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Figured how to use vibrancy effect on content of table cells, lets just say you shouldn't do it at all, ever
 must be using a special blur and vibrancy in the FaceTime app because everything was unreadable. I thought it was supposed to make it readable! It was just see through!
On white background with light effect = disappeared text
@nil I don't use many actually. like 5 or 6, only 1 i think is really needed and the others I'm looking towards removing
Like they handle accounts, like Dropbox has their singleton, and then i made a readability one and a Instapaper singleton..
That's still quite a few, but then my AngularJS code has something like 8 due to how services work
They only need to be because i have no where else to put the info and i want to store the username
i.e., a service being an object that's instantiated once per module, so it ends up being a de facto singleton.
The only other alternative is save their email/name into user defaults and then whenever i upload content i also pull their settings and see the updated name
In unrelated news, hooker-with-a-penis.net and .com now have actual uses
how do you know? do you visit there often?
I own them.
uh oh... I don't know if I want to know what you do with your free time.
@nil Aww I was hoping you redirect hooker-with-a-penis.net/nschat.rules to the actual rules.
No, it's now a cloud server.
I retired my Raspberry Pi ZNC server, so now I have a more accessible ZNC server on hooker-with-a-penis.net
What did you use your Raspberry Pi for?
hello :)
i have a question regarding core data, anyone here who could give me some help ?
what kind of problem are you having?
i've tried to create a simple demo that uses core data, basically i have 2 tables Photos and Photographers , and i try to do some basic stuff like adding, deleting fetching some rows
the problem is , I want to make it all by myself not using "core data" checkbox when creating the project ...
why? you don't like the extra goodness Xcode gives you in the template?
everything works fine, except for the context, i managed to get the context from application delegate, i've implemented the required methods ..
yes basically i don't want it to generate to much for me, because i'll understand better if i'll have to write ...
I've read on internet, and also on the CS193P from standford
they say that there is a method to get the context from UIManagedDocument
and not fetch it from the app delegate property, do you have any ideas who could that be achieved ?
do you have your .xcdatamodeld file in your new project?
did you put the "Core Data stack" methods into your app delegate file?
yes I do have a model and the core data stack in my app delegate
i've tried to do the following UIManagedDocument *managedDocument = [[UIManagedDocument alloc] initWithFileURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"Model" withExtension:@"momd"]];
and use the managedDocument.managedObjectContext, as the context for my db actions, but it does not seem to work ...
when you say "it does not seem to work", what do you mean? do you get errors?
yes it says something about the store of the db, that it couldn't find it
Classic CS193P, I did that too at one point.
in your "persistentStoreCoordinator" accessor method (which I think you have defined in your app delegate file), there's a line that says "// Create the coordinator and store"
set a breakpoint there and see if it hits when you run your app.
it sounds like the store isn't being created.
hmm, my mistake
uh huh.
Hello Michael.
is working now, i've tried the uimanageddocument thing, without implementing the core data stack
Hello Enrico. Are you thinking about hookers with penises?
No I am not thinking about that in particular.
saw that it does not work and i've solved with the managed object ...
one more question.. can I use the UIManagedDocument method for fetching the context, from anywhere in the application if the app delegate implements the core data stack, or it should be done only in the app delegate and pass the context via dependency injection ?
ummmm.... I don't know what you mean
so now i've fetched the context from UiManagedDocument in the app delegate, which has the "core data stack" methods implemented
can i do the same thing in a view controller for eq without having to pass the context from the app delegate ?
hmmm... it's a property hanging off the app delegate.
so you can do something like [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] managedObjectContext];
but don't quote me on that... I try to avoid CoreData like the plague that it is
and I only spoke up because everyone else wisely clammed up as soon as they heard the words "CoreData"
:)) Ok thanks a lot, but is there an alternative to core data, if everyone is so not happy about it ?
no, you should stick with it if you want to keep your data on your device.
What do you use instead, Michael?
I use CoreData and I drink a lot.
ok, i have one more question totally unrelated ... if i'm able to do that, just for the purpose of learning ...
is regarding the map kit ... is there a way to draw a path of the user i mean where did he walked for example without using the polyline ?
@MichaelDautermann 🍻
Jack: I don't think you can do that with MapKit.
I just wasted the last 2 minutes looking for examples but I can't seem to figure out a way to draw a path without a polyline.
Only with that poly line thing I guess.
hmm, ok ...
thanks a lot guys
No problemo.
come back and visit often
bring some beers and snacks too
Michael, are you a laptop person or a desktop person?
I am on my laptop at the moment, but my desktop is next to me and I'm doing some network configuration code so it's disconnected from the network... but usually I'm on my desktop.
Ah, I see.
iMac or Mac Pro?
I haven't owned a personal desktop since 2003.
I have a Mac Pro
The trash can, or the cheese grater?
cheese grater. I'll probably give in and get the trash can in another year or two.
I had a cheese grater at work at some point.
One thing is, it was so heavy.
yes... I've shipped it a couple times. It weighs 100 pounds.
I had to move desk a few times, and that was not convenient.
who is going to cast the last close vote on this question
Q: I have a simple SQL Query

Rashmi PagareHello friends please help me to solve this query please find the details description here. http://sqlbangaluru.blogspot.com/

I did it.
she had 8 minutes to edit.
> I am new to stack overflow please help me.
so I think that's fair.
Hmmmmm this table view cell and auto layout is not playing very well with me.
10 hours later…
Hey people
So I'm using UIView's animate stuff
And I want to use a quintic ease out curve, but animateWithDuration:delay:options:animations:completion: only allows :UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseOut
And I don't know how to change exactly what ease out function it is
If I need to manually give them an easing function block, I can
So how do I use a quintic ease out with UIView's default animate stuff?
I can't figure it out
Ok, got a private git server going
What does that mean?
I thought Git was distributed?
It means I now have a gitolite installation on hooker-with-a-penis.net that I can use for personal stuff
also Philip Glass ftw
Along with a bunch of other stuff I've set up on there because I got bored and decided it'd be nice to register for Digital Ocean
Are you doing iOS at all at your new job?
Sort of.
Will likely be doing more of that on Monday, since I'll be in a kind of maintenance role for our SDK among some other things
How long have you been working there?
Two days short of three months.
Gotta go
hi all

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