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Ok I'm back, everyone wake up.
whats up?
it's a miracle... like Steve Jobs on Toast
Why is it a miracle?
bad things have happened... @Shade is still sleeping, Max somehow scored a ticket to WWDC and DuncanC won't help my doubt.
Did you get the WWDC ticket?
where did you go? were you on vacation?
did you get a WWDC ticket?
I might never spend my money on something that I will get in near future for free.
Did you get?
possibly! But you should come to San Fran anyways... there's an AltWWDC conference as well.
and that you can not get in the near future for free
so you should go.
I was there almost. I am sad as well as happy.
Looking at expenses, I am glad I'm not in SF.
true, but if you were here you would already be well on your way to firing your boss and your current job and going to the next one.
how is your new housemate?
There's none now.
couldn't stand them, could you?
Right. She was ugly as the code of my current project.
Good morning everyone
I hope you come back and spend more time here more often. It's boring here without you driving Nil bonkers.
Next I switch my job, I'll make sure I'm in SF.
Good morning nayoso
I've just asked Tim Cook to have coffee with me on Twitter.
hello laddu long time not see you
good luck with that.
Enrico you should just go to have coffee in the maid cafe
I think you will be happier
With Tim Cook? Wow, baby steps nayoso.
even though I never go to one
reminds me of pepsi logo but i like this
Apparently I am going to get 6 more Apple stocks for each one I have starting from June.
@ladduhasADHD long time no see
and i got a ticket
Apple stock has apparently gotten too expensive
hence that's why they are doing the split.
to make it more affordable.
But 7-1 split is actually very rare. I've never seen it before.
A lot of my fellow investors hate this decision.
if they don't like it, they can sell the stock.
before the split
more stock for me!
@MaxHasADHD Congrats. I hope that would be a wonderful experience for you.
How does the stock works?
you buy a share of stock, then it usually goes up
Michael: They don't have the decision enough to sell the stocks.
unless I own it, in which case the price goes down.
lots of bugs in Sketch 3. there is a place i can put a text and i can't move it unless i click it on the side and enter new coordinates. otherwise its non clickable on top layer
And what is this split?
that means if a share of Apple stock is worth $490 today...
Imagine you have a $100 bill. Now Apple decided to recall that bill and gives you 10 times $10 bills.
after the split, Enrico gets 7 shares of stock each worth $70.
but yeah, he understands.
Enrico is wealthy.
He is my role model.
when I grow up I want to be just like Enrico.
and also an accomplished space scientist and author.
What is the point of doing this split? If I have 5 shares then what the 7-1 split do to it?
When I grow up I want to be like Michael and be a pro funny picture poster.
Even the first paragraph is funny:
> Suppose I have a delicious pie (apple, let’s say), that is divided into four slices. And then I decide to divide it again, into eight slices. Do the individual slices become more delicious?
Mike works with Google's team of Image Search API
All access to private API
So if Apple allows us to split our shares, it's for others to buy at a lower rate i.e. the split rate?
yes.... it makes the shares more affordable.
Pso what are you guys looking for in iOS 8
Ability to handle bigger screen?
Me: Inter app data sharing, Siri improvements, Siri in Bahasa Indonesia, Siri with international features (not US only), ability to have intents or contracts, improvement to some UIKit elements like UIButton, UITabBar, and UINavigationBar improvements to UIKit dynamics, better notification centre, Xcode with better fuzzy autocomplete, power savings improvements, better crash handling in Obj-C, better Storyboard handling of scrollviews, better storyboard to code conversion.
The list goes on.
Need to cook dinner. Brb
Oh, she came back then
I'm looking for iOS 8 not to come out
I have my hands full enough with iOS 7
Siri with international features is not likely going to happen
Maybe in Japan or somewhere else that Apple has a satellite company
Yay, back on Mac OS
Still not sure which book I should get :p
Depends on which area I want it to be useful for
If I want it to be useful for my day job...then I'd get a cocos2d-x or C++ book....my side job node.js, or just study in general F# or Scala or some other functional language ><
I doubt there's much to learn when it comes to node.js
It's a single-threaded Javascript VM running outside a browser.
It's known for doing async IO via forks, futures, promises, and whatnot.
I can probably learn most of that from nodeschool
Can probably learn most of it by hating node.js and then vowing to never use it because it's a pile of crap.
Why do you say that?
Because it's bad.
You don't write performant software in Javascript. You don't even write coherent software in Javascript.
I am using it as a piece of the project for my side job
It is a good model for handling network requests
eventually Xcode might start asking you more intimate questions
I still am not in love with it, but it did get me in the habit of writing stateless code
Wait, what are you using?
Ah ok, yeah I don't mind node.
If I really think about it I probably could have used Scala
But I would have had to convince everyone else on the team to learn and use it
Scala seems to be equally useful for quickly getting server processes up and running
My team has a demo coming up for our project
May 1st in Amsterdam
It's cool and it involves teddy bears :p
Actually it's technically not our demo. It's our partner's demo. We are demoing their technology using our project
Node.js is for web devs who want to pretend they're real programmers and for people who really, really want to use the most popular thing regardless of suitability.
I assure you that the people on our team are real programmers
So what's the rationale for picking node.js then?
Well, it's simple, it's performant in the ways we need it to be, and it has bindings for the tech we are using
It's also easily portable
Noel: Why not node.js?
Because Javascript
Because javascript and single-threaded.
Saying it is "single-threaded" is a bit of a misrepresentation
I think nachos sound good.
I agree with borrrden, I'm not a big fan of the language itself.
But I think the single threaded issue is temporary for now, and for a large portion of problems you may not even need multi threading at all.
Nobody is (not even the creator) :p
If you serve like a very simple website with very few visits, node.js is a pretty fast way to get going.
node.js is not single threaded. The Javascript environment is single-threaded
Lol borrrden, yes.
^ that is very true.
node.js will spawn threads internally if it needs to, in order to do work
I haven't developed this sort of thing myself, but I assume it would require a native library
That doesn't really make the stuff you're doing not single-threaded.
Sure, anything you do in Javascript will be on the same thread, so it is important to finish as soon as possible
But on the other hand, there is no need for locking and all that bullcrap
That stuff that everybody gets wrong all the time
No locks means more scaling
That's not a justification for having a huge limitation on what you can do.
What's the limitation?
If you have a long running process, make it async
No threading.
It's not like node.js is sitting there always doing one thing at once
If you have a long running process, fork it, and suddenly you have two of that process with a huge memory overhead and the cost of a fork. Fork it more times and you end up with more overhead.
It's far less expensive to spin up a thread than it is to fork and communicate via serialized messages
Some of the processes do use threads, as far as I know
I mean some of the core node.js API
Basically, given the choice, I'd always pick threads, because I can spin up more processes regardless of the environment, but being unable to spin up threads as I'd like is a limitation I wouldn't want to take for something that may need to grow in the future.
And so while all the node.js people love talking about scale, I consider the claims extremely dubious
Most people are not calculating the millionth digit of PI in their node apps
They get a request, do something simple, and then return a result
Or, in our case, get a request, perform an async request to a DB, construct an object based on some security rules, and return it
And what happens when the requests get complicated over time?
At what point do you stop and think "it would be really useful if I could explicitly do a few jobs in parallel, but because I chose this limited VM as my base, I can't"?
You can do jobs in parallel in node
Parallel, concurrently, or asynchronously?
There is a webworker API
Webworkers don't solve the serialized messaging problem.
Well if the day comes when the only way to solve our problem is to create an explicit thread, I suppose we could write a native plugin
Should probably keep a counter, then.
Just to see how many days it takes.
Oh yeah, nachos
Was going to make some
I am hungry too.
I'm sure it will be made up for by the fact that we didn't have to mess around setting up a server correctly
And that we have a huge reduction in the number of possible race conditions
Hi room.
Has anybody seen Ethen in the last couple of days?
Yeah. Yesterday.
I haven't seen him a lot.
I've been trying, without success, to catch him online for the past 3 days or so.
I haven't been on a ton myself though.
@LadduHasADHD, long time no see.
@DuncanC Yeah. How's it going?
I was cooking Egg Curry and Rice.
Not bad. Tired.
Sorry to disturb your cooking. By all means finish up. Just wanted to say hi.
It's fine. I am almost done and it's all set now.
I just got back from spending multiple hours at a college fair with my daughter.
Horrible traffic jam on the way there.
Spent about 45 minutes to go 2 miles.
Reminds me of the time I was stuck on the road just outside my apartment parking lot for about half an hour because of traffic to a football game on campus (my apartment was also on campus)
Which was really just another item on the list of reasons for me to hope my team lost.
Minor plus: Most of the traffic jam was downhill, so I shut off the engine and coasted until it was over.
My daughter has a hybrid. That's a big plus of hybrids. You pull to a stop and the engine shuts off. (unless you have the AC or headlights on)
Mine was flat, but I did get to turn off the engine for about 10 minutes since the road I was on ended in a stop sign that you had to turn right on at a 5-way intersection that had four of its ways managed by a traffic light that was unwilling to stop letting people enter the road that prevented people from turning right.
That was a very bad day to go grocery shopping.
Whoever waited that long for the road to be clear was probably not a very confident driver.
I was living in Baltimore in 1983 when the Orioles won the World Series. Idiots drove laps through the city for hours, honking their horns. I wanted a BB gun to shoot out windshields. (Or a shotgun to blow out their tires, even.)
Oh how things have not changed
Although firing a shotgun in a big city tends to draw lots of attention.
Recently UConn won the college whatever
The fans responded by flipping cars and being a menace
Is that your alama mater?
No, my cousin's
But I heard about the riots on the news
Should've thrown down caltrops made from bent nails.
That way there's always a spike going up
Or sharpened jacks would make decent caltrops.
Reminds me of a game I had for Win3.1 or whatever where there was a bouncing ball and you had to click on all the jacks before the ball hit the ground.
Was either 3.1 or 95
One of those.
Computer jacks. How... fun.
Not really, but it was good mouse exercise for us when we were adjusting to the existence of mice.
Windows 3.1, huh? You were a kid then, no?
Bearing in mind that only one person in my family didn't start on MS-DOS or earlier
My parents felt computer skills were important, so we've had them for as long as I can remember.
Helped that my dad worked for Intel.
I thought your family owned a farm?
No, that's borrrden.
Oh, my bad.
My dad worked for the Social Security Administration.
I could read IBM punched cards by looking at the holes without a key when I was about 7.
My family lived on ranch-ish land in California and we occasionally had livestock, but we weren't farmers.
My dad worked on a farm as a kid because his family was poor, though.
when'd @LadduHasADHD come back
This room is in an abusive relationship with Laddu.
Who's being abused? And I thought that was Max?
Hah. Max is in an abusive relationship with himself.
Yeah my cousins own a farm
But my dad has always been pro-tech
He's owned Apple products since I was born
I grew up using Apple OS 6 / 7
I remember when he switched from 9 to X :p
Some of his software didn't work and he was not happy (he used it for work)
At the time I was unhappy with his Apple decision because of the distinct lack of compatible software
And not because the first release was so buggy they made the next one free?
I remember when the coolest feature in OSX was the text-to-speech feature
My OSX history dies between then and when I got into Hackintoshing
By that time I had a Windows machine though so I didn't pay much attention to what was going on with his computer
Anyway, time for bed. Gotta get up early tomorrow.
g'night all.
The worst part of eating: when you've eaten what you had and can no longer eat it
Or when you eat it and legitimately forget you ate it.
stopping eating, in other words?
I'm still 90% sure there are invisible elves that live in my house.
The worst part of eating for me is the realization that I will probably negate my exercise from it ><
I miss the days when I used work out like a fiend. I had to work to get enough calories.
I would eat like 6,000 calories a day.
On Sundays I would get up, go for a 20 mile run, have a big breakfast, then go for any 80 mile bike ride.
An 80 mile bike ride burns a LOT of calories.
It also sounds miserable lol
I did a 6 mile bike ride last week and I felt bad
I also pretty much dislike long things like that
I'll do boxing exercises for an hour or two, but that's about as long as I will tolerate
After that it gets into the territory of "I have other things to do" :-S
Best way to compare float NSString to actual float? "1.001" == 1.001
My girlfriend will ask me if I cleaned the living room or did the laundry. I can't well say "Sorry, I didn't, I was running for half the day" haha
or you can
and then you ride out of the wreckage of that relationship like
...There's a reason I'm not in a relationship.
There're many reasons I'm not in a relationship. Many good reasons. All of them my fault.
I'm not riding out of anything :p
I'm riding further in
not sure if
He's going to ride so far in that he turns into a butterfly.
I don't care if it doesn't make sense.
I'm sure that's a reference to something
Mine isn't.
Or a manifestation of some subconscious childhood trauma in Noel's past
[@(1.001).stringValue isEqual:@"1.001"]
I have an English degree and my focus was surrealist poetry.
You ask where things come from and I probably can't tell you.
I'm back
One positive thing to say about Windows 8.1: it boots very, very fast.
goodnight. I'm outa here.
@NoelCower That's it
I hate how you can't shutdown easily
Yeah you can.
If I want to get to the bios...
Start menu -> click power button -> shut down
I remember I had trouble with that
I mean using the power button.
I didn't have the patience for it.
Anyway I downgraded to Win7
So far, I've lost my ghost status on this run of Dishonored, but I'm still on the way to a pacifist win
I'm willing to accept not ghosting the game.
I watched the movie Sixth Sense and it was good.
Tonight I'm planning to watch Memento.
Memento's a really good movie.
The bad thing is that I have already watched an Indian movie years ago that was based on Memento.
So you watched a bad movie based on Memento? Memento should still be good then.
Ghajini () is a 2008 Indian action psychological thriller film written and directed by A. R. Murugadoss and produced by Tagore Madhu and Madhu Mantena. The soundtrack and score is by A. R. Rahman. It is a remake of Murugadoss's own 2005 Tamil film Ghajini starring Surya Sivakumar in the lead role. The film explores the life of a rich businessman who develops anterograde amnesia following a violent encounter in which his love interest, model Kalpana, was killed. He tries to avenge the killing with the aid of Polaroid Instant camera photographs and permanent tattoos on his body. Aamir Kh...
It wasn't a bad movie. I mean - it's bad that I have watched a movie that's based on Memento. I might already know a lot of twists.
@NoelCower How...explicit, is Memento?
I know it's violent, but other than that
Not very.
Ghajini sounds like it's an action movie that gave up the complexity and depth of Memento.
Complex movies doesn't work in India. People just reject it. They want romantic drama and songs. Very cheap.
No Smoking is a 2007 Bollywood neo-noir psychological thriller film written and directed by Anurag Kashyap and co-produced by Vishal Bharadwaj and Kumar Mangat under the banners of Eros Entertainment and Big Screen Entertainment Pvt. The film stars John Abraham, Ayesha Takia, Ranvir Shorey and Paresh Rawal in the lead roles, while Bipasha Basu appears in an Item number. The film is loosely based upon the short story Quitters, Inc. by Stephen King, which was previously adapted as one of three segments featured in Hollywood anthology film, Cat's Eye (1985). It became the first Indian film t...
This was a complex movie that I'd say 99% of Indian's didn't understand. And it was a huge flop.
Was it a flop because it's bad or something else, though?
What he said
also why do you think that is? That people want shallower, upbeat movies?
It's really hard to figure out why a movie fails because if the audience doesn't exist for it, does that make it bad or does that mean it's a new acquired taste?
Similarly, some movies really are just bad. For example: Disaster Movie.
I think that's why it failed.
I worked at a cinema when that came out and it lived up to its name and the "_ Movie "reputation of being terrible.
We had multiple sets where not a single human being ever showed up to see it.
Rotten Tomatoes, I think, gave it something like 1% overall
Here is how I shut down Win 8.1
Windows + X -> Select shut down
A lot of people don't know about the Windows + X command
I'm still adjusting to the Win+X thing
It brings up a menu with a lot of the content from the Win 7 start menu
It's handy but getting into the habit of using it is difficult
I use it so much now
Also Windows + S for the search bar
Bring it out, type an app name, enter
Memento... started.
I dunno what's going on in the movie.
You probably won't until the end.
That means I will have to watch it at least twice.
This he/she has obviously not programmed enough
Q: Learning to investigate bugs

Jay CarrI'm not even sure how to define this difficulty. It reminds me of the test a couple of prospective employees did on me before I got a job. They would pick an object in the room and then I'd be allowed to ask questions to help myself determine what that object is (much like 20 questions). I was ri...

"If I'm honest, I feel like I'm just having a hard time imagining things that could be wrong so I can test them and, hopefully, find a solution."
That sounds crazy to me
Probably just personal (unintentional) arrogance though
What he means is that he doesn't have the imaginative power to predict things that may go wrong
That sentence doesn't seem particularly arrogant to me
He is pointing out his shortcomings
I mean my own arrogance
@borrrden Here's the thing though: you always assume that something will go wrong.
That's my personal motto.
Knowing that the more...potential, something has for an error, there's a good chance there's one there.
So you throw things at it until you find that bug. If you don't find one...
I think the movie is moving backwards.
mind blown
Instagram for iOS 7 Icon i made
could be bad but i like it XD
I didn't know Jony Ive browsed SO
Not bad, considering your inexperience.
Just took the 4 colors in the instagram tassel and used as BG, then just needs a lens.. icon shouldn't be too complex for iOS 7
and wanted to do something different, on Dribbble every icon redesign is a 100% copy of the current icon with less detail in texture and just flat, or gradient BG of their activity icon for apps.. pretty lame.
so far 2 people in real world like the instagram icon 😆 lol. i will get everyone to like it! then send to their team and make them use it:O they need to update
I appreciate that non-conformists
Great wisdom from Facebook Paper team: "All code is inherently messy". (Thanks @jadzor) http://t.co/qatZvcnSgH
"All code is inherently messy"
2 hours later…
I forgot how weird Skyrim was.
Seeing as you play a genocidal kleptomaniac who leaves mountains of naked corpses in his/her wake.
Btw nil, I've just bought a PS3.
I'm going to play Final Fantasy XIV this weekend.
The most recent FF game I have is 10.
Which I didn't bother beating.
I bought FF9 recently but also haven't really played it all that much just because of how utterly tedious the games are.
I liked FF9.
I played it in PS1.
It was such a beautiful game.
I also really liked the story.
I shall be right back. Need to reboot into OS X before it gets too late for the BOOOOOONNNNNNN boot-up sound to play.
And back on OS X.
I have a iOS feasibility question. Any one here can answer it....
Paste the question here. If anyone can and has time, they will.

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