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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Good morning, internet.
A: Unsupported compiler 'com.apple.compilers.llvmgcc42' xcode 5 DP

borrrdenA) Stop using Xcode 5 or B) Fix the errors in your code I know you won't like that answer but Apple has stated their displeasure for GCC on many occasions and declared it a deprecated technology.

Is there a badge for accepted answer with tons of downvotes?
@enricosusatyo hello
@Maximilian Hi Max
hi enrico
nayoso lol I found something
Remember the decryption I had you write in PHP?
It turns out the same guy who wrote the iOS library also wrote a PHP library for it
And C++ and Java and lots of them
What's the name of the lib?
and I will try to write the description thing tonite
And I will move here jim
what do you think?
I already did the description thing
You are going to pay that much rent!?
And still have a unit bath?
I would hate it
Other than that it looks pretty much like my old place except a bit smaller and way more expensive (not that surprising though, because of the location)
RNCryptor-PHP by the way nayoso
Enrico what is the matter? -_-
My whole life is changing.
Sounds a lot like puberty
Not in the puberty way.
In what way then?
hi all
i need a help in app store upload issue in icon
borrrden: in the adult ways. Hahaha.
Moorthy: what is the problem? You need at least a 1024x1024 PNG, if I recall correctly.
this is my problem
What is unclear about that?
but i have that i con in my application bundle
Use an asset catalog, it is much easier
Otherwise make sure that you have all the correct entries in your info plist
The error message clearly told you what to do lol
but i have that 120x120 size icon in application bundle
3 mins ago, by borrrden
Use an asset catalog, it is much easier
I'm sorry how can i add the images in that ?
....drag and drop
Yeah I would move to that place jim
for temporary
the location is good
I guess I'll just take a look in the RNCryptor because I don't have any tie anymore with PHP haha
@borrrden thank you ..
Yeah, the same guy on github has a php version
You are willing to pay an almost 130,000 yen deposit for a temporary place? o,0
Why does every app tutorial have a singleton?
Because it's a shortcut.
it is refundable jim
that's why I'm choosing that place
I'm planning to move to a "real" apartment next year
after I got my visa extension
And I just send my notification mail to the immigration
and it's very hot outside now
hotter than jakarta -_-
Everything is so full of global.
Singletons are convenient
And not quite as damaging as true globals
Hot: あつい
See? I am pro in Japanese.
What is the kanji?
Hurry now :p
OK enrico I'll help you
暑い or 熱い
Which one?
both is あつい
@mattsven Can you please suggest what should I do to improve this? Any suggestions or library to do this.
@nayoso I will choose the first one.
I have a 50-50 chance of winning.
@borrrden they are globals. That's what they do...
In Objective-C, that's probably true enough
Except for the fact that you cannot access the object directly
You get it via a getter function
Enrico you win by chance
There are also two more
you're correct enrico
厚い and 篤い
I don't know the last one jim
Those are also あつい but a different meaning entirely :p
厚い this is thick right?
The last one means "serious" in terms of an illness
I see
Or "strong" for beliefs
Yes it means thick
Oh man I hate summer
@borrrden are there any good DI frameworks you'd recommend? I really dislike globals they make my tests sad.
I don't know any for objective-c
Might be fun to create one :p
I'm going to try to build a real and big app in Swift for the store. I really don't want to have globals in my app :)
Writing one actually sounds interesting and not too hard. I might do just that, or I might be lazy and not use a container.
jim let's eat ramen again sometimes
Swift is still new, so I doubt there are any fully functional frameworks
Typhoon claims partial Swift support
I want to eat ramen too!!!
But it's apache licensed so you have to drop a massive license in your app ><
Btw I might be in Tokyo in December.
@borrrden I think it's small enough to just not use a container. I still don't understand iOS and Cocoa Touch well enough to know what I can hook on though.
The answer to that is probably literally "anything"
come here enrico
me and jim will treat you ramen
we have a very good recommendation for you
Is this worth it? dollarswift.org
Not yet benjamin
I think
@nayoso I will take you up on that!
@borrrden I know Haskell as well as a bunch of other static imperative languages (I work mostly with C# but I use C++ and Java often) and a bunch of dynamic ones (Python, JS, etc). Swift looks interesting, I read a bunch of ObjectiveC tutorials, it has interesting concepts but it doesn't look too interesting.
yeah you can take note on that
I don't know Haskell, but I do use Scala, C++, and probably enough other languages by now that Swift is just like a nice combination of a bunch of things I like.
Don't do it Enrico
Nayoso is trying to kill you
@nil for example - that article uses "implicitly unwrapped optionals" as a "crazy feature", but I really like the way Swift handles optionals from what I understand.
A lot better than what Objective-C does.
I like Swift but I need it to settle down
I consider implicitly unwrapped optionals unsafe, but considering you have to annotate them as such, that's your problem.
Oh, I also used Scala a bunch, but I wouldn't consider myself as someone who knows it though. My Scala is not at the same level as my JS or C#.
The main issue I see is the over-use of ? as optional stuff
As a type annotation, it's good. As unary postfix operator? Nope.
I used a lot of C# before getting into ObjC
@nil well, my C++ instincts make me hate the possibility of having something uninitialized to begin with. I guess that's a must with UIKit though :/
@borrrden which version? C# has dramatically changed since it was conceived in a way few languages change.
I've used all of them
I still use C# now (didn't mean to imply that I didn't)
But less so at the moment
Cross platform dev eliminates C# unfortunately. Xamarin has done some fun things with it but my coworkers can't seem to understand it so they tossed it
And it definitely eliminates Objective-C for most things
C++ is the name of the game....which is unfortunate for me since I'm used to reflection
@borrrden I like having native controls and native look and feel. I'll probably have to support the iPhone 4 so that eliminates JavaScript completely. Xamarin looks like a less viable alternative than doing it the Apple way which I wouldn't mind at all really. I enjoy learning new languages.
@borrrden yeah, while I really like how C++ has evolved there is some stuff that is utterly annoying in C++.
Have you ever looked at D?
Basically it's a slimmed down sane version of modern C++
I have, it looks very sane.
I'm using it primarily in one of my side projects
@borrrden Yeah, exactly. However D developers are in very short supply to say the least. I've gone through the tutorial and built some test stuff with it but I don't really use it.
vibe.d makes async pretty in a way that rivals C# 5.0
We were using node.js but the async silliness there is unbearable
Lots of languages have developed async capabilities that rival C# 5.0 in the past two years.
The async library is not so bad, but still so cluttered
(waterfall, etc)
@borrrden the solution to that async silliness in Node is promises and generators. All my new NodeJS serverside code uses those and it rivals C# 5.0 pretty nicely. async.js is both slow and bad :)
Async in JS has become very sane since Bluebird. I hate a lot of things about Node though, mainly the way it is recommended to do error handling, the libraries that leak and the fact very few people know how to write performant code. It feels like the new rails at times.
Shingekin no kyojin Season 2 confirmed.
Hahah our solution was D
@borrrden God Damn it nayoso do not try to kill me.
@borrrden which also works :)
It only works because we haven't built anything too large with it yet thankfully
Well, D is interesting, Facebook has some D right?
Yes, from what I read
What I meant was the reason we were able to switch
Not the reason that we are able to use D aha
@borrrden it's pretty fast too :)
1 hour later…
Omg I'm so stupid -_-
I can't properly change this table view cell
Time to go home I guess...
Yay I answered a question and got 20k
I'm going to go and vote to delete all the answers in the world
1 hour later…
@borrrden: Hi
@Wingpad: Hi
hey guy's curious with my downloads how can the % change go up 999% ????
Hello friends, has anybody replaced abort() function which comes in coredata with something useful
4 hours later…
I'm back
Hello gudiya
How are you doing
Good and you?
me too doing good
have you worked with coredata?
great, so how have you replaced abort function when an error occurs
in production code
What kind of error?
abort method is used to deliberately crash/terminate the app
yes, but the comments says we should not use this in shipping application
and we should replace it with some appropriate logic
to handle errors
I am asking about that, how have you replaced it
What is the condition that would make it fail?
we cant say, what happens internally in coredata db, I dont know
No I mean, what is the condition where the abort method is written?
did you get it
I need to delete this
That means if the context was not able to save
I looked up on SO, they say that whenever such conditions occur, we need to show an alertView saying that something went wrong and app needs to be closed, instead of crashing
So, In such case it depends on application. If you were writing something to core data and saved the context, if the saving fails, then your app should act as if the saving/insertion failed
what does that mean?
When do you save a context? Its when you want to update/insert new managed objects, right?
To do that, we save the context, that is, call that method.
So if it fails (which generally shouldn't happen), that means update/insertion failed.
So your app can continue to run, but showing an alert or updating the UI as if the insertion/update failed.
is it necessary to do this?
Yes, because it's called as error handling.
Bad error handling means a bad app.
The insertion/update might fail, but your app will continue to run as if it was successful.
Fooling the user
then what should I show to user?
should I ask the user to send me error report
Either show to user the error corresponding to which the saving context failed.
but user cannot make anything out of the error right?
Yes. He can retry or at least he would know that something he was trying failed.
ok thanks, I will do this and get back to you
@Gudiya, can you once look at this, I was planning to take this approach
A: How to handle NSFetchedResultsController fetch errors?

fabian789Well, apparently nobody has another (better?) solution, so here is my approach: In my AppController I added a instance variable errorString and this method: - (void)presentCoreDataError:(NSError *)error withText:(NSString *)text { NSMutableString *localErrorString = [[NS...

what say @Gudiya
It is doing what his app or the client has asked him to do
but he is also trying to address the same problem as mine right?
But what he is doing is not actually needed
hey @Gudiya
Why would a user (who doesn't know anything about core data) want to know the reason for fetch to be failing
1 hour later…
@rage Hi
@Gudiya hi
hey any idea about how we can customize morenavigaioncontroller in iOS
i don't want to show automatic tableview when lots of tabs are there
What do you want to show?
@Gudiya Did you find answer?
For what?
Aug 1 at 23:11, by Gudiya
how to know if they are coming from the context?
I dropped you an email. Did you get it?
When we fetch something from core data, it comes from persistent store, goes in context and remains in context. Now lets say if we try to fetch same objects again, if they are already in context, they will come from there.
So my question was how to know if they are coming from context or from persistent store
I will check wait
@rohan-patel What assistance you need?
I read your email
I already got started working on it. If I need assistance I will drop you another.
No tell me now something to work on it
Whats @EnricoSusatyo doing at this time?
Did not get you Laddu
I want to work on that project
Oh that project? Last mail was not about the project which is funded by McAFee CEO. It was about something else
What was it about
Lol. Then you did not read my email. I mentioned details in it. It was about some advice I needed for something. :/
hello all :D
noob question: is there an api for that cool export widget you got in many apps? i need one to export some content (mainly text) via email/imessage
@Gudiya hi :D
Skripted : Unclear what you asking
does anyone how to access
school = {
id = 105930651606;
name = "Harvard University";
type = College;
I'm trying [[[user objectForKey:@"education"] objectForKey:@"school"] objectForKey:@"name"];
this is a NSMutableArray
It's a JSON
@eddwinpaz Where do you get that string from?
from a FBObjectArray
is facebook
I'm trying to access one of its keys for college education
@rohan-patel for example in the photos app you got this little export button in the left lower corner. if you click it you get options to send it via email/imessage/facebook etc
the name of the school
is this self-made or are there apis for that
@eddwinpaz In the above JSON, which field do you want to access?
<FBGraphObjectArray 0x8c64780>(
school = {
id = 105930651606;
name = "Harvard University";
type = College;
is a NSDictionary that has inside a NSMutableArray
@Gudiya there is the image.
It looks like an array of dictionaries
I need to access the name of the college
Hi room.
Iterate through the array.
Take them as dictionary.
Do ObjectForKey with key as school to get school. It will be a dictionary again
Then again do objectForKey with key as name to get school name
Hello Duncan.
Hi Rohan. How's it going?
I am doing good. Enjoying last few days of Summer.
I think it is already Fall, right?
@Gudiya NSDictionary *school = [user objectForKey:@"education"];

NSLog(@"School Name: %@",[school objectForKey:@"school"]); no workie..
@skripted UIActivityViewController, maybe?
@eddwinpaz Show the entire method
In the Northern latitudes it's still summer (until september 20th or so)
Here in the Washington DC area August is usually especially hot.
@rohan-patel thanks!
Does it rain there in Summer? I mean frequently.
No propblem skripted. Just want to remind you that you have read rules of chat room in case you have not
Not like monsoon frequently, no. A couple of times a week is pretty normal.
Hmm. In North-East weather is kinda unpredictable even for Yahoo weather. For last one month forecast will say chances of rain and it will be sunny/cloudy without a single drop of water.
@eddwinpaz Now can you show all the log output for the NSLog in that method?
except that the school is null
Can you NSLog user parameter and show me what it has?
@eddwinpaz NSArray *school = [user objectForKey:@"education"]; should be NSArray *school = [user objectForKey:@"school"];
ok wait
1 message moved to Trash can
@eddwinpaz Please use git or any other code sharing website, and also do read chat room rules.
@rohan-patel yes. thanks.
Welcome and important rule is do not ping anyone unnecessarily which you should always keep in mind.
@eddwinpaz Try this - pastebin.com/URgSHwHH
Url is broken :(
pastie.org works?
it works :D
how did it go with the visa?
hey by the way..
Visa transfer is in progress
wow.. so long?
yes, takes a while
Hey quick swift question. Does anyone know how to correctly delay a while loop 3 seconds before every time it repeats?
did it work?
@user1502867 ??? did it worked for your?
Yes it did. The problem is, its stopping my game while it runs. Im using sprite-kit and I wanted the loop to create random sprite nodes at 3 second intervals.
@eddwinpaz Is there anything that can cause the loop to delay, but not the game?
yes there is
you should use a NSTIMER
Im having a little trouble with this. Does anyone in here have experience with sprite kit?
@DuncanC Hi Whats up
Hi Laddu. Sorry, missed your post.
Not a lot. Quiet at work lately. You?
I'm playing with iOS 8 extensions.
Hi everyone. Can anyone recommend a place I could post a Swift framework I've recently open-sourced on GitHub for people to potentially use and/or provide some feedback?
Somehow I did not think of that. I just had such a "duh" moment. Thanks!
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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