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I got it working pretty well now!:D
haha nice
I can't get away from bugs
To fix a bug i have to add a bug-_-
If i have like 5 tabs, and delete tab 3, the tabs dont lay out because i dont call updateConstraints
so i call it, well then i f i have 1 tab then it moves around, and has nothing to do with content offset-_-
Thats why I don't use autolayout for things that are relatively simple :)
too much fuss
:P I may have to disable it
Its getting ridiculous.. I mean really... I set constraints setting it for leading and top and bottom and set the width and it can't follow it
or maybe not.. hmm. IDK what i did there
:P I wish everything just worked
I fixed it.. Wasn't setting a leading constraint yet worked 99% of the time:P
When you need to go to the restroom and you're in a public place with limited tables and can't leave your mac out and you're alone.. shit
If i pack up to walk to a place i can see and right in front of me, someone will take my table..
use a laptop bag
Someone come here to not steal my shit
leave a note and threat
and hold my spot:P
I have a bag:P But i dont wanna pack up and then take it and then try to come back fast before someone takes it
My mom will come in an hour, ill have to wait:O
I need to bring my other cords to :O They replaced one of my broken ones last week:D I got a nice new one! yay
So the RED campaign,  is paying the app developers right?:P
I guess
Im sure they would love to really give all their $ to this cause but money = place to live.
Matt did you read the Swift book?
not entirely, not yet
Im screwed
I have like 18 days to create a 7-10 page essay
I googled an example for the first section (called a mission statement) website i just found says keep it to one sentence:P Lol, i need like 2-3 pages for this section.. Stupid google
what's the essay?
found another one, also just one sentence.. god dammit:/
Its a personal business plan
So i need 6 sections, mission statement, cast of characters, financial plan, marketing plan, budget, and succession plan..
and its a nightmare
heh good luck :P
I mean i guess just the statement should be a sentence but i need to find the entire paragraph google!?!?! gah
and my family needs help like every day, not caring if i fail:P
its 40% of my grade... XO
help with what?
Right now moving tables
Although i called and nobody answered..
but they ask me to move stuff like every day, im about to be like, fine but im dropping college:/ cuz their like making me work for them but not getting paid:P Im like i got my own shit to do right now. then they get mad if i dont help but happy im in school but dont care if i have school work.. 😵
anyways, i got a business plan to make:P see ya
max, did you sort out your block problems?
it's my turn to have trouble with them:
I've quadruple-chacked that granted == YES
but my button won't change state, and my HUD won't show
:/ I already fail
and yes i did Guilherme
aha! dispatch_async for the rescue!
Also known as the magical function that makes awesome things happen
id say the same for exit(0);
The fun thing is dealing with languages that don't readily expose that.
I was sat in a pub with 8 dev friends of mine of varying ages, and only 3 of us could really enjoy a beardy discussion on templates on C++ over the years.
That upset me
and now i do so little C++ which also upsets me
im so far behind with it now
I can't discuss C++ with anyone at work
The last guy who probably could apparently resigned yesterday.
:( What are you coding in at your job ?
Did you say you were using MongoDB ?
Uhhh varies
It's node.js stuff at the moment, so Javascript mainly
I've been quietly converting things to LiveScript because I'm an asshole / lazy.
And yeah, using MongoDB
Sort of
It's more like fixing our use of MongoDB because we do bad things.
As I keep saying at work, we are the bad touch to Mongo.
For what?
Mongo is so nice and easy though
And easy to fuck sideways
Having some real joy with Unity Transforms and animations
nothing is ideal
there are always hacks
Transforms may be the closest you get to ideal considering they're just a 4x4 matrices wrapped with methods for doing transform-y things
Like, out of all the weird stuff Unity does, I think they got the entity scene graph structure very right
Which is probably because I used Blitz3D and therefore my concept of how entities work in games is locked to that
yeah they are jsut matricies and multiplications and the usual 3D math
but under the hood the animations from FBX overwrite the whole transform
which is stupid
don't get me wrong this is the first gripe i have had with it
but overwriting all transforms to model space made in update and not multiplying the matrix
if there is a reason it escapes me
has broken all my flawless logic
now i cant tell if my business partner has made a mistake in his model
to late
time for bed
1 hour later…
yay caps...

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