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Already I have no time, Chapter 1 of my book is 50 pages, I have to read them all by wednesday.. the pages are not small
Took me like 30-60 minutes to get through section A, which is like 10 pages
Have to go back to school soon for econ
So far I have learned about the phases of computers and the difference between the Internet and the Web and such
@Maximilian Your magic numbers are the worst. My text inside the alert view is about 4 sentences (around 400 characters), and it has a bug that I can't fix because of your magic number.
And good morning.
whats the text?
Ill work on it later! I got class to do
No prob, I could fix it myself if I spend enough time.
It should be easy. auto layout issue
Im in night class now
wooooo.. kill me
3 hour class! Looks like Redbull or Monster is my new best friend
It starts in 20 so I'm fine for now
@mattsven That's the thing...it's not HTML because I need powerful rendering...it's HTML because I needed simple rich text and spacing capability and at the time there was no other option (iOS 5 era)
Basically I need to swap out the header and footer of the HTML to make it work with WinRT
While keeping the body the same
I actually tried using a DOM parser just to see what it would be like but it was such a pain in the ass
I'd have to spend dozens of lines parsing through the tree and putting together the string...
There has to be some kind of award for posting the correct answer to the question asked and getting downvoted 8 times
And accepted
A: Unsupported compiler 'com.apple.compilers.llvmgcc42' xcode 5 DP

borrrdenA) Stop using Xcode 5 or B) Fix the errors in your code I know you won't like that answer but Apple has stated their displeasure for GCC on many occasions and declared it a deprecated technology.

OMFG I cannot wait for Max to start taking classes
"My program was fine, but the professor had a bug so he gave me a D"
Good morning everyone
Hey jim how are you?
looks like I'm considering of studying more japanese grammar
Hmmm, if you want a reference, guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar
I always thought this was a well put together source of information
Nice site!
thanks jim!
My girlfriends father want to meet me
and I think I need to study more about grammar before meeting him
I repeat, Its a trap!
@enricosusatyo how long is your message? I put in a long one and it works fine
@EnricoSusatyo LOL "and good morning"
Writing custom view controller animations is fuuuun
1 hour later…
hello there
I need to stop freaking out from every single thing that happens in my life.
For that, I nominate @nil to help me do that.
Q: Continue HTTP Video Live streaming In background mode Ios

shishir123I am searching for an answer related to live streaming for a while but did not got any satisfying answer. I am developing a HTTP live streaming (HLS) protocol based ios app. I can live stream from my ios app that not a problem . but when my app goes in background by pressing home button The ...

anyone please have a look at that question
You shouldn't ask me to help you not freak out about things.
I am the very epitome of anxiety.
I thought you are experienced in that, that's why I ask you.
shishir: Sorry I'm not experienced in that.
I don't know what HLS protocol is either.
The easy way: accept that life is a horrible thing and that at least your chances of dying while crossing the street are higher than things getting significantly worse while conscious of it.
Well... That actually kinda helps.
Alternatively: if you're doing the whole worrying-in-circles thing, just shout 'no' in your head (or in real life)
And then consider that the situation isn't terribly bad and you're being an idiot.
Still. I am so freaking out about everything.
Take the Mr Miyagi approach
"The sun is shining, the grass is green" and breathe and repeat this
The way I see it, I'm healthy, not struggling (too bad) financially, and employed
That is all the power I need to change my own situation
@nayoso Just remember to not say "musume" to her dad. You have to say "ojousan" because you are the outsider from a family point of view
Anyone got a little bit of time to help out a n00b?
I'm trying to figure out why my view controller's delegate is being deallocated
yes, us fellow noobs have to stick together
I'm using CPPickerView and every time I swipe, it tries to run respondsToSelector on the UIViewController's delegate and crashes
And the problem is that the delegate is deallocated?
@mattsven :)
@mattsven From my research…yes
I turned on zombies and it's giving me an error that a message was sent to a deallocated instance
Well, delegate is unsafe_unretained
so you can try creating a property on your UIViewController (strongDelegate) and set it as (nonatomic, strong) and do cell.delegate = self.strongDelegate
self.strongDelegate = self
trying it out……
I'm going to use this as an opportunity to leave right when we were getting somewhere
lol okay
Thanks :)
that worked?
I think so…
I'm writing Swift, so what I did was:
var strongDelegate = self
oo nice
haven't gotten to swift yet.
I never got around to learning Objective-C, so I figured that I should learn Swift
Objective-C was always super weird to me, coming from PHP :)
actually they're similar in a few ways
some OOP concepts scale up
Oh yes, definitely
The actual look and syntax was kinda odd to me
yeah, it was to me at first, but I sucked it up and learned it
and it's a message sending language too, so I had to get used that too
now it's pretty intuitive, which probably means terrible things for my psyche
:/ sadly, that did not work…it still breaks
probably has something to do with some slight difference between swift/obj-c
I'm slightly considering rewriting this whole class in Obj-C, but I really really really don't want to!
The experience would probably be good...I'd write it in both.
Or Obj-C then over to Swift, probably give you some insight that'll avoid future issues
I know enough Obj-C to understand what's happening
That's weird
@mattsven What?
Looks like someone broke into my house with the sole purpose of writing really bad code in one of my classes
@daviesgeek "coming from php"...with that you forfeited all rights to declare anything "super weird"
And don't simply create strong delegates, you might create a reference cycle
@borrrden HAHA…so true xD
Delegates should not be strong
@borrrden Okay…got any other ideas?
Delegates are meant to outlive their parents
Wait, what?
I make my delegates strong.
@EnricoSusatyo It depends on what ownership looks like
@EnricoSusatyo Do your delegates even lift, brah
Well I see in Apple's documentation: "This instance is an exception in that it retains its delegate"
Of course my delegates lift.
Well in my latest project the delegate is an array actually.
That's exceptionally strange
@borrrden Where?
I forgot where...I think on CALayer though
@borrrden Okay
Nope it wasn't that...
I found it
Important: The delegate object is retained by the receiver. This is a rare exception to the memory management rules described in Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide.
An instance of CAAnimation should not be set as a delegate of itself. Doing so (outside of a garbage-collected environment) will cause retain cycles.
@mattsven That's what I was basing my controller on
@borrrden Ahhh
Show the exact error message that you get
uno momento
Because I question the phrasing "on the UIViewController's delegate"
I may have incorrect terminology
that's weird for an exc_bad_access error
Turning zombies on:
An Objective-C message was sent to a deallocated 'AVFoundation.SliderViewController' object (zombie) at address: 0x15f9c2b0. 
How are you creating these "SliderViewController" objects?
It seems that they are getting deallocated before the CPPickerView objects are
Most likely you keep a reference to the view, but not the controller
@borrrden I'm loading it from my main view controller
show the code
And don't paste it all here please ><
@mattsven is
@borrrden no no no…I won't ;)
Also there is really no need to ping someone in every message
I'm confused about how this whole CPPickerView thing works...
so you can create anonymous gists gist.github.com
Is there just one there?
The More You Know
Yah there's only one
It's made for inside a table view, but you can use it outside
My guess is you create the controller, add the view into the hierarchy and let the controller simply go out of scope and get deallocated
Then when you try to use it, you have a dangling pointer thanks to the delegate being unsafe_unretained
Now that you say that…yeah, that's probably what's happening
There's the relevant section of code from my main view controller
Yep....exactly what I thought haha
that's in my viewDidLoad
You need to hang onto that controller!
Because that's the "zombie"
[self addChildViewController: sliderViewController] is easiest
That's the delegate
Teach me your ways master!
Yes, that is my recommendation as well
Just as easy as adding the view
lol okay
However, this is a perfect example of why delegates should not be strong. If the delegate were strong, it would retain the controller, which retains its view, which has the CPPickerView as a subview, so there is your cycle
got it
works :D
@borrrden yeah
mistake on my part
now I have other things to fix, but that's life eh?
specifically programming life
sooo true
Is much more about fixing things
Programming is a flat circle. Anything that we have ever programmed we will program again
It's crazy…you should see my commit history on my main project. I've deleted more than I've added
I got on a power trip after about 1 month of iOS experience when my company assigned me a big project
@mattsven So. Darned. True!!!!!!!
I didn't think it would balloon so far but then I worked on it for the next nearly 2 years, and in fact I am still working more on it now
what? how? AI?
And it's a big pile of crap that I can never give to anyone else
I have to go now…Doctor Who is calling ;)
because nobody would understand it...except maybe Max
Thank you thank you thank you thank you!
This is a common problem so don't forget about it
I really appreciate your help.
I will NOT!
yeah I'm going go..l8tr m8ts
Thanks again!!
You're welcome! For me temporarily misguiding you
I need to remember that for when my kids grow up
@borrrden By the way, have I mentioned that I have probably managed to beat you on low pay?
As a programmer, no less.
Nope, do they really pay programmers that little in America? :p
The average is so high
The average is actually unusually high in the US, but anyway, I have a salary that's equivalent to $11 per hour.
It's partly Silicon Valley and the other tech hubs' faults with the cost of living, though. Can't have people in your office if the cost of living is high enough that a reasonably salary becomes undoable.
Btw nil
How busy are you in your current job?
Don't know.
I have no frame of reference.
If I was to need your help again – similar to last time, are you still interested, or are you too busy for that?
Can't, not permitted by the company.
Hello guys
Awww too bad :p
Hello Xander.
Your name is similar to the one of the dungeon's boss's name in the game I'm playing.
Unfortunate, but yeah, not in a position to do side work.
Ha ha :)
Is the pay same every where? Few say it is a little more in California!
On the upside, I got a licensed copy of PHPStorm at work already, so that's at least ensuring PHP sucks less.
Pay varies depending on location, employer, position, etc.
I'm a junior programmer/developer, so I'm starting pretty low anyway
You gotta start somewhere.
Oh okay!
But once people know who good you are, it's pretty easy to move.
Thats how every one has started (at least me :) )
Still grinding my teeth about the PHP though.
Once you get to the bottom of stuff, I hope it gets easy then
I hope to get a higher paying job some day
But my wife keeps telling me to stay at this one because my pay is unusually good for my age in Japan
(according to her lol)
PHP 5.5 and up is way better than it used to be, but it's still PHP
I'm going to assume you're making at least twice what I make.
Dude the essence of everyone programming is to get a higher pay one day... Once they get it, the goal keeps incrementing :P
My goal is to own a business.
Preferably a cinema, but I expect those'll be dead by the time I'm anywhere even remotely near that.
Dude cinema is too big!
I am quitting my current job in 2 weeks.
I really can't wait for that.
Im an indian, we have so many languages and many shitty films. I have tried once few years back, but its really difficult to get in!
Cinemas don't have to be big.
Yeah!! Ridley Scott, Quentin Tarantino makes great movies. Yet they make in very low budget..
I'm not even a film person.
In a city that I grew up in, there's like an exclusive cinema, which only has like 25 seats per session.
You want to distribute or make films?
I really love the way Japs made films. Akira nailed it big time!
And off to sleep.
@borrrden Thanks for the advice jim!
Crikey the Unity forum is riddled with help vampirism
WTF...what is this message "You cannot run this application on this version of OS X" or whatever
hogwash, I'm running it on my Mac, why can't my coworker run it on hers....she has the same version of OS X
Alright I figured it out...incorrect dynamic library path....but that doesn't explain why it works on my machine because it was also wrong here :p
4 hours later…
When creating an application do you always use PHP for database transcations?
I don't mean database transactions but interaction* :) sorry.
I use Core Data mostly.
I like that tutorial.
1 hour later…
A: Jon Skeet Facts

Marc Gravell when Jon gives a method an argument, the method loses when Jon pushes a value onto a stack, it stays pushed when invoking one of Jon's callbacks, the runtime adds "please" drivers think twice before they dare interrupt Jon's code

> Jon Skeet once answered one of my questions 42 seconds before I asked it.
"Jon Skeet coded his last project entirely in Microsoft Paint, just for the challenge."
i also like "Jon Skeet is immutable. If something's going to change, it's going to have to be the rest of the universe."
@enricosusatyo still having issues?
1 hour later…
Has anyone worked with having to query Google Search from their app - not using UIWebView or anything?
surely a google search returns HTML
yes, it does
so you can call it like any other URL request
but what you do with the response on the other hand if yoru not putting it in a webview is going to be filthy and prone to change
lots of chang
Yeah, I'll likely use a UIWebView a bit.
Not for displaying, but parsing/retrieving images.
there must be a massive API i have never read for returning searches though in different formats
id imagine you can get the results in a multitude of formats
Yes, there is, but it's limited af
really havent needed to look into it tbh
This is going to be a tad bit more hacky than I'd like
ah well, I'll deal with it
btw, what is this kind of closure called...? int x = ({ /* some code */ result; })
6 hours later…
someone ? :-)
how are u
cool cool cool
1 hour later…
@Maximilian I haven't touched it since I send you that screenshot last night. But yeah I'll just try to pull your changes (I have some changes too in my local repo). I might fork it and fix all the other stuff too if I have time.
Good Guy Enrico
Matt: For the record here's the bug: dropbox.com/s/4xeq376malby5p5/…

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