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Anyone noticed how UITableView's separator lines aren't actually 1px?
There more like 1.8px or some other non integer value
Actually a lot of iOS 7's lines don't appear to be full pixels...
Or summat
One day left on my +50 bounty question, and the only answer so far hasn't worked...
Q: Why is xcodebuild not building dependencies when testing?

Ethen A. WilsonWhen I run xcodebuild, it crashes. It seems that it is not compiling the test target's dependency, which is the main app. The test target is called NiknikTests, while the app's target is called WTATest3. Ld build/UninstalledProducts/NiknikTests.xctest/NiknikTests normal i386 cd "/Users/ethen...

If anyone has any inkling of an idea, please help.
I tried your game and I liked it.
What's his game?
Turn Right
Ethen is back
haha thanks, it's had about 480 downloads
Wow, nice
Do you have any analytics in it?
you mean the downloads charts?
or something else?
I mean analytics inside of the game
i did ad a statistics page for the player, so they could view basic data
@mattsven yes that
@Mutch95 neat
I'll DL
But I mean do you have analytics so you can see crash logs and see those statistics?
eh no idea how to do that, doesn't apple send crash logs when enough is gathered?
That won't be for a while
I think Crashalytics is free
Yeah it is
i'll look into it
how do you make in app purchases safe so people can't hack them?
thinking of adding paid themes
don't wanna change the gameplay though
also enabling the theme, would it be safe to store the current theme selected within a plist?
You don't need to worry about piracy
It's such a small small percentage of people who can ever take anything
@Mutch95 You can't.
That you will literally make more money spending that time doing something else
Actually, I think, you can. But not without pains
And it doesn't matter anyway, as Ethen says
It's not really worthwhile
Also, I have a few suggestions for your app
Would you like to hear them?
alright, but where would you usually keep the data so thee application knows the player bought these themes even when they are offline?
I would love to hear them!
Okay, so when you first start up the app
it takes about
five seconds to start
And I suspect that that is mostly because you are waiting for that audio clip of "Murchurl games", which is really, really bad.
You should have a launch time of about 0.1 to 0.3 seconds
Anyone willing to answer some swift sprite kit questions?
and also your launch image should look like the first screen, except maybe without the text on the buttons
That way, it will fell like your app is just filling in the text for the buttons during that time
but then people won't see the logo if it's so fast?
Which makes it seem way faster
@Mutch95 Yes!
And they shouldn't!
oh :o
It's actually against the HIG to put an app logo on a launch image
but it's a bad idea anyway
it's not an app logo
Especially in a frustratingly hard game like Turn Right, you want people to be able to start the game VERY quickly
because most of them probably play in short, bite-sized sessions while waiting for something
it's like what flappy bird does
I meant a company logo
is it not?
@Mutch95 If you mean about the hard part, yes.
flappy bird had a launch image saying gears
Well, flappy bird has a lot of things that are wrong with it
If you want some kind of "branding" for your app, put an about button or something on the bottom of the title screen
Or it could say made by Murchurl Games
or soemthing
@EthenA.Wilson do you have any experience with swift and spritekit
You could figure that out
@user1502867 Please read the rules.
You are breaking two of them
If you read the rules, I would be happy to help you or find someone who can. :)
i run this
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:2.0];
in the beginning
No no no lol
assuming i should remove that making load time 3 seconds
Don't do that
oh god why haha
It should be under 0.3 seconds. Making the user'
The user's experience is always more important then branding your company.
And the launch experience is not great. It's way too long, and that sound is very embarrassing
rules read
alright, i think i broke the audio in the new update any way
If anyone could help me that would be great
Which makes me not want to play your game in front of other people, which is something you don't want.
Could you change your username to something other then user***** ;)
haha some people love it but yeah ill remove it, any other suggestions
Okay, so to summarize what I've said so far:
Name changed
1. Make the launch image look like the title screen, but without the text so the game seems to load faster.
Ray Wenderlich is a great resource, user (I can't see your name yet b/c it hasn't propagated).
Ethen's critique points are actually pretty good, I'm checking it out now and had roughly the same commentary
People way smarter then me guide you through making a game using SpriteKit
2.Make the load time WAY faster
i can't really change the launch image though because when i add themes colours and looks will be different, but without audio and the sleep method it loads under 1 second
You could make it all gray
So then it looks like it is loading color
3. remove that audio thing lol
haha yeah i did that :p
Okay, so your title screen kind of has an overload of buttons
And if you add an about screen, it will be more so
and a store and options
it needs a better layout
I'm thinking that you probably want to change a little bit to make it easier to wrap your head around
I know how to make games for the most part. Im having trouble creating a random cgpoint in swift
CGPointMake(x, y)
? isn't that just it
When I look at this screen, I kind of skip over all the buttons
are you thinking icons?
@user1502867 If your specific question isn't opinion based, you probably should post it on Stack Overflow. That way, other people who have the same problem can find it. If you don't have any answers after a little bit, post that question to here and we may look at it.
@EthenA.Wilson Not really
His title screen has all the buttons the app needs...positioning and sizing could be adjusted maybe.
Maybe it's just me, but when I look at the title screen, I only look at the Play button
Yes, but I think there are clearer ways to do it
Yes. Change coloring to emphasize play button, or make the other buttons smaller.
Oh, good point.
Your layout is off, if you are not using auto layout for this screen use it now
i don't know how
And make the Play button double bigger or so, and bold the text on Turn Right and Play
Watch the WWDC video on Autolayout, it's very good
any written tutorials :/
But, you could go to thenounproject.com and get a Settings and a Leaderboard (trophy) icon and put them in each corner of the top header thing
That would help simplify it
Also, you include rate with the about/murchurl games page too
@Mutch95 The Ray Wenderlich one is hard to follow and on Xcode 4. I would recommend the WWDC 2013 video, because it is AMAZING
what about animations for background in non game screens any needed?
What do you mean?
like just doesn't it seem like more needs to happen in the menu?
The animation from going to Title to Statistics and back is slowwww
And weird
Maybe you could do some kind of Slide in or something with a spring animation?
Not really. Most games just amp you up with some music, maybe gradient / alpha text on title or play text.
Spring animations are very fast
I think your title screen LOOKS fine, but it is hard to USE
is ad placement good?
It matches in with the nice orange, solid rectangle with bottom drop-shadow look you have.
... I've never seen an ad ever in the game.
Personally, I think the classy thing to do is to charge a flat rate for it with no ads.
But that is your call.
i was thinking of adding a remove ads option
My game is going to be flat-priced at 0.99 to 2.99
isn't it harder to advertise then?
According to David Smith, a well-renowned indie developer with 80+ shipping apps, that doesn't really work.
It really depends on what works for you. The ad is fine - it's not there during actual gameplay. Removing it should be like .99 IAP, if that's what you're thinking.
Noone buys it
I got to go eat super
But I will be back
Also, I meant shipped apps, not shipping apps.
As far as I know, David Smith is not into anime lol @EnricoSusatyo
3,300 Request 3,100 Impressions And With A TTR Of 1.42%
@mattsven yes that's what i was thinking, the ad should be there in gameplay though. But the game pauses if it is ever pressed
Ooh, I see it now. Wasn't showing up for a second
Hey, @EthenA.Wilson - Do you know how to configure a project to have a .framework target INSTEAD OF .a target? I'm looking for a tutorial or example.
So do you think the purchasable theme's option will wreck it @mattsven
@Mutch95 I don't really see theming as selling, to be honest.
Power-ups and what not tend to be more lucrative
Yes but then that makes the game unfair to players that play for free
Does anybody here know how to configure a project to have a .framework target INSTEAD OF .a target? I'm looking for a tutorial or example. Got a question here: stackoverflow.com/q/25148583/1735836
sorry no idea
@Mutch95 - Thanks for the reply. :-)
@Lucy No idea what that means?
Sorry lol
We were talking about my Mom's (lack of) privacy at dinner
And my mom just casually said only one of her sites has a certain passwrods
And Dad said I could do whatever I wanted with it
And I'm pretty sure it's Facebook lol
@Mutch95 Yes. Unavoidable.
Oh, you are bad.
Doesn't seem to be Facebook
I'm trying email, because Mom said it was fine because "she is always logged into it anyways"
And dad said she isn't realizing how important it is lol
which is either social media or email
because email is the master key
Where is @nil when you need him?
He has a job now
hmm I can't get into either
@Mutch95 This is a bad idea.
It detracts from gameplay
Honestly, you really should try charging a dollar or two
So you've gotten 480 downloads so far?
Oh, yeah, I forgot he got a great job. Good for him...bad for me.
Assuming that each download gets you about 0.01 worth of advertising money (which is a gross overestimate), you would need to get 5 downloads to equal the amount of money you have made so far if you charged 0.99.
And if you charged 1.99, you would need to get 2 downloads
Advertising gets you negligible money unless you have ridiculous amounts of users.
I'm having some trouble trying to pass a NSDictionary from one ViewController to another ViewController using Segue
Are you using
prepareForSegue or whatever that method is called?
The NSDictionary has data
but on the destinationVC arrives null
here is my property: @property (retain, nonatomic) NSDictionary *facebookData;
and i pass it using controller.facebookData = _fbUserData;
@EthenA.Wilson any idea?
What method do you pass it in?
Also it's weird how everyone thinks I'm going to be able to help them today lol
Eh I'm going to go Maze Runner it up
Because Xcodeb5 is crashing
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