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LOL gooooood morning Max
Always nice to see a wall of Maxtext first thing in the morning ^^
The Great Wall of Max™
Hello girls.
When are NSChat mod elections?
I would like to campaign.
There's no elections.
It's not a very democratic room.
I'll organize a coup.
The Kim Jung-Un of this room is borrrden.
Do I need to keep a picture of him in my house then?
Should I refer to him as the great leader?
Can you refer to me like that too?
Nuh-unh. There is only one great leader.
Jim Borrr-Den
sounds right
Do you mean Kim?
I just saw a movie about killing Kim Jung-Un last night
The Interview
Is that out?
No it's not, it comes out the 25th
of December
I know
I saw a sneak peek
You mean you watched a trailer for it?
I saw the full movie
In SF last night
There's a difference between a full move and a "sneak peak".
Unless you're somehow pirating pre-release content.
whats the difference
The difference is that a sneak peak doesn't show a full movie
Sneak peek = seeing a full movie before release
yes it does:P I mean if you go to a BIG TIME (Marvel) sneak peek they won't show an end credit but for this they showed the entire movie
A peek implies a quick look. Usually a five to ten minute clip/
If they're showing the whole movie it shouldn't be called a sneak-peak
Well then go tell the film people. thats just what they've always called it
I thought it was a "limited release"
I saw Hot Rod (few years old movie) a week before release and was called a sneak peek on the ticket and it was the entire movie
Hello great leader
nope, its not out until Christmas, but they are going to places and showing it
Don't listen to Enrico :p
So yesterday was the first public screening in SF, but only played once
Ye..yes great leader
At once.
Hahahaha tut tut
Cool, I plan to see it when it comes out.
Doesn't matter what you call it, i saw the movie, before you:P but its not released, which is why i say sneak peek
I still haven't seen Interstellar though, but I planned to see it.
and it was hilarious. me and my friend loved it
You just called it what they called it. I was pointing out it was a misapplication of the term.
:P If you say so
It's like playing an entire game at E3 on livesteam and calling it a "sneak peak"
Hey, take a peek at this game in a 35 hour marathon
well they give a full day for that and many people get to see that game:P Only like 200 people have seen this movie now of the public
If i say i just saw the movie, people will ask "its out? wheres it playing"
Many people get to play a specifically designed 'level'. And could not play the entire game because of restrictions. Even if they tried, they'd be forced to let up to allow others to play.
then its a sneak peek!:P
IDK! stop it:P
That is not a sneak peek.
Sneak peek is a little peek of the movie, I thought? Lol.
Apparently it was officially named a Sneak Peak. I voiced the same issues with the use of the term.
Shit, I have an important meeting in 3 hours.
How important
Money related important.
you guys kill me about this sneak peek:P
Ill call it a prerelease then.. that sounds terrible
Sneak preview?
* sneak preview.
What are the advantages of using a block versus a function?
Apparently as long as I assign a block to a variable, I can store the return value in a variable if I call it like a function
Why would I want to do this versus simply using a function?
Owatch: Writing blocks instead of function is sometimes clearer to the readers.
It's not nice having to scroll 300 lines to see what something does.
But of course there's limit to that.
One huge advantage is variable capturing
variable capturing?
look it up
At once
great leader
Do blocks follow the same rules as functions?
Are all variables local inside them?
Are you using Swift or Obj-C?
The rule is what begins inside a { dies with a }.
I see, that works.
There's actually not much on variable capturing when you google it.
dare I say
Did I tell you guys I spilt juice on my keyboard last night? -_-
Or did I only tell nayoso in LINE?
What sort of juice?
Asking the important question, lol.
It's a Yakult.
The kind you don't tell your mother about
Let's not make any assumptions here.
i.e. Enrico was enjoying his phone too much
It was an innocent question
Anyway, I'm now using my girlfriend's laptop. Using Yosemite now and it's a bit weird lol.
I don't really know if you'd call this a juice.
probiotic dairy product made by fermenting a mixture of skimmed milk with a special strain of the bacterium Lactobacillus casei Shirota.
Shit important meeting in 2 hours now, better get ready.
Like a true geek, I promptly wipe clean the keyboard, turned it off, and left it open upside down.
@borrrden Wasn't my first result: drive.google.com/file/d/…
You need to learn how to screenshot.
Also, Dropbox automatically upload your screenshots too if you want to enable that.
Cmd-Shift-4 or Cmd-Shift-3.
I forgot how to screenshot on OS X
And I wasn't feeling like waiting for my 2mhz processor to spend an hour loading and saving it
What machine do you have?
Or using my Finder which takes longer to open than downloading Band Of Bothers Blu-Ray rip from Bittorrents does
Not that I've done that myself.
I've got a 2010 Macbook.
Ah, my previous laptop is older than yours. I had the 2008 Aluminium MacBook up until last year.
Is yours the plastic one?
Ran well on Snow Leopard though. I remember those days.
You could click on the Finder and it would open.
What are you running on now?
My OS X experience, from best to worst: Snow Leopard > Mavericks > Mountain Lion > Leopard > Lion.
Lion was slow as shit on my 2008 laptop.
If you spend $200-300 and upgrade to SSD or more RAM, I bet that machine still screams for a few more years.
That's because you should have been running System 7
No, I really think that in the Lion was really poorly done.
I was considering upgrading to it at one point.
Good thing I didn't waste my money then.
So you got a free pass to Mavericks?
Well, I was working on something using Kivy at the time, and I needed the system to run Python 2.7x
So I upgraded to Mavericks to get that.
Couldn't use Py2App otherwise.
New Xcode also only run on Mavericks.
When in doubt: brute force.
Does anyone know if Xcode 6.2 Beta needs Yosemite?
> Xcode 6.2 requires a Mac running OS X 10.9.4 or OS X 10.10.
I'm off to get my beauty sleep
Goodbye uglies except you great leader, most beautiful of all men (and women)
Nuuugnngg _|_
WAIT, you're in 10.9.5??
How come 6.2 beta only support 10.9.4?
> Xcode 6.2 requires a Mac running OS X 10.9.4 or OS X 10.10.
It doesn't say 10.9.4 and above?
It's implied.
> • When stopped at a breakpoint in a Watch app, tapping Stop doesn't stop running the app. (18991746)
> Workaround: Tap stop twice.
Dear God.
You haven't seen the things I've had to do at work. You don't know what deserves a 'Dear God.'
You do not fully realize the horrors of this world.
I'm so proud of you.
I'm currently in the process of rewriting the database structure of about 12 MongoDB clusters.
Old structure: MongoDB's worst nightmare. New structure: brute force, easy to shard. Unsurprisingly, brute force wins.
Downside: something like a year and a half's worth of data to convert, and a lot of code to update beforehand because I do not know what will and won't work yet.
MongoDB arches back and hisses
4 hours later…
Hey enrico
How are you?
how about the altbeacon?
Not sure.
But yeah, it kinda doesn't work on Android 5, lol.
Did you test it?
I saw there is also android L branch too
no time for that enrico
Oh right I see.
I now understand how you feel, iOS is so much easier when doing this.
LOL our client has three promotional artwork requests
Two of them we haven't even released yet
One of them was rejected by Apple
why was it rejected by apple? too risque or too much skin?
Something wrong with the in app purchases
I think someone tried to change the type of an existing one, or did it accidentally
Lol our client must have some pull with Apple to get a promtional artwork request on an app they rejected
Here is your amusing fact of the day
Look up HTTP error code 418
I must find a way to use it immediately
Oh looks like it has been updated this year lol tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7168
Lollipop issues on Android joy o joy
It is time to wake up
i sir am well awake
I think I had a bit too much coffee today.
But have you written a bit to much code?
Hmm not really
Today I had a somewhat important meeting
Then reviewing some other stuff
Then watched video for tomorrow's marketing
Then practice for demo
Then wrote some code
Oh and I also looked at the watch sdk thingy once again
haha you do seem to have had a lot of coffee :p
Holy shieeetttt
I was just forking someone else's code on GitHub... But this is so dirty >.<
Who does this: not group viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear, etc together?
hahahah very lazy people
they are always at the top under any init methods of any VC for me
i get angry with people when there now
though im sure i cocked it up somewhere in some files at some point
2 hours later…
So quiet here
OWatch is back
No I'm not
why not
I'm not here, you're talking to yourself
Your so many messages are starred
Someone starred a bunch in quick succession
Leaving for office. See you in a while.
Can a viewcontroller have two table views? One inherited from super class and one of itself
Yes but that sounds like bad UX to me.
Does anyone know why the ViewController needs a .sks file when setting up a scene?
I haven't used scene-kit sorry , im presuming your trying to do something in scene kit?
@Dev2rights I have to show a drawer on many screens. So i created one screen with that drawer(as tableview) and then trying to inherit them
Do you suggest any better way to do this?
please don't ping
I use Collectionviews tbh
I don't want to use navigation controller
i stopped using tableviews circa iOS 6
Fixed it
Apple's template just made it unnecessarily difficult to declare the scene
how to create navigation drawer as in android?
which has to be shown on multple screens
i woudn't do that without at least 2 navigation controllers
infact i don't
does anyone have an Idea
how to present a ViewController from the AppDelegate when a push notification arrives..
Would you be kind to provide some links because the ones I've found did not help me out.
I'm pretty sure the user has to interact with the notification before you can do anything about it.
It must tap on it
Currently I've a code that works but sometimes it gives me errors so its not 100% reliable
I get Warning: Attempt to present <UINavigationController: 0x15fb0670> on <OptionsTabBarViewController: 0x15ec63e0> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!
Using this
Hello All, can anybody help me with this stackoverflow.com/questions/27042603/…
This place is getting quite a lot like Castle Dracula
Hello @Dev2rights
I have not been on foreverrrrrrr
I'm not dead I promise
Also why can't I view how many views my answers have?
because SO wasn't written like that
or was it ?
@EnricoSusatyo you have skype?
Is it bad to use decimal numbers for frames and layers?
Im making a tab bar like in Safari, and the navigation bar shadow is 0.5px, but I was told once not to do that:P
2 hours later…
is it possible to display a ViewController from a TabbarViewControler?
2 hours later…
@E.A.Wilson you know how many views your answers have when you go to the questions you answered and you can see how many people viewed the question.
But what if people did not scroll down enough to look at his answer. (Considering there were couple of).
Hello Michael!
Some people scroll, some people don't.
Hello Rohan!
How are you doing? Is it warm there in CA?
it's actually raining today, which is a very good thing... since California has been under drought conditions for at least a year.
so this city needs all the rain it can get.
Mike is back
Thank you Gudiya notification center.
Oh. That's a good.
People will die in CA
o_O Why?
yes, there are disasters every day
We have lots of water in atlanta
You know what happened recently
We have lake Ontario. :P
I got an email from my community saying that
they sent an e-mail saying "we have lots of water in Atlanta"?
I want to be on their mailing list.
Keep your taps dripping at night so that at night if it's freezing the pipelines don't get frozen resulting no water supply in your apartments
We have so much water
is it cold enough to freeze?
Goes below 0
Min I know is -5
-5 C
They should be saying keep your Heaters ON instead of wasting water
Stupid people
They did say that too
But why wasting wAter
yeah, I think that's dumb.
It does not freeze.
We get -20˚C in Rochester, never happened.
Unless you are living in an apt more than 50 years old with old pipelines!
Get a decent apt. You earning a lot.
I earn very less. Only 85k per year
Thats enough in Atlanta.
How much you earn?
And you @MichaelDautermann?
I earn $60K per year
Not possible in SF
That's his part time income. Correct, Mike?
I work like a dog for peanuts
I was getting 100k offer. But it was a consultancy company
I wanted direct employment in an american company
Dunno if that was a correct decision.
it's whatever is comfortable for you.
We don't learn as a consultant
what do you do as a consultant instead? sit at home and burn the excess piles of money?
We used to do only stupid UI and calling web services stuff as consultants.
Here we have opportunities in security, etc
Is that what consultants do? o_O I know different definition of a consultant.
like what?
1 hour later…
could anyone tell me why code execution isn't reaching the below case => gist.github.com/ipatch/…

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