It's because they assigned 2 sprints before and now want it get done in 1 sprint which ends today.
Also their code sucks. They have all reusable business logic inside View Controllers and therefore can't be reused. I was hoping to finish my pending tasks expecting such already existing class to make calls to, but ended up creating a new class and moving all code from VC in there.
I know you send most of your money home to your parents, but really do you have to be so cheap with yourself Gudiya? You can afford ~$70 per month for cable or Direct TV.
id highly recommend getting your liscence before driving though
Not sure what the laws are in the US but you'd lose your license before you got it in the UK if you were caught. Not to mention they have guns in the US
I've playing around with recognizing the touches in an iOS Application, and I have this simple code
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
NSLog(@"%lu",(unsigned long)[touches count]);
[touches enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, BOOL *stop) {
UITouch *touch =...
I am working with searchBarDisplayController, I have written a search predicate to search results based on what user types.
I have an Class called Contact
Class Contact
NSString *name;
NSString *emailId;
This has been added to my source to display on table
[m_contactsArray ...
Dev, the issue is you can still build an apns-sandbox entitled app pointing at your production machine, and you'll have a sandbox token in your prod machine. I'd like to just see which entitlement the app is signed with
if i do a command line build and distribution to testflight (not itunes connect testflight) it'll properly sign with an adhoc cert and end up with apns-production entitlements
correct, i'm trying to find a way to properly detect an xcode proper vs. xcode cli build and set proper flags so in code i can detect what entitlement i have.. so that - usually by accident - i have am running production API end poitns with apns-sandbox entitlements i don't end up with useless tokens in our db.
I have different image frames for profile picture, separator line and a button in my cell
All these resources are in 7 colors
Now the requirement is that all the cells should follow the sequence of colors. like 1st cell is blue, second is yellow, third is green and when it ends, it starts over with blue, yellow, green
When table loads first time, it is fine. But when the cells are reused due to scrolling, colors are not exactly what i desire
How do you use Auto Layout within UITableViewCells in a table view to let each cell's content and subviews determine the row height, while maintaining smooth scrolling performance?
Lol well I was googling blocks because in the source for 1Passwords extension API they have blocks and make weak references then make it strong again and then week and then strong for double blocks and such
And so In my app I was updating some code to make it better when logging into dropbox, so it has a block for knowing when you log in but it doesn't get account info so i add a observer block inside the login completion block, and need to reload the table
so i made a weak reference to the table outside both blocks, so i was trying to figure out if i need to make it strong inside the first block or something? IDK:P Blockception!
Also is it bad to remove an observer inside the observer block?:P
So there is the scroll view, starts at 0 and goes across the screen to the beginning of another button
To get autolayout working correctly, you have to add another view inside the scroll view that doesn't have autolayout, then every view you add to that view and can be autolayout code
I think i found the root of this issue, I coded something last night that will center a button or scroll to the end of beginning if you select a tab, also called i guess when i close a tab:/ grrrr. so much checking and math:P
lol damnit, it checks if its less than 0 and sets it to 0, well if there are 2 tabs it gets offset of 13.5.. dammit.
damnit, the offset has nothing to do with it i guess:/
That.. is strange.. Says the default offset was 60? If i set it to 60 it does look correct... what is going on!?!
and when i have 3 tabs and close 1, it does this:P The red line should never be out from the left edge unless you scroll, but on iPhone 2 tabs doesn't allow scrolling anyways
Maybe.. just maybe... Im setting the width of the view in the method called when the close button is tapped, the delegate is called first though which calls the method we are looking at.. maybe setting it after does something strange and i can't check if theyre the same size because it hasn't been called yet:O
So if the width of all the tabs (red rect = that) is < the width of the scroll view frame, then it should be 0
it should just sit there, all tabs showing, but if that width is greater, scrolling is allowed, if you tap the last tab (which is accounted for in code already) then it scrolls to the last tab and the right edge is aligned on the right
but if you have like 10 tabs, and you tap tab 5, i want that centered.. looks nice
Yup, setting the frame is called after, so... hmmm.. i can try setting the offset again there and see if it works
setting it to 60 again makes it better and closer to the correct position.. this makes no sense-_-
Ok so something is messing with this offset at the time of removing a tab.. If i set the tab the same method is called, and the offset is 0 and its correct
Wish nothing would make different values work but whatever-_-
Funny, setting the width after the delegate is the cause.. Disabling it made it stay where it is? This is Chaos Matt