Atlas if you want to show diverse data
Like I have headers for dates and then shows in between, so I have to check every time if the date the show airs on is already in an array, and if not then it adds another header row to the types array, and then continues, so its constantly doing date checks more than it should be
then it has to go through again and set the data for the cells, and I have to keep track of the number of shows and number of headers already added to get the correct offset of the current show to display and current header
Its alright, but... I just have to initialize so many NSDate's to do all these checks, probably about 20 just for a few checks, maybe more.. so very inefficient
But I made the date check in a extension so I can't ad a variable for that data to just use over and over
Unless I convert all methods to pass it in and then keep it in the controllers
@dev2rights does "Today, Tomorrow, Thursday, Monday" seem fine? (Dates that shows air, dates with no shows are gone) or should it be like "Today, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday" or "Today, Tomorrow, 4/2/15..."? (each as a header title)
It only shows 7 days of shows