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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@Maximilian Don't hate life.
Good morning everyone
@DaveS If you have to ask that broadly, you are never going to achieve it...
we gave up on the idea as broken anyway, not really what we want to do.
pretty sure you can't do it iOS side, something to do with the way the access point is configured.
@EthenA.Wilson You say creepy, I say inviting.
@nayoso Hey you work here right? tententime.com
Is that a chess clock app?
That sounds like a chess clock app
@nil Inviting me to be eaten, more like. Why don't you use that one photo of you? I liked that one.
is it possible to have searchDisplayController.searchBar to stay fixed in all states (scrolling, and searching)?
@EnricoSusatyo yeah why enrico?
you are applying there too?
LOL I am not applying there.
Can you say what you're working on right now?
Silk: Yes it is possible.
@EthenAWilson Because I'd rather use one of my paintings.
@EnricoSusatyo sadly no, it's a secret hahah
@nayoso Oh well, tell me later then. Hahaha. (@EthenA.Wilson it's a secret)
89 day streak on GitHub. Woo.
nil are you excited that C++ 14 is done? :p
C++ is never done.
I wasn't aware the standardization was complete, but that's good news since all but ONE MAJOR COMPILER currently supports most of it.
The disappointing thing is that dynamic_array and VLAs didn't make it in
I'd prefer those compilers to finish supporting C++11 first >.>
Clang finished that ages ago.
I know
Unfortunately I can't use their implementation outside of OS X
Android is locked to its incomplete version of the C++ STL
Was it using stlport or libstdc++?
And I don't think clang knows how to deal with C++/CX
It's still using libstdc++
Well, at least it's not stlport.
I think they have that supported as well but I'm not sure
I think they introduced 4.9 with their latest NDK release
That should be fine for C++11 use.
GCC is feature-complete as far as C++11 goes, the issue is just that libstdc++ is still missing a few odds and ends
Some more important than others
<regex> was the one that bit me
I don't think I've even tried using that in libc++
It was just a functionless stub that made errors for the sake of making errors
Which made me think I was doing something wrong when in fact it was simply not implemented
You'd think they would do something more clever than returning an error in the regex domain....
Oh, the NDK has libc++ available for ARM now
No, not ARGH, but ARM
holy shit
WTF seriously
and yes mine is an arghh because I am frustrated.
holy shit that is so scary
Well the lesson being don't go there...ever
I can't believe my QA filed this bug: "The animation when transitioning to another screen in iOS 7 is different than iOS 6".
Btw anyone interested in my girlfriend's old iMac? I've listed it here in case anyone is interested: ebay.com.au/itm/…
shit 2007 imac
There's a CPU called "core duo"?
Is that different from Core 2 Duo?
If only it's a little bit older, right...
Yes, Core Duo is a generation before Core 2 Duo.
And before that it's actually called Core Solo.
WAIT so it's a 32-bit processor?!
And before that it's PowerPC G5, but the Intel equivalent was a Pentium 4.
I haven't thought about one of those in a lonnnnnngggggg time
If you were in Sydney I'd have given it to you lol.
Intel Core is a brand name that Intel uses for various mid-range to high-end consumer and business microprocessors. In general, processors sold as Core are more powerful variants of the same processors marketed as entry-level Celeron and Pentium. Similarly, identical or more capable versions of Core processors are also sold as Xeon processors for the server and workstation market. As of 2013 the current lineup of Core processors includes the latest Intel Core i7, Intel Core i5, and Intel Core i3, and the older Intel Core 2 Solo, Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core 2 Quad, and Intel Core 2 Extreme lines...
Scroll down to Core Duo
I already read that :p
Well aren't you a quick one :p
It actually still work quite fine. It's running Snow Leopard.
I have no need for it lol
I just upgraded my machine
And now I'm playing Skyrim again
I enjoy it for being a game that you can easily play a little at a time
hi guys
Well you should play Final Fantasy XIV =P
Jim,play fallout 3
There's lots of Japanese players over there too.
hi guys]
long time no see
I have played fallout 3 before
I'm looking forward to the new silent hill game
I'll be getting my PS4 pretty soon, so I can play the teaser
can some one tell me how to load google map in UIWebview ?
[webView loadRequest:[NSURL urlFromString:@"http://maps.google.com"]];
I thought you won't buy PS4 jim?
you said you want to upgrade your pc instead buying PS4?
if i load like this can i draw the overlay view ?
There's only one way to find out....
You need a computer and Xcode!
I did upgrade my PC
I was considering upgrading it more but I won't because it is working just fine
I see
yeah you said your video card is fine
btw jim the current apartment is in your name or your wife?
Nothing says fun like passing out and then waking up at 11pm
Probably going back to sleep in half an hour.
Nil please help
Please confirm my doubt
how do I load tableview inside a scrollview and make the tableview still work?
and how do I make button so it's big on iPhone 5, and small in iPhone 4, and even bigger on iPad
I think nil's going to kick me.
Load different XIBs or do it programmatically.
I'm just trolling you.
Hi fellow developers, I have a problem can anyone suggest me a solution, stackoverflow.com/questions/25162436/…
is any way for send private message on facebook friend
please tell me if any person know about this
@DarshanKunjadiya Here you go: bit.ly/1mkvCJG
any one know jquery ?
Ask your real question
That question is pointless
Many people know jQuery.
About 4,010,000 results: google.com.au/…
i want to call a jquery function from objective c class
this is the jquery code
i have 0 knowledge in this
Then why do you want to do it?
i'm trying to load wxtiles.com/api/jquery map in UIWebview
thats why i'm here borrrden
want to make that 0 into 100 :)
Why don't you reference one of their demo pages?
I don't think you need to call it at all
You should make a stack overflow question
Or simply follow the tutorial above...
What if we could teach a computer to learn
Mornin everyone.
What in your opinion would be the simplest way to cache an NSData response from a URL request to avoid loading it from the server again in the future? I want to cache some responses from a week and all the results that I found were old and did not look trustworthy.
I thought you would get that behavior automatically with NSURLCache
@Mutch95 That's how you get terminator and the matrix.
@borrrden that's way too simple for what I need but thanks a lot anyway. More generally I need to work with user data on the iPhone and CoreData sounds overkill since I just want to cache data. What would be the simplest way to get something that has a "Put(name:String, data:NSData, expires:Date)" method and a "Get(String) -> NSData" method? (The expires isn't even that important here)
So you need to manipulate it?
In that case you might consider a plain old NSCache
I don't but I need to be able to fetch old data, present it in the interim while I fetch new data and then update
That still sounds exactly like what NSURLCache does
Well, I guess the part you are missing is showing the old data while you fetch the new
Hello all
I don't see any blogs or code snippet which will access "Java Web-service" URL Is this possible to access in iOS?
what is the difference between a Java web service and any other webservice ?
and before you answer, consider i know the answer.
Sorry, its a SOAP Web service which was created through Java
The last part being entirely irrelevant
Then you would access it the same way you would access any other webservice and conform to the rules of soap.
Personally i find SOAP very dirty.
mariartdevelopment.com.au/wcs How's tho website i'm working on going?
Is Math B even relevant for Programming?
Math B?
it higher than the average math classes in highschool
things like trigonometric functions, when would we use them in programming?
Well I'll tell you that just last week I had to read this documentation from Apple: dropbox.com/s/4felcplrzkqjlrw/…
And another thing I'll tell you is that computer science is about 50% maths.
That Google map calculating the shortest distance between your home and school, and taking account of traffic, weather condition, slope, and road condition? That's all maths.
I find it hard to comprehend in class because they never use real life examples, they always have some excuse to why they can't tell you. Examples of using these functions in Programming would be awesome.
When you say trigonometric functions you mean like sin, cos, tan, etc?
Easiest example of that is, try to make a game.
That Google map example is more about discrete maths, not trigonometry actually.
Formula like so y=sin(x)
creates a wavy line on a graph
Or if you'd like to know why I read that Apple docs above, try to use UIImagePicker using camera as a source, and try to change the image so it has an effect of Instagram filters or something similar.
but say we had an object in sprite kit, could we make the sprite move in a wavy line?
Oh, you made a game before!
You're halfway there then.
so i'd have to find a method which converts that formula into CGPoints?
That's not really how it works.
Would love to chat to you again, but I need to wash dishes and do some stuff now :)
That is the part i need to connect together somehow as i'm missing it...
And Yeah that'd be good :) seeya
Id say that Computer Science is 90% maths, for instance a "function" is an abstract form of a math function. It has inputs and outputs its just that it has formed to be a more usable system for defining actions and so much more.
Id also say that API's are just an abstraction from math too.
Its a good day when you have to write some 'new' functionality without having to dig into your common lib
2 hours later…
I am conflicted. I want to track both usage and crashes. Should I use Google Analytics or Crashlytics, or both? Ping me if you have any opinions on this.
Doesnt the new Apple API cover this ?
i forget if its not untill iOS 8 though
@Dev2rights you ever worked with syncing? in general
I'm trying to establish a baseline in my mind for how syncing is going to work in my app.
its really down to the kind of data you are showing and when you are showing it
it can be very tricky
i tend to now just sync specific data for specific screens to keep the load down as much as possible
What about file stores?
then doing it as a background operation off core datas local context so you dont need spinners
I'm wondering if I should just delete everything in local stores and copy from the cloud when syncing. But that sounds terrible
though it can cause the UI to lock up if its a big write
i only ever synch things that have changed
Right, but say...first, cloud and local have same two files.
Then one file is deleted locally.
then it has changed
and should be synched
i do it all of a last updated time stamp
so i get things that have changed since the lst time i update
including deletes
it really requires the server developer to do a good job
Right, I'm talking about general-use cloud storage providers - Google Drive, Dropbox...
and actually understand the problem domain which in many cases they dont , or at least havent on several past projects were we havent written the back end
i dont use those
i write custom APi's
But that means I have to keep track of deletions?
for that very reason
yeah you need to keep track of deletes and updates.
which means that deleted data can stay in your DB for a long time
Alternatively you can have a table of deletes and synch them seperatly
but personally i hate doing that
You can actually sync the whole lot down each time in the background if the data is relativley small
that is still an option
but i have not had good results doing it that way
My data structure is just an array of static file types that don't change [.png, .customdata] and data about them
.customdata can change...and files can be deleted from local.
or from cloud
see i dont know enough about apples cloud service
but id imagine they have a soloution for this
its such a common problem that it would be mad to run a clud service without it
and its free up to stupid amounts of data, id look at this
drop box isn't a server client like service , its just a file structure so dont go down that path
great for something though
@Dev2rights Actually, they have a way to handle this too: dropbox.com/developers/sync/start/ios
That makes things easier on that end of things at least
yeah but it seems to not allow you to store meta data about specific files, or have records pertaining to them
might be possible
Just use a secondary file
Yeah there are issues with security then and also you can query a file
if that file becomes corrupt for some reason you will also never know
im not saying im right ofcourse
there are a million ways to do it
well maybe less
but i would never do it that way, give me an AWS instance and some MongoDB any day of the week
Is there anybody on here right now that is good with protocols?
define protocols? OBJ-C protocols ? Network protocols ?
OBJ-C protocols
I have a header file that contains a protocol and then the header file contains properties and a delegate property. This is only used in one class. Do I really need a separate header file for this or can I just put it into the class that uses it? I'll create a question for you, so you can get points. Please let me know your thoughts
I struggle with OBJ-C protocols. Still learning them.
its a question if you want to have access externally to those properties
for example
if you have a class person
that has name, age, height
and you set those properties in the .h file you can access them as instance properties of that object
if you want private access though to those properties you need to create an interface in the top of the.m/.mm file and use them there
personally i tend to put most things in a private interface and then set objects by passing in there params and let them do there thing
so its a question of what access you want people implementing your class to have to what properties
this is Object Oriented programming 101
not specific to Objective-C
you should read up more on Objected Oriented programming first id say
@Dev2rights - All good points.
Although, I am familiar with Object Oriented programming. I didn't mean to prompt a question about the scope of the variables. Rather, can I put the protocol inside the class that uses it. As I said, I struggle with OBJ-C protocols. One day, if I do it enough, I'll get the hang of it. Thank you.
no worries
@Lucy such positivity
I am jealous
1 hour later…
@enricosusatyo too bad. I hate it
Just got my first chip on the inside of my new mac, not even a month of owning it. the charger is a piece of shit also. Light goes out all the time, and the end of the charger is what gave the mac a dent
Whenever i take it out of the wall and from my computer, the cord automatically tangles up from still being in the box when i got it, and while untangling it so i can wrap it up it smacked onto the computer again but this time left a mark:/ it annoys me so much that i want to get rid of this computer
@mattsven - It's a sickness! LOL
Google Drive APIs for iOS are manure
Probably the shoddiest thing Google has put out
If Xcode had a face i would punch it
my days get worse and worse
time to fill a bug report that won't be answered ever and ill figure out the solution to at iOS 11
Guys I need some help
I want to center an image
I did this
    UIImageView  * logoView = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 25, 200, 50)];
works for iPhone
I need to find a way to center on iPad without harrcoding the value
Aspect Fill?
What exactly are you trying to do - center the image in the UIImageView, or center the UIImageView in another view?
center the image view in the view
so much code
too much code
ok I removed it
Try a gist, or pastebin
or just explain your problem
I explained
Its not centered on iPads
the logo is not centered because I hardcoded the value
There's a few ways.
Use autoresizingMask
I guess I need the ipdate view size and divide by 2
I just could notfind out how
A: Programmatically Centering UIViews

Dave DeLongIn addition to what @Jasarien and @Brad have said, don't forget that you can force auto-centering using the Autosizing springs and struts. Essentially (in Interface Builder) you click around until there are no Autosizing lines visible, like this: In code, you set the -[UIView autoresizingMask...

ok intereseting
how do I implement that
Is there a way to get at the easing functions that UIView spring animations use?
Like instead of telling UIView to animate with the spring animation parameters, I want to be able to send something what percentage I am through the animation at this point in time
And what animation I want
And then it would send me a value
Think it's only for view controller animations though.
that sounds right
thank you
"To use this concrete class"
lol what does that even mean
That looks perfect
It looks like I can only set the UIViewAnimationCurve instead of full on spring animations
But I don't really need to do damping or anything
so it will be fine
And it says I do need to use it for view controller
But I'm guessing I could figure out someway around that
I wish you could declare private instance variables anywhere besides a method
So that way if an instance variable is only used in one or two methods, you could put it by them
it would be nicer to organize stuff
So on my iTunes connect
Payments and amounts Owed $3.10 AUD
And it's been like that since the 7th of August, How come these figures are not in my bank account?
Because I wan't to buy SOME CHICKEN NUGGETS!
Same thing with imports
Anyone mess with resizable table view cells?
I haven't messed with anything other than sprite kit to be honest.
GAH. I'm going to file a bug report for the whole iOS 8 lol
Seams legit
what is it that you're try to make for IOS8?
Have to reset settings to get keyboard to work (also gets broken again I hear which means resetting every time) and resizable cells stop resizing on rotation for a unknown constraint that is added by the system, only solution is to give up against the constraint and make mine a lower priority, that defeats the purpose of self sizing cells
And the activity picker disables sharing with addition of extensions. IOS hates me I feel like
It just isn't stable enough, Also wouldn't creating all these work arounds be annoying to work with once there is a stable release?
Just working on app update for iOS 8
Ahh okay
And then I'm working on different keyboards, but solution is to reset all settings but something breaks and disables keyboards easily
I havnt really made any workarounds yet. Just redid all my constraints, just then it breaks. So Apple better respond and not with requesting a sample app:P nobody got time for that
haha, are you using swift or objective-c?
Swift is a fun language.
I'm want to work with the new playground feature, but i'm always hearing complaints about it instability.
Ovjective c
Playground is fine
Can anyone log into their iAd Reports on iTunes connect?
It seems to log me out
HI room.
Noel, are you around?
Hi Ethen, Max.
(And Mutch and Noel, not to ignore you...)
Hey Duncan
@nil, are you awake? I have a question for you.
(Risking his wrath by pinging...)
Ethen, maybe you know this. Do you know if you can install a system menu item from an app that persists even if the user terminates the app?
Nil ran away. :(
I'm at work and on my phone so questions may be difficult.
@DuncanC You could probably execute a separate app
That's probably the easiest way
That's what I'm thinking so far, but then how do you distribute it from the app store?
The app store only lets you distribute single apps.
Just execute a separate app that is contained in the app bundle
I don't know then lol
I don't think you're allowed to do that from app store apps.
Would be easier if the mobile site for chat.so didn't suck so much.
It does suck rather a lot, doesn't it?
I guess you could probably procedurally generate the app?
Although that will probably get you rejected
But anyways I got to go
I'm sorry I can't help you :/
I got to go get glasses
K, it was worth a try.
I can't even find a way to upload an image to imgur or Dropbox on my phone.
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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