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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

If you change directories ("cd" command) to the folder with the files you can just type "touch filename" and it will touch the files right in the directory.
Hi Enrico.
Hi Nayoso.
Everybody else is asleep it seems
Are you there?
Sorry, had to hop out for a while. I'm back now
Oh boy, just in time for the Monday Evening cricket party!
! ! !
I'm eating pepperoni pizza
I felt like eating some Saturday.
But for some reason my Grandma does not like it.
So usually a month goes by between a Pizza.
I bought from costco. Just $9.99
costco has usually good pizza!
I bought a domain name.
I bought a whole pepperoni pizza. 18" long
18" long? You mean 18" in diameter?
Wow! Whats your weight after coming to US? 65 KG?
@Gudiya You'll leave @120
120 KG? Now that's a scary thought.
Nobody get away fit.
Are you bulky OWatch?
I was 53 KG last summer.
But I'm better now, probably in the 60-ish range.
"You sound like a big burly man"
@DuncanC I've got an idea.
What if I buy two domains, and have them redirect to each other?
Gudiya, want to see a sample app written in Swift? I just finished a project today that's a decent Swift demo.
Yes, show me
It would destroy life as we know it Owatch. :)
It's a program to generate pie charts.
Also shows using CAShapeLayers and Core Animation.
Good morning everyone
Guidya, your avatar makes you look like you weigh about 45 KG soaking wet.
Looks like you know Swift very well now ?
> struct Slice
Isn't a struct a C type?
I've been at it for about a week. I read the Apple Guide to Swift cover to cover.
Not in Swift.
A struct is a "first class type" in Swift. Structs can have methods, categories, change observers, etc.
Looks like you're pretty committed there.
I have an array of "Slice" objects in my pie chart view. I added a change observer to the array. If you change any element of the array it fires the change observer, which rebuilds the pie chart.
I've finished 5 slices of pepperoni pizza
Be careful there missy. Pizza is a "gut bomb" Very rich, very caloric.
Don't be such a downer Duncan.
Let Pizza be eaten guilt free.
Cue Weird Al "Complicated Song"
That app took me about a day to write.
So I am bit confused with new Photos framework. Anyone with experience with Photos framework?
Apple framework?
In `PHAsset`class documentation there is a class method `+ fetchAssetsWithALAssetURLs:options:`
which reads: **In iOS 8.0 and later, the Photos framework provides a better alternative to the Assets Library framework. Use this method if your app has previously stored URLs from ALAsset objects and you need to retrieve the corresponding Photos framework objects.**
Looks like it kills every 4th person that uses it.
(Bear my poor editing please!)
Duncan : Yes.
That's really awful Gudiya.
So there is no way to get a URL of image in new Photos framework?
I watch such videos and laugh a lot. It's fun
What's funny about these?
Fun? Lots of people died in those videos.
They're not especially interesting, just people getting hit by vehicles.
I had to stop watching. The people on bicycles and motorcycles were especially disturbing.
roahn-patel, I haven't used PHAsset yet. Sounds interesting though. The Asset Library framework is kind of a pain.
It's funny because they are not at a high speed but still colliding
Well, from the high security camera they appear slow moving, but I imagine they're going quite quickly at ground level.
It appears to be an intersection without lights. How can they be at high speeds?
Those are pretty high speed. 80-100 Kph I'd say. Fast enough to be deadly.
Yes. But they provided a method for fetching images from URL, URL which you grabbed using ALAsset previously and in PHAsset I dont see any property that may give me URL of an image.
If somebody on a motorcycle is thrown 10-20 meters, they are either maimed or dead.
Didn't you formerly drive a moped Gudiya?
IDK, but how common were people to die from them VS other things?
I did back in india
Like "Did you hear Robert died last week?" "Robert? Oh you mean the man at the market?" "Yep, flung off his moped", "Ah, they get everyone eventually . . !"
i think it's more common for 2 wheelers to be in an accident
I rear ended a parked car few months ago here in US
And scared people on the street!
I used to want to participate in this event
Not so much now
Several people die on the TT every year I think.
Where's Max?
Jesus Christ
I fucking hate you
Time to code
Time to log off for me. Catch everybody later
But I am not sleeping
It's coding marathon
Good night, Duncan!
What's wrong with it Enrico? haha
I never have any problem with google map
Gute Nacht Duncan!
Nobody sleeps tonight
I'm tired.
Even more so myself.
I don't produce good content late at night
Or I take a long time to do it.
I'm off, bye.
2 hours later…
@DuncanC @Guilherme it's a wombat with a keyboard
I think I should become a recruiter.
I recruiter nil and 2 other Android developers.
You can also recruit me Enrico ;)
from like 3:15
nayoso: you want to be recruited?
I'm so happy now
To hongkong? no lol
I'm so happy I don't have to worry about stuff again
Android covered for now
iOS submission almost done
by who?
by the guy that I recruited lol
The outsource guys?
this kid lol!
this is another outsource guy
but this outsource guy is coming full time now
Just bumped into borrrden's answer in SO lol
@Mutch95 wat is that lol
no clue but hahahahahaha
that is not you right>
or you 5 years ago
no it's definitely not me
I see a resemblance.
um what lol!
Hello guys ..
any body have experience of MapBox ?
Hello @Gudiya how are you
hello Everyone, can anybody help me out with how to parse a In-app purchase receipt
to get subscription expiration date
apple has mentioned two methods
to validate a receipt 1) Locally 2) using server
I am clear with using server and it is pretty straight forward
suppose if I dont use my own server, can I use the method mentioned in 2)Using server,
because I tried writing the code, in my app, I got Json response which I can parse
But in the first method, apple mentions of parsing of Payload, Asn tool and GUD, which is all bouncing my head
Actually I dont want to validate the receipt, I just want to parse the receipt and get expiration date
good morning Rage
postit art in eBay's SF office
some people have way too much time on their hands
I'll visit them there if I get a ticket to wwdc
Good afternoon
Jim, do you have any Parse experience?
Do you have any problem with parse rage?
I'm using parse
I need some backend dev guys
ah I see
I'm otherwise happy with Parse
but thanks for asking
You are welcome
I'm also pretty happy with it
especially I can also send customized push from the rest api
@Dev2rights ^^^?
Hey, what would cause an iPhone app to open as 3.5 inch on a real iPhone 5 but to have correct resolution on the emulator?
you forgot to add launch image?
or launch storyboard/xib in an iOS 8 case?
I have a launch image, it's not working though.
hmm, the launch image is not in the plist file?
I developed this as iOS 8 but I'm targeting an iOS 7 iPhone 5 now
That actually might be it
Sorry i was scanning documents
@EnricoSusatyo Hmm, so what should I do to get it to understand the iPhone is an iPhone 5 and not a 3.5 inch iPhone?
I read the parse spec and decided to never touch it
@Dev2rights good call :D
You cant even do the simplest of things in it and it has very little control
can roll your own webservice so easily
well "relatively" easily
It's meant mostly for people who don't understand web services well enough to roll them out easily and for prototyping.
Benjamin: Go to your project file and click "General" and see "App Icons and Launch Images" section.
Ok, I'm here
Oh wow that worked, thanks a ton @EnricoSusatyo
Feel free to ask me JS stuff any time
No problem, glad to help :)
JS stuff, are you sure?
Last time I ask how to get a <th> element, there are like 5 different answers depending on what library I use etc lol.
sounds dirty
What do you mean by "getting" a th element?
Basically getting it in a var so I can modify its elements.
But never mind, I decided to only touch JS when it's life threatening.
hehe, sure.
Jesus Christ
I am seriously turning into a recruiter
God damn it lol
Why do I happen to know quite a lot of Android/JS dev
Hello all, has nobody done In app purchase here?
I have
yes loads
standup in a minute though
you have to get up to get down
you have to stand up to pee
and get coffee
and so the cycle continues
I love how people like my 9 women can't deliver a baby comment lol
This is why I wanted <td> element earlier --> mkoryak.github.io/floatThead
I want to make an extension that make it work universally, or at least in Wikipedia
@EnricoSusatyo Fred Brooks right?
Nope, it's Theodore von Kármán apparently
Yeah, must be him.
who ?
Hello @rage, I want to know how to parse a receipt?
I am not understanding the docs
hey, @Ranjit don't ping please
it's against room rules
yes sure, you had replied for my message, and I saw it late, so just pinged
Ranjit, you have been doing that a lot, note that I and other people have warned you before.
your best option is to dump the receipt
and then ask Dev2Rights
sorry @EnricoSusatyo apologies
I didnt get you rage
dump the receipt?
I wont help when people ping that much
i actually purposley ignore them
and then kick them out
excuse me dev, this is was my second ping for the day
and it not like that, I ping people daily
well please don't here
we are all here and reading what is said
there is no need to get peoples attention unnecessarily
ok dev, I can understand, from past two days, I am trying to understand the receipt parsing process by reading apple docs, and I am not understanding it, so I got frustrated and pinged. I am sorry for that.
no worries
so can you help me out with my doubt
I have created a SO question
Q: How to parse the receipt for In-App purchase in iOS

RanjitI am trying to implement subscription Model in my IAP, So I read the apple docs, Apple mentions two methods a) Validating Locally b) Validating using App store (We need to have our own server to do the talking) I used the second method and wrote the code, as mentioned in the apple docs, but ...

5 hours later…
ok so never use multiple layers to draw multiple circles
is what I've learned today
also I find that when they speak of layer trees, they should be more specific
now to add a fade effect to text while animating these circles
3 hours later…
how goes it?
Im dumbfounded that in Android some overloaded operators seem to have been removed
lollipop totally screwed up one of our apps
sucks :/
other than that tickety boo
Hmm or new word , im copacetic
ohhh im experimenting with the helios gem / framework ...not having much luck, as there isn't that much documentation on the subject :l
got to love a poorly documented third party API
or not ...
there's one readme on the github page, and that's it :'(
asked a question in the #rubyonrails channel and didn't get much help, ...it's hit or miss in there
but you have all the source code right? It isn't pre compiled ?
for helios?
yeah i know not waht it is
@MichaelDautermann is here
thank you Gudiya notification center.
what the hell are you doing?
notifying surely ?
hello folks
a colleague here at work just found the craziest bug ever in our app
I found some anoying issues in Android since Lollipop
have to take some responsibility for it though
but not all
note: the app is set as portrait-only. then he opens the app, open the drawer menu, select an item. wait for the data to load from the internet. so far so good. reopens the drawer, select another item (which is essentially the same as the item before, but load data form different category). while the data is being loaded, he rotates the phone. BAM! it crashes
note 2: it happens every second time an item is selected, doesn't matter which item it is
this is what I got from Crashlytics:
I am working in office
Today is last day of Sprint, so wrapping up with (fake) testing processes
@MichaelDautermann What are you doing
I have to say, i really like how Lollipop looks and how the latest android devices run
What do you like in lollypop?
The UI is vastly reduced and a lot more tidier, the artwork is also nice and tidy
and it seems a lot faster in general
me, I'm just sitting in San Francisco watching another typical day roll by
What did you do ?
Please don't destroy it im supposed to visit a friend later in the year
I have Moto X 2014 with Lollypop
yeah i got an S5 and a nexus 6 as test devices today
really good benchmark results
I want to try dying my hair.
tie die your hair?
Incorrect opinion
I knew you'd do that.
Owatch I didn't know you were a man
I'd half typed a cynical remark about how you would, then removed it.
You and your trigger happy image bank.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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