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What does the Hierarchy of a UIWindow look like?
It can be UIWindow > Subview | Subview | Subview
But what if you throw a rootViewController into the mix?
Is it always UIWindow > rootViewController.view | Subview | Subview
What's the difference between a Subview and rootViewController.view?
Not sure.
Is rootViewController.view's superview UIWindow?
I guess it's possible.
I'm just wondering how the rootViewController fit into that hierachy.
rootViewController.view.superview is nil
it's faaat Albert
@Logan Weird
The rootViewControlleris just a link to "the app's data and its visual appearance"
Probably some weird-backend native thing it does
in regard to the view.
I don't think the UIWindow cares about rootViewController aside from its view
"The root view controller provides the content view of the window"
I think it just takes the view off of it and displays it.
Me either.
I guess you're saying, it displays it but doesn't care where it would fit into its subview hierarchy.
Well, if you assing RootVC, it will clear old view hierarchy
"If the window has an existing view hierarchy, the old views are removed before the new ones are installed."
I should really read the docs
I usually only go to them when something is puzzling me/I want an overview/aquaintance
Otherwise I prefer experimentation
I like a good combo
Open up the programming guide and a fresh project and dig in
Some are more difficult than others though
not to learn, just to understand the docs
Well, I guess to learn as well.
and search for "adding content to your window"
I found the line: "This property is used only to install the root view and is not used by the window to communicate with the view controller."
I think that should more or less answer the question! +15 points!
I suppose
What is missing?
I asked along that original line of inquiry because I was curious about overlaying rootViewController.view without using another UIWindow.
If I did [UIWindow addSubview] would it overlay the root VC's view?
From what I read, I think so.
Did you try it?
I'll try it.
But, even if it did, what dictates whether a view receives rotational love?
UIWindow modifies the root VC's transform to enable rotation in correlation to device orientation...
How does it decide which one to rotate? Whether view.bounds == [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds?
Not sure, I don't seem to be able to addsubview like that
addSubview didn't work?
I can't seem to get it to work. Lemme debug a little to see if I'm making a mistake.
Yea, everything seems fine, not sure.
Have you gotten it to work?
Adding a subview (after assigning a root VC) worked.
It overlayed the rootVC's view
I'm not adding rootVC, it's just a single view application
And the subview didn't appear?
Yea, it didn't work.
I just added my VC as rootViewController explicitly and it worked.
I've had UIWindows with only subviews work fine before
Not sure why it isn't working for you.
I must be doin something.
If I don't assign a rootViewController, it says Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
But the subview shows up fine.
Are you doing makeKeyAndVisible?
Do I have to if I'm adding it to the UIWindow already present?
If I have this: ViewController * vc = [ViewController new];
self.window.rootViewController = vc;
So you're doing this after application launch
if not, doesn't
I'm trying all sorts of ways, I'm also trying to add from VC like:
[[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window] addSubview:lab];
I'll try that, see it anything changes
UIView *lab = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200)];
lab.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];

[[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window] addSubview:lab];
Worked fine
Are you on iOS?
That's almost identical to the code I'm using, except green.
Oh! LOL, yes, I'm on iOS.
I got it to work!
I was doing it in viewDidLoad
still doesn't work from app delegate though unless I set rootVC explicitly.
Ok, what were we talking about originally
I've forgotten the problem
The rotate thing
I don't think it handles it at all, I think that's part of a ViewController's responsibilities to intercept and adjust.
Hmm. You're probably right
You could build a VC to handle the rotation, then just add it's view, or you could intercept rotation notifications in the view's subclass.
Found this " If a view controller is not visible when an orientation change occurs, then the rotation methods are never called. "
Where do you find these things
This is odd.
I'm typing into UITextField and it isn't scrolling right automatically as text moves beyond bounds as you'd expect
I'm gonna head out man, good luck!
Thanks. TTYL
textField.contentVerticalAlignment = UIControlContentVerticalAlignmentTop;
textField.contentHorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignmentLeft;
textField.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentLeft;
Solved my text field woes. iOS is weird - shouldn't that be the default?
So much [
Also, apparently UIApp doesn't exist in UIKit. Weird.
Kind of a shame. I like NSApp.
Even if it's just a macro for a sharedApplication call.
So much [?
The beauty :(
@nil views in code or nib?
Do you prefer to build your views in code, or using Layout Builder (nibs)
Depends on what I'm doing.
wake up @Shade !
3 hours later…
oh look at this. you're awake!
I can't believe it.
It's rare
But will happen on occasion

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