
so I don't know what s/he means
is this something ffmpeg can do?
oh, he's gone now...
well phooey... I guess I will go take my morning shower or something.
Hi there! I've just tried asking that question on stackoverflow, but it is offtopic. So I want to discuss it in the chat. Swift seems to be very useful and interesting language, it requires writing less amount of code rather than Objective-C. Suitable for the "defensive programming". If it is required to interact with C++ code, anyway you can wrap that code into Objective-C framework and use it in swift.

Why should I prefer Objective-C over Swift at this moment?

I do not want ask which of them is better. I'm just trying to select a language for my next project, and I'm considering swift,
@BhaveshNai You will soon get banned if you keep pinging people to help you.
@BergP Right now, the answer is: stability, faster compile time, if you know the language already it'd be faster, Swift still has a bit of bugs here and there.
Disclaimer: I am not planning to transition to Swift for 1-2 more years.
@EnricoSusatyo Could you tell me if there are well known bugs in swift? I've not stumbled over single bug yet.
Are you a registered Apple dev?
If you've just starting up, I'd recommend Swift.
If you're a registered Apple dev, go and browser around here: devforums.apple.com/community/tools/languages/swift
Sometimes Apple people confirm the bugs.
@EnricoSusatyo I've developed for iOS for about 4 years, and now I'm trying swift for my pet project, it seems to be quite good so far
@EnricoSusatyo Thanks for the links!
No prob, hang out here if you wanna chat
Also, there's a trick to get updates from Swift. Go here: devforums.apple.com/people/ChrisLattner and click "Email Updates" to see what Chris Lattner's talking about.
5 hours later…
I hate core graphics
4 hours later…
anyone mess around with bitcoin in their app?

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