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01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 20:00

Yay I got an offer :D
And it's a good one so I'll take it
Lol but of course no one is around to care :p
@borrrden I stickered you lol
Yes now sticker me here :p
That's the best I can do
I can't even see it...it's a box lol
You obviously don't use a good browser.
Finally I might be able to update to Yosemite soon. macrumors.com/2014/11/03/…
I failed to get my wife's last name changed today
Foiled by bureaucratic process
God damn it
How come?
Is any of you a Python master?
I saw the word ε±Šε‡ΊδΊΊ and to me that means "the person submitting the notification"
So I wrote my name
But even though I'm the one handing it in, "the person submitting the notification" is my wife
So wtf why do they need another line just to write her name a second time?
Not a master but I use python now and again
Good morning everyone
I feel dizzy today
So when will she come back again to change her name?
I just need to fill out the form correctly and go back again to hand it in
It's a pain because it's not the same direction as my workplace
Wondering if it's worth writing a python script to ping reserve.cdn-apple.com/HK/en_HK/reserve/iPhone/availability every 5 minutes and email me when 64GB space gray is available.
And I only have time to go in the morning
Why python?
Damn, that is annoying.
Nah don't have to be Python, can be Swift or Scala too lol.
Why not just bash?
Just thought python's the easiest to select <table> <td> stuff.
Lol ok I guess you need to do more than ping it though
yeah lol
I need to see the row and column of the iphone
Use any scripting language that has a decent HTML parser
That's the hard part
why don't you use PHP enrico?
and congrats for the offer jim!
Pfft PHP
I thought python has a very decent HTML parser
I congratulated jim first
through 2 stickers
Parsing HTML is an automated task, performed by (so called) HTML parsers. They have two main purposes: HTML traversal: offer an interface for programmers to easily access and modify of the "HTML string code". Canonical example: DOM parsers. HTML clean: to fix invalid HTML and to improve the layout and indent style of the resulting markup. Canonical example: HTML Tidy. * Latest release (of significant changes) date. ** sanitize (generating standard-compatible web-page, reduce spam, etc.) and clean (strip out surplus presentational tags, remove XSS code, etc.) HTML code. *** Updates HTML4.X to XHTML...
lol it doesn't have to be a super duper one
lol yeah
I don't want to create a new project and stuff.
I just want to write a short script lol
Btw, I heard Halloween is big in Tokyo?
People dressing up as naruto etc?
there are some people angry about it too
@borrrden Is the library you complained about a lot Cocos 2D-x?
And now I just heard we closed a contract on a free version of the win8 version of the app...
You can set up a free trial period for your existing app, but instead nooo they have to make a new one
Thank God I'm getting out
It's not bad unless you actually use it for something...
And then it's not terrible until you use it for something other than iOS
Although I can't comment on version 3
They decided to abandon their silly experiment in bringing cocoa conventions to C++, thankfully
I wish I have all the time in the world to make games.
I wonder why people use Magical Record with Core Data. I find Core Data API just ok to use by itself.
Threading problems
Magical record gets rid of a lot of boiler plate too
Do you use it?
I almost did
I didn't know about it when I made my app
It seems to be very actively maintained.
I'm reading about it, it does seem pretty clean.
And it removes a lot of boilerplate.
I remember @CaptainRedmuff or someone also wrote a Core Data wrapper.
@borrrden In that case, as of today, I understand your pain.
Hi do you guys experienced issues when playing ios encoded audio file to an android device? Its been driving me crazy since I can't really pinpoint whether the fault is on my encoding or the android player
@nil LOL
Not many of us do Android here.
> Discussion for iOS and OS X developers. Our aim is to help you help yourself.
Well im not asking on an android dev point of view.
Oy vey...I just found out a member of my wife's family is a Jehovah's witness
I never really knew what they were about, but now that I've read more I really don't like it ><
"Jehovah's Witnesses consider the Bible to be scientifically and historically accurate and reliable"
You've never had Jehovah's witness knock your door?
Dude...I grew up on a 776-acre farm in the middle of farm country
Oh yeah I just remembered you showed me that the other day lol.
The only person knocking on my door is someone I know, or the postman
Everyone else gets shot and buried
I once stayed at home because I was really sick, then a Jehovah witness came lol.
I looked so miserable and I haven't had shower for 2 days and my nose was so runny.
The promptly left me alone lol
> ERROR: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 256.)" UserInfo=0x16f32fe0 {NSURL=xxxxx-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/audio";}
Q: NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256

NeeleshI have been stuck with this for a while and don't seem to get around this. I am trying to read the contents of an URL as a string from an URL, But i get a weird Error -> Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 256.)" My code : fetched...

> Not that the error definition is very helpful. :-)
"yeah there's an error while downloading, but we don't know why"
damn it
lol whut
Jason -> json lololol
And jim I never know there is any jehovah witness in japan
Actually now that I think about it, one came to my apartment before
I'm really sad that one of my wife's family is because she started saying how gay marriage is repulsive and completely unacceptable...
Reminds me of Gudiya...
oh man
she need to be more open minded
I applied for a credit card but didn't get instant approval. So disappointed.
is it because of your income?
Impossible to know.
I didn't get refused, by the way, just that it wasn't something they could determine immediately.
could be then, just making sure you'll be able to pay it off. i never want to get a credit card :/
My preference is to not use one, but there're places that refuse debit cards, so I'll need one. Either way, I have no plans to ever let one accumulate interest.
Like what places, online?
Digital Ocean is one example.
Since I'm using them now, and they don't take debit cards.
do they take pay pal?
Apple is pissing me off a bit
They rejected my beta build for not having a demo account, after approving it the first time
Fine, whatever, except that I have to reupload a build with a new version number just to change that piece of info
I uploaded the exact same build again....
Yeah, I know about oDesk.
Did you get any jobs yesterday?
I got one today smirk
What are they meant to reply that quick? if so no haha
LOL borrrden
I told Mutch to get a small contract jobs.
yeah it's ok, it takes a while to get first contract.
all the jobs there really underpay
really i just need to create a reputation for future career options
Michael: I agree.
Well i'm going to head off, going to go skateboarding with a mate talk later guys
See ya Mutch
I can imagine it now...
Contract jobs are a lousy source of income unless you've got a source with a steady supply of them, I'd think
i.e., repeat business and whatnot
He's 16.
i'm back.
did you wipe out?
Did you move?
lol just checking
he's so kewl!
so kewl that I think even nil should like him
nil hates me .-.
I didn't know that caltrains (bay area trains) have two cars dedicated to bicycle storage
so cool!
i swear they use bots on these things, f-ing assholes
I use to ride on Caltrain all the time, me and my bike.
but during commute time, it's tough to get a bike space, especially if you are in the middle of the train line (i.e. not on either end of San Jose or San Francisco)
So I read
I imagine I might end up living in the bay area eventually
Also I will be there for 2 weeks in January
hey while you are here you can interview at Google and Apple...
let me know if you'd like me to get your resume / CV in the door there.
lol I'm going there as an orientation for my new job :p
But another time perhaps
you can job jump just as effectively as Gudiya can.
Heh, Apple and Google both have offices here as well
Apple has an office in Tokyo?
They have one in Sydney but it's just a small one.
The jobs they have in Sydney are mostly non engineering.
applied for 5 jobs in oDesk hopefully a reply comes back
God damn it.
I hate this shit.
what did you break now?
I kept getting this
> 2014-11-04 17:01:45.715 Tour[2104:771736] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo=0x14753060 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=abcd.cloudfront.net/uploads/item_photo/file/263/…, NSErrorFailingURLKey=abcd.cloudfront.net/uploads/item_photo/file/263/…, NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out., NSUnderlyingError=0x1584f2d0 "The request timed out."}
I thought it was amazon s3, then I changed to cloudfront and it still failing download.
It's just a very small image file, like 200 kb.
I just used this which has been working all this time
[NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData timeoutInterval:10.0f] returningResponse:nil error:&error];
Actually I don't know what Apple Japan does
Definitely a time out
@CaptainRedmuff It is, but why?
All the other requests are fine.
Did you try clicking on the link?
The server at abcd.cloudfront.net can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed.
lol maybe that's not the real one?
No, I changed it to abcd
Yeah lol
I can't give you the real one, it's my client's IP.
cmon.... you can tell us.
who would we squeal to?
Q: NSURLConnection keeps giving me request timed out

Enrico SusatyoAll of a sudden, I am getting these errors when downloading photos, even the smallest ones: 2014-11-04 17:01:45.715 Tour[2104:771736] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo=0x14753060 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=http://abcd.cloudfront.net/uploads/item...

Desperate attempt.
What do you get when you curl it?
I've got a bunch of gibberish: dropbox.com/s/sps835p5qp9r93y/…
a.k.a. a JPG image lol
and I got your address
nyah nyah
That picture is boring though
<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied</Message><RequestId>44E02EDD63755369</RequestId><HostId>h/UAd5uvi/dKkTxbv‌​KlYTIcfpBkX2ZnZYqDDa6P7t2XyScy04GELzEvYdtJ3dNek</HostId></Error>
He thinks he is quick
By taking down the picture :p
I told you it's not an interesting picture
By the way, do you have the link conditioner on?
And is your wifi OK?
Restart your device?
I also obfuscate the filename in my post lol
hi mich how can i enable that preview screen in size class like this
Yeah my WiFi's okay
Let me restart my phone.
I'm trying to figure out what that thumbnail is of...
Honestly, I had this timeout problem before and banged my head against it for hours
Before restarting my phone and having it magically be fixed
It wasn't NSURLRequest, but similar...
looks like a sundial or a well
It's a toilet in India
I thought people didn't use toilets ?
its new size class feature we can preview the storyboard design
@MichaelDautermann LOLOLOLOLOL
borrrden: the thing is, my colleague who's running this too in Sydney's experiencing the same thing.
I don't understand your question Mooorthy the boss
in new size class we can preview the different iPhone screen design while using Interface builder
i tried but i can not preview the things which shows in this video
It does, but all you have in there is like a UIWebView or UIImageView with nothing inside.
Why is the title of the video (NO autolayout)...
i found the the solution thank you ..
I just knew you would solve your problem, Moorthy The Guru!
Damn, that video is bad...
@MichaelDautermann: Hi mike. Any idea how to read .mht files in an iOS App?
"I don't like Auto layout, so I'll show you how to do this without Auto Layout. Now we're going to use separate storyboard for each screen size."
Actual screenshot from that video: dropbox.com/s/h46xycutnapkaay/…
What in the tapdancing hell is a .mht file?
its just a file extension bro. I tried reading the file with sample pdf reader libraries. But hard luck
it's a hard knock life
Why pdf reader?
Weird I've never come across this kind of file
that's because it's Micro$oft.
That's okay. Two of the apps in appstore have the capability to read .mht files. But my problem is I want to implement the same feature in my app
you want to put it into your app?
So, I was looking for any 3rd party libraries that could read these files for me. No luck so far
Yep. R u talking about the Chilkat library?
I tried with that lib too. But I couldn't find the unpacked source file in my directory. It just vansihes in to thin air
if you paid for the library, you get support included.
But, the trial version is for 30 days
I am supposed to enjoy its full features until 30 days
What do you mean "unpacked source"?
Do they sell source? It looks like they only sell binary files
.mht is like a zip file that contains HTML, pictures and flash contents. Chilkat lib just unpacks(like unzips) the file and shows the output HTML file
Um...then why can't you just unzip it to your document directory and then load it in UIWebView? ;)
SO, after unpacking, I can put the HTML file in a webview and can view its contents
There are plenty of free and open source zip libraries
Thats the problem. I can't directly read the .mht file in a webview. While unzipping the file, am facing hell lot of probelms as the file isn't supported
...so it's not just a regular zip file?
Nope. It's something strange and different
Chilkat library has some demonic powers to unzip the .mht file while the other lib's can't do.
It's not a zip
I just downloaded one
It's just a bunch of text
Do you know what fixed it borrrden?
Not fix it fully, but fix it for most of the URLs except 2.
Huh? lol
I used NSOperationQueue and limit it to only do 1 operation instead of using dispatch_async.
That means there should be a medium to support in viewing these files.
Did restarting work?
This is the weirdest thing.
Restarting didn't work.
Maybe it is rate limiting you
Morning folks
But it has never done that though.
It's angry at you
Damn, it still hasn't properly fixed the problem.
This is the newest standard for MHTML -> tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2557 (1999)
Have fun :D lol
@Dev2rights Morning, Jim.
hello :)
So apparently Turn-right rescales on the iPhone 6 - i tested it today
does anyone know an easier way to install iOS 6 simulator in Xcode 6
without installing another Xcode ?
Jack: Just be glad that your Xcode 6 is working: dropbox.com/s/ofdosjuoduzeebe/…
I still have no idea why I can't see the iOS version lol
did you install the simulator ?
The screenshot that you are looking at are my list of simulators.
do you have Xcode 6 and Xcode 5 both installed ?
I do but I only use 5 for now :p
i've read on stack that if you have both it might broke your simulators ...
I have both.
I doesn't break my simulators.
Unless what you saw there is my simulator breaking.
hmm, i don't know if we were on windows grounds a restart might have helped :))
" But not a single monkey given the vaccine as an oral formulation, and who also received SIV rectally, could be infected, despite repeated challenge"
Gosh....that sounds like an awful experiment
hehe, its a shitty job but some one has to do it in the name of science
What is SIV?
Simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) are retroviruses able to infect at least 45 species of African non-human primates. Based on analysis of strains found in four species of monkeys from Bioko Island, which was isolated from the mainland by rising sea levels about 11,000 years ago, it has been concluded that SIV has been present in monkeys and apes for at least 32,000 years, and probably much longer. Virus strains from two of these primate species, SIVsmm in sooty mangabeys and SIVcpz in chimpanzees, are believed to have crossed the species barrier into humans, resulting in HIV-2 and HIV-...
does anyone know why, if i put a custom right button in a navigation controller its target action is never called ?
> The bar button item created by this method does not call the action method of its target in response to user interactions. Instead, the bar button item expects the specified custom view to handle any user interactions and provide an appropriate response.
have you set a target and action on the button in your custom view rather than on the UIBarButtonItem?
assuming you're using initWithCustomView
hello guys..
so, here I'm stuck..
how so?
I've got to different services . One is tacking my categories
another one is calling instangram API
and taking result by hastag-name
so, what is a flow.. First I take categories, and for each category I should call instantgram service to take a its tag.
UI-side : I've got collection views that I display all tags, and my PROBLEM is how to load image for each tag in collection view
sorry I have no idea how to help
Any one having knowlege with time zones, i need to convert the IST to EST
but my code not working , i don't know why any one help me ….
Here is my code ,

NSString *formatterDate = @"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";

NSDate* date = [NSDate date];
NSDateFormatter* formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"EST"]];
[formatter setLocale:[[NSLocale alloc]initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_US"]];
[formatter setDateFormat:formatterDate];
NSString* currentDateStamp = [formatter stringFromDate:date];
NSDate * returnDate = [formatter dateFromString:currentDateStamp];
nyargh, please use stack overflow for questions like above
en_US doesnt sound like EST to me
maybe im wrong
and Mutch raises a very good point
also read the rules before posting
@Spynet don't post code in the chat - use a gist or pastebin
@CaptainRedmuff thanks sure sorry for that
@ CaptainRedmuff thanks, now is clear
@Dev2rights but now also getting same
@Spynet Your code looks alright.
You need to write an SO question explaining what you are trying to achieve and what your results. Getting the same means very little to anyone.
However, you're not converting from IST to EST
as the NSDate is in UTC
I would say this though, surely you have the ...... redmuff beats me to it :p
But as @Dev2rights just said, post a question on SO.
Or if you look, there are already lots of questions asking the exact same thing.
@Dev2rights I've literally just solved this problem myself last week ;]
You should really be using UTC and then converting from that as you will have no end of hell with daylight savings and other time anomolies
i have told serveral clients this and very few people actually understand it
i know your pain Captain hehe
World time is not a trivial subject
but when you understand its stupidly simple
anyway before i get onto a rant hehe
To understand timezones, you must first create the universe.
you say that, but actually id say to understand timezones you need to understand the stupidity of man
people changing timezones at the drop of a hat
But having an understanding of astro physics is actually important
or at least about how a year is not a constant and is actually changing year on year fractionally
anyway off the deep end, just enjoy the lovely class that is NSDate
@CaptainRedmuff actually i need to compare 2 EST times
I think you need to read into how UTC works a bit more and go over the documentaion on NSDate
and i don't mean that in a patronizing way either
@Dev2rights service returns EST time but i am in IST time. okay i will check the NSDate
Then your service is wrong.
@Dev2rights my time i need to convert to EST time is it possible right ? then why i need to go for others
ive said all i shall on the matter
@Dev2rights ok
@Dev2rights ok
please stop pinging me
very distracting
does anyone know, how can i do a modal segue from a tab view controller
to a view controller embedded in a navigation controller ?
here is a clearer description stackoverflow.com/questions/26735720/…
01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 20:00

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