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I have a design question for all
I'm working yet again on a system to create classes that interact with a sqlite database, like a simple core data
Only this time, in C++
In C#, I made use of generic classes and a master create function that would instantiate the appropriate class. Should I do this via template classes in C++?
Not a C++ master over here
Bad question of the day:
Q: Storyboard connect with json

Saleh Bin HomoudHello I have an application ready I want to put Json instead of the existing one. What is the way , and thank you Application here http://www.appcoda.com/search-bar-tutorial-ios7/ https://i.sstatic.net/M4LHB.jpg

@borrrden Do you need to?
This is so freaking stupid and dumb and unnecessary: smh.com.au/environment/conservation/…
> "I'm actually proud because I think we have given children a huge understanding of the anatomy of a giraffe that they wouldn't have had from watching a giraffe in a photo," Stenbaek Bro told AP.
How can this guy sleep at night.
I'm not sure what I need to do
My goal is to have an easy factory for objects that share an abstract parent class
With most of the logic in the parent class, and the details in the subclasses
I think I can do it more simply though if I think for a little while longer
@JgdGuy You have write access. Read the rules in the description of the room before you do anything else. Respond that you understand them within 10 minutes.
Ok, cleaned up most of the code at this point.
The entire project is a whopping.. wait for it... 333 SLOC.
Not counting the XML.
Counting the XML would be unnecessarily inflating the hell out of it.
@EnricoSusatyo see how i replied on question. stackoverflow.com/questions/21670202/pull-down-to-show-view/…
@JgdGuy sorry, no write access. You are just being a help vampire in all the other rooms.
Oh, by the way, Enrico, I pushed all the current changes to the repo
@Nirav such completeness.
Alright thanks nil.
Went through and documented a bunch of stuff as well.
Are you planning to take the repo down at some point, or leave it there?
I don't plan to remove it, just in case you or anyone else needs it.
hope viewer consider it as good answer..
Nirav: The only thing I'd fix is the spacing in your code.
Though it'll probably sit mostly unused for now.
nil: alright cool. I'll pull it once I get home.
okay bro thanks for editing.
It's almost home time.
I haven't edited it yet.
I'll be up for a while longer — woke up at 12pm, so I'm good for a while — so I should be able to help you with anything build-related and whatnot
Now I have.
The NSChat! :)
hey guys
Nirav, Are you allowed to display your app's wireframe's in SO ?
If yes, you are lucky.
Alright, but I will also be busy with submitting the iOS version to Apple actually – he wants that done first before building the Android version because it take a few days for Apple to review.
Oh, by the way, as far as your TestFlight question goes, I have absolutely no idea — I've only used Google Play's testing stuff
what other guy will understand using this screenshot
Charan: I am allowed too, if I blur out the sensitive info...
I'm very much a send-APKs-to-people person
it's just country page
I know about TestFlight
Hmm then if the other person got the APK, what'd they need to do to install the app? Just tap on it in the email attachment or does he need something else?
Anyway, That is considered as a crime when you are working for apple.
They need to install the app
Charan, don't worry about it.
Lol Charan. In Apple even touching a journalist is not allowed, right?
oh!! you really worked with APPLE?
nil, I can help you for testflight
blurring is a good idea enrico.
Williams: I've used TestFlight too, no problem with that.
May be, but i can't see any journalist's out here.
William: Do you know any other more efficient way to distribute Android app to beta testers? Apparently with Android APKs you'd need to register with TestFlight, so it's not as easy as with iOS (because in iOS you have device limit in the provisioning profile anyway).
I don't think nil has asked you for a help Williams.
@Charan please remember one thing that i know you very well and we worked together in kuwait. hope you got what i want to say.
Charan: I was looking at Storyboard for a good 20 minutes looking for this the other day:
so dont try to remember me
@EnricoSusatyo Pretty much just opening it like any other thing on Android.
So if I attach the APK in the email, it'll be installed?
lol, that was cool though.
In that case I don't need TestFlight at all...
They can install it if they choose to install it.
I think it will get installed enrico.
@EnricoSusatyo If you do not want use the TestFlight then you can either use the Google Play Beta Testing or either send the APK directly to the client
You can also just send them a dropbox link and they can download it in the browser.
Or I can send you my debug APK and they can try installing that.
That sounds very convenient. It doesn't work like that in iOS hahaha.
Oh that sounds like a good idea too actually.
Just keep in mind that debug APKs cannot be signed with release keys and can't be uploaded to Google Play.
It's verboten.
Cool, that's ok.
For the debug APK, client have to tick mark on the Unknown Sources in the settings of the device
It will get installed if you send it as an attachment in mail as well.
They can probably figure out the installation stuff by googling.
It's fairly well-documented.
anyway, what is the expansion of APK?
@Charan I don't think there is requirement to focus this. Nevermind!
Android Package.
Android Package
Ah! cool.
Is Williams actually will.i.ams?
nil: I dare you to do this to your cat:
I'm pretty sure that he will bite nil if he do this to him.
My cats immediately wake up if you touch their tongue while they're sleeping.
They usually just look confused.
Ok, email with a debug APK sent out.
Thanks nil, I have to go soon. Talk to you guys later.
Good Morning
Good Morning!
viber stickers are booming.
1 hour later…
Q: How to go about making a game like flappy bird?

user2778618Im just curious about how the developer made the iPhone app. Did he use xcode/objectivec to code it? or did he do it some other way. Can anyone give me a detailed explanation on how to go about programming something like that? thanks!

LOL page not found
Oh good, that means my flag got through
luaforge.net/docman/83/98/… ⇐ Dear god, how have I never read this?
I need to get books on this stuff.
Wait what, you used Lua's VM as a model for your VM?
timezone's greeting all
Timezone greeting
did you notice how Pratiksha/Silly/Laddu has disappeared since she moved to Boston? :)
I think nil bounced her from the room.
wouldn't be surprised
nil bounces everyone from time to time
lol, Friday my mac went from Mt. Juliet, TN to Nashville, TN. Saturday from Nashville, TN to Memphis, TN. Yesterday, from Memphis to... Tulsa. Now from Tulsa, it has to come way back East to get to me.
maybe it just went to see the state
Memphis is like 4 hours east of me, and Tulsa is about 3 hours west. So I guess it's technically closer now.
at least there are cities in TN
I used to live in Kansas
Well, I live in Arkansas.
Though, I kind of hope the Mac gets here late. I got a new game last night and haven't had a chance to play it yet.
which one nhgrif?
Kerbal Space Program
ey, I need to write a custom MKOverlayRenderer subclass...
potentially two
@rage she came back asking for write access yesterday.
I gave her access.
And this morning for a brief period of time this room also became a bit of NSDrama again.
ah, I see
she should change her name again to NSDramaQueen
10 hours ago, by Laddu
I'm asking 'cos I'm also planning to divorce
That is in one sentence, the story.
that didn't take long
she wasn't even married for a year
she's probably going to make one very lucky iOS developer very unhappy :)
Mmm hmm.
Her husband is an iOS dev?
no he is an SQL dev, but she's more into iOS devs
nowadays that counts
they don't speak the same language :)
I see.
If you go through the transcript this morning, apparently she called her current husband and confront him.
I won't, I don't care that much
If I was 15 years younger and stupid enough to care I would, but I'm not and I don't :)
I was also quite busy this morning.
Have you seen this?
I mean Pratiksha is actually a very pretty girl and an iOS developer, so that's gotta be interesting
I wish I bought a Mac earlier. I've only been a user since 2008.
but nah, she's an NSDramaQueen
Oh, that's her real name. I thought that was just another one of her handles.
Pratiksha? yes that's real
Ah ok.
Btw you saw Bitcoin prices?
Makes me want to buy more. But I can't, no more budget for that.
yes they are fluctuating quite a bit
doesn't matter, I essentially get them free
at least so cheap compared to even the current rate, that it counts as free
Holy Crap! I need this right now.
I'm going to bed, goodnight Charan and rage.
good night
Wait, are you using Final Cut Pro X ?
who is?
anyone of you or both of you?
I have before
not very often
Well, What cameras and devices work with Final Cut Pro X?
most of them
any device that is any good
Then why my DSLR is not working, its Nikon D5000.
for video?
Wait, let me check whether i have connected it correctly or not.
I haven't tried it with anything other than a video camera
I mean a device that was designed to be a video camera in the first place, not a still camera with video capabilities
nice long human readable method pattern:
- (NSFetchedResultsController*)fetchedResultsControllerWithTrackingDataFromDate:(N‌​SDate*)fromDate toDate:(NSDate*)toDate
looks like a quarter of my advanced human readable methods
ok, give me your longest one that still makes sense
id have to dig it out
and it wont make sense
i got to 3 lines in xcode once though
not a good thing
morning Pratiksha
how's the US?
and what about this divorce thing I'm hearing?
yeah he's cheating on me, I'm very sad
had a discussion with him few minutes ago
is he now?
yeah he is. He says he isn't
how do you know?
He had a girl friend before marriage. I managed to hack into his facebook and I came to know she is the most visited profile from his account. I asked him why he says he doesn't visit her at all and it's all magic
yeah, right
you don't mess with a programmer, right?
yeah I used phishing to hack him
I've also hacked many of my college friends using same technique
in my college days
Then from one of my friend's gmail, I sent an email to a boy saying she loves him and blah blah and it was fun
you haven't been married even just a year
very typical of you americans
Is it good that she is the most visited page from his account? She was his gf. He visited her on last years valentine day. The frequency of visit is once every week and it's most compared to his other friends in facebook
well, I'm not convinced he is cheating on you still, but I get your drift
Wait, I need to go down and grab the free breakfast. Brb 5 minutes
Max is back
I'm back
You don't use facebook, right?
I don't think he's cheating on her at all whatsoever. He's just visiting her Facebook profile once in a while. He's not spending nights with her or going out with her.
no I don't FB much
No, I explain
There are ways to go to your friend's profile. One is - you see some updates or some post from your friend on your wall, You click on the name or the photo and visit the profile
wow, people are insane! ebay.com/itm/…
After having or not having read the updates
Im putting all my devices on ebay later with Flappy Bird
Another is - you type your friend's name in the search bar and get the results and visit the profile
jesus. who the hell wants flappy bird that much
Facebook doesn't log in the first approach
in second approach, facebook makes a log as "searched for". Thats where I can see her name appearing many a times
Now psychologically, the difference is
In second approach, you intend to visit the friend's page with/without seeing any updates on your wall
why are we talking about Facebook when a guy is selling his iPhone for $90,000 with Flappy bird?!?!?!
So he does that
he checks up to see that is EX girlfriend is doing okay on Facebook = cheating?
Then what it is? == awesome? Excellent american culture?
he should be more sensitive to you being sensitive.
and more considerate, too.
Whats the point in visiting your girl friend's page intentionally? The most number of times? After marriage? On valentines day?
it's not February 14th in India yet, is it?
It was in 2013
And by that time they were no couples
They broke before that
oh well… I can't stop you from being insecure.
no, give me an explanation to my above questions
if you think it's lame
explanation to your above questions: "Q: what it is?" "A: him just being dumb"
The four questions in one statement, above
Laddu why are you messing with Facebook and such
just let it be or get a divorce
I don't use facebook. It sucks. I use it only to see how boring my friend's life is
One of my friend posted years ago - "I am waiting at a bus stop" and it got 50 likes
People really like the bus
I posted "Hi" and it got 1.8 million likes
So did anyone enjoy their max break?
I didnt post on Tweeter or here
Do you guys think the iPhone for $90,000 is fake
It isn't normal, thats why he's saying he doesn't know about the logs. They are appearing automagically. I told him I need a sensible explanation or contact facebook and ask them why they are appearing.
Woot! Monday. :]
that it be
what happened yesterday
Girlfriend came over. Watched a movie. She did her homework. Went home. Played Pokemon X until my room mate came home. Then we watch American Horror story, finishing the series. Then played more pokemon before bed to try and get my mind from having nightmares - didn't work. Went to bed. Here.
I wish the UIAppearance method for UITableView let us make different backgrounds based on table style. I have to add a line of code in every table view class now because plain table view cells should be the same as its background, but grouped table views look better with different color cells
wow, lots of pokemon
I just bought the game and the 3DS. So i've only really put in 4-6 hours.
I saw Lego Movie again with a girl.. then went to my house and tried to watch indiana jones
but her face got in front of mine
That's unfortunate. For her.
lol why for her
she put it there not me
I'm just messing with you :D That's good you're dating. Don't let her know you're making big bucks in this iOS game. She'll only want cha for the money.
Im not dating her
just allowing her to put her face in front of yours. >..>
lol we have had a class all year but i really started talking to her friday.. i said some stuff every day randomly but ya.. friday
My man max got the moves.
she planned it, not me!
unintentional moves. Well you agreed, so there must be something there.
We were going to get pizza and she said she wanted to play a game, then she cancelled the pizza and game and i put on another movie and then she just kept complaining about stuff until she got what she wanted she said.. so confusing
Hmm sounds like a girl. n.n
From pizza, i realized I forgot to have breakfast. Brb
ya she's pretty cool. and lol Laddu XD
Im getting starbucks soon:D Thats my breakfast
I've got an orange, apple, 2 chocolates and coke
I've just entered the ''write and api backend call in 30 minutes" competition
Night mode in Flow is nice
@Rage, link?
no, it was just a figure of speech
I need to write an api backend call in 30 minutes for real :)
Oh haha. Well I wish you luck.
I entered the go to school by 710 competition
That's the time i get to work.
so many flappy bird clones
7:10 am?
I'm going to make a Flappy Bird clone.
But first, can I have a photo of your head Max?
@MaxHasADHD, what kind of music do you like? 80s rock?
you are making flappy max?
Yep. and instead of dodging pipes, you avoid good coding standards and advice.
difficult game indeed
one of the flappy bird clone must be from the flappy bird developer
hmm. If I set an object to readonly, how do i initially set it? I don't get the purpose if I can't set it in the first place.
ie. @property (readonly)CGPoint graphPoint;
I want to initially set the graphPoint but only make it read only after that.
Set it in the initializer method
29 minutes and the api call is ready
and pushed
Woot Rage!
Laddu, you mean _graphPoint = ...; cause that worked.
so _ is a setter and self is setter/getter?
_graphPoint refers to the variable name. self.graphPoint will call the acessor method but it won't work 'cos it's read only
I mean you can use self.graphPoint to read it but not to write/set it 'cos its read only. So you can't do self.graphpoint = someOtherPoint
so only the class/object that has the graphPoint, can set it not any outside sources?
How to initially set it? - Setting a read only property to an initial value is typically done in the class's init method. From there on, it is only read. To modify, there has to be some other method in the class that does it
Thats the whole point of read only properties. It can't be modified from outside world
Thanks Laddu.
Example, In an Employee class, the property salary must be read only. It may not make sense that from outside world someone could do john.salary = somethingVeryLess. So in the init method of the Employe class, you could do _salary = someInitialValue. And there could be a method in Employee class say, creditSalary: which will modify the salary. In this way, outside world cant directly modify the salary and has to go through the method creditSalary: which makes sense
Yeah, I totally understand now. I was a little iffy about the difference between _ and self (or ivar) usage.
but So in the init method of the Employe class, you could do _salary = someInitialValue.
couldn't i still do self.salary = someinitialvalue;
no, the object isn't completely initialized until it leaves the intializer method and hence it's hazardous to invoke accessor method within it
There are posts on SO web on that, I will find it, wait
no, the object isn't completely initialized until it leaves the intializer method , does that mean self doesn't exactly exist until init is finished completion?
Okay, :)
Q: Why shouldn't I use Objective C 2.0 accessors in init/dealloc?

schwaIn @mmalc's response to this question he states that "In general you should not use accessor methods in dealloc (or init)." Why does mmalc say this? The only really reasons I can think of are performance and avoiding unknown side-effects of @dynamic setters. Discussion?

I mean it's safer to avoid it.
I gotcha.
as I understand it. self.readOnlyVar is like calling instance.readOnlyVar. They both are read-only.. but calling _readOnlyVar is writable.
but self.object = ...; is the same as [self setObject:...]; correct? or is [self setObject:...]; the same as _object = ...;
or are they completely different between self set and _ =
not sure :)
try it out and do let me know what works
self.myvar is same as [self setMyVar:someVar]. Both will invoke the setter accessor method
They all work if they inherently are atomic, @byte
_myVar is different from both as it's acting directly on the variable. There is no setter call invoked here
yes, Laddu makes sense
so I guess the setter is blocked in readonly
but you can create a custom setters?
it will give you compile time error
that goes around it
I never use read only :)
You can override the setter method and do your own implementation. But invoking setter method for read only properties will give you error whether or not you override the setter method
ah that totally makes sense. Since, if I call the [self setObject:] and need to hook with -(void)setObject: {, you need to do -(void)setObject:(id)obj { _object = obj }
Awesome, that really helps me with my programming. Such a better understanding now, thanks again Laddu.
Besides that the setter methods generated for us by compiler (that is when we don't override the setter method) takes care of memory management. It will first retain the new object you want to set, call a release on the current one and the set the current one to the newly retained to be set object
The difference between self and _ and all that would be a bitch of a interview question. Really get someone confused, if they didn't really put to much effort into understanding it.
If the property is primitive type, the setter method might be first checking if the new to be set value is not same as the current value and then set it. So these kind of code we get automatically by the compiler
yeah such are very popular interview questions
I'd hate to get an interview question about the difference between @property atrributes (attomic, nonatomic, strong, week, retain, assign, unsafe_retain, copy, readonly, readwrite, etc)
why? what doubts you have in those? Also it's unsafe_unretained I think
which is same as assign, but ARC convention
No questions with em at this time, but I know some times i need to check up on them. Just more of a memorizing thing.
Old Asking Alexandria was so heavy too me.
Sweet, @Laddu, your teaching of _ vs self completely fixed a bug after i applied what I learned from you. That makes my day.
@Laddu, although I don't exactly agree with your moral/ethical views, I respect you. I'm sorry I was so harsh to you.
haha no issues. I don't even remember that now. And you're welcome :-)

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